The Cage's Anonymous Confessionals

latino World order

Dang it Bobby
Welcome to the first edition of the Anonymous Confessional. I want YOU to think of a confession right now and send it in. It can be about ANYTHING, just send me one!!! No idea what I'm talking about?! Read on.

[email protected]

Mail your confessions to that address! All confessions are kept anonymous. You have a secret fetish? Maybe you have a silly habit? Do you do weird things when you're alone? Get that weight off of your shoulders and send an email! It doesn't have to be rude. I'll post the email for everyone's entertainment and fascination! This forum is anything goes, let's keep it that way!


I can't see your email address unless I click a button to show it. Even then I doubt I will recognise your email address, so the chance of me knowing who you are is slim.

I won't post the confession if it:
  • Contains pornographic images
  • Contains warez
  • Dumb

>>>> I will NEVER post your email address and I will never include your username, even if you ask <<<<

Let's get this party started.
I have a very odd fetish. It's sort of an embarrassment fetish, mixed with infantism and transgender. I usually fantasize being forced to dress a little girl, or being forced to act like a child. Most often it's on the thrive of embarrassment, and isn't an AB fetish or transgender fetish.

My suggestion is to watch Dwarf pornography.
I usually fantasize being forced to dress a little girl

I'm hoping a type-o was made, otherwise I feel authorities may need contacted on this one. :disappointed:

I love wrestling, but i have a confession. I like to *********e to the internet, not porn. the internet, and it feels much better, you know? You should try it once.

Google FTW
Has anyone noticed that the forum blocks out any set of numbers that could be your credit card/social security number? Look, I put in my bank account number and it comes up like this:


Try it yourself.

You know, I'm surprised that this little text box can identify which sets of numbers are credit card numbers. That's pretty impressive. Sly, how'd you do that?
The numbers showed up for me :( When did Coco get banned?

EDIT: Nevermind. That's pretty harsh...

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