Gallows and Anderson


Championship Contender
There has been a lot of discussion about what Gallows and Anderson will be called IF they side with AJ Styles or if they side with Finn Balor when he debuts. Which is what I think is best. Balor will need them more than Styles.

BUT back to my topic, they can't call theirselves the Bullet Club obviously because NJPW owns the rights. But I bought a Balor Club BULETTPROOF shirt..... So a possibility we see them come out Monday with Finn Balor as the new Bulletproof Club?? They get the buzz from the Bullet Club without copyright infringement.
I can see these guys being pretty boring in a few weeks time, that debut put me to sleep. A very underwhelming first match. It didn't help they were taking on a tired Uso's tag team either.
The 'swerve' coming when they betray AJ and help Roman Reigns ruin wrestling is going to be what kills their hype, and their entire build, and turns Luke Gallows into Luke Gallows, and Karl Anderson will just be Luke Gallows buddy.

WWE doesn't even try to make it's storylines complicated, they're so silly obvious, and another guilt by association gimmick is about to be put through Roman's Ringer.

Finn Balor teasing and being anti-teased, WWE, again, trying too hard to play the dirt sheets pretty much confirmed he's showing up soon with their "I'm staying in NXT" announcement they made him make after the "cya on Monday" comment.

One things for certain, WWE isn't going to miss booking AJ, Bullet Club and Finn getting together in the near future before they all burn out, I just hope that however they do it, they get everyone away from Ramen Noodles, or the Boo Magnet will stink it up.
I must admit I don't know their history very well and what it was with Styles or Balor so I am a newbie on them just along for the ride.

With that said, I agree with the prior post that mentioned their debut was really boring. Maybe it's because there has been so much hype over them I just expected more but it was painful to sit through.

Also as has been mentioned, the build up here to them turning on Styles is also painfully obvious. Hopefully WWE swerves and surprises us all with them having really worked WITH Styles this whole time but when was the last time they did the unexpected? Because right now it is totally expected that they interfere and align with Reigns, or at the very least, cost AJ the match and lead to AJ getting terribly pissed and starting up with them.
I find their gimmick very stale and think they have limited ability or value outside of being the traditional henchmen for a faction, think Ron and Don Harriss.
The only reaction these two were going to get was when they debuted. Granted, the Usos didn't do G&A any favors in their debut match. But at the same time, G&A aren't an "exciting" tag team; they're pretty much a (physically) bigger version of the Revival that made a name for themselves in Japan. I've said it for years - there's no money in Luke Gallows, and he is arguably one of the biggest wastes of a big man in wrestling history. Minus the Festus character (that was Creative's fault), he's never found a moveset. All he does is punch, elbow, big boot, leg drop, and Baldobomb (two handed chokeslam). What kills it for me is his total inability to sell, and those absolutely stupid faces he makes. I am more excited to see what KA can do, as he looks leaner and more cut now. But given the "hype" that G&A came in with, it looks like Creative's going to feed them to Roman to help take the heat off their Golden Boy. Not good.
I have heard the talk about Gallows and Anderson align themselves with Roman as Roman turns heel. I have heard the talk about Gallows, Anderson, and Finn as The Bullet Club. I think Roman wins tonight due to interference from Gallows and Anderson, But they interfere and attack A.J. not to help Roman but to hurt A.J. Monday night we find out who pulls there strings.
your stale boring roster.
Roster that consists of Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Cesaro, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Natalya, Charlotte, Paige, AJ Styles, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Randy Orton, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, Shinsuke Nakamura, Eric Young, American Alpha, The Revival, Enzo/Cass, Bayley, Asuka, New Day etc is boring and stale?

Next time, Have a base for your illogical judgement.
here is my opinion and it's the RIGHT time for this on many levels. the leader of the wwe bullet whatever alums be John Cena. for starters, they are positioning reigns to be the make a wish baby face(which is as much a corporate stock holder satisfaction move as anything) that does all the publicity, so heeling cena can happen. heeling cena SHOULD create sympathy for Reigns. it freshens up cena's character. it gives gallows and Anderson a rub. AND it's the 20th anniversary of the NWO and what better way to honor than to turn Hogan 2.0 but have it be as organic. and there are so many similarities to then and now differences to but if wwe is ever need of a chasastrophic game changing event, it's time to pull the trigger at extreme rules
If they do that, how do they book Cena? Don't get me wrong but I think that not even he can keep [insert name here] club running singlehandedly.

That being said, I've not seen the bc. It could be..... interesting.
simple, use the same formula as the nwo. cena egomaniacle narcissist who along with his boys, run ruff shot all over wwe, have them hijack raw injure stars, create a situation where fans are dieing for a hero, create Reigns to be sed hero
here's how you set it up, gallows and Anderson come out during extreme rules, beat down Reigns along with Styles, everybody thinks fix is in styles goes for cover, they pull styles off, beat him down, cena comes down g and a leave, cena picks up styles, stands next to him, then FU's his ass them they beat down both put RR on Alka 123 kicks both out of ring and they celebrate, maybe even cut a promo
I feel that WWE shouod first let them loose and wreak havoc in the tag team division. They need to show all the qualities because of which they became so acclaimed in Japan!
Roster that consists of Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Cesaro, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch, Natalya, Charlotte, Paige, AJ Styles, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Randy Orton, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, Shinsuke Nakamura, Eric Young, American Alpha, The Revival, Enzo/Cass, Bayley, Asuka, New Day etc is boring and stale?

Next time, Have a base for your illogical judgement.

None of those mentioned have done jack shit lately! I stand by my assessment, WWE's roster is stale and boring! Look at the ratings decline in WWE! It's called an opinion and if you don't like it, tough cookies because you can't do a damn thing about it!

These WWE fanboys act like only THEIR opinion matters...SMH.
None of those mentioned have done jack shit lately! I stand by my assessment, WWE's roster is stale and boring! Look at the ratings decline in WWE! It's called an opinion and if you don't like it, tough cookies because you can't do a damn thing about it!
Your statement was that the roster is stale & boring. If ratings are declining, It doesn't in anyway suggest that roster is boring and stale. Ratings decline because of STALE booking. How is a roster boring if they aren't booked rightly? The wrestlers I mentioned have given awesome matches in recent times. So your assessment is baseless.
Joesgonnakillu said:
These WWE fanboys act like only THEIR opinion matters...SMH.
I have sympathy for you for considering a WWE critic as a WWE fanboy. You are damn wrong with your facts. If I oppose your baseless statement about WWE, it doesn't mean that I am a WWE fanboy. I am a fan of wrestling, be it WWE, TNA, ROH or NJPW. It isn't an opinion, Its all about facts.
Your statement was that the roster is stale & boring. If ratings are declining, It doesn't in anyway suggest that roster is boring and stale. Ratings decline because of STALE booking. How is a roster boring if they aren't booked rightly? The wrestlers I mentioned have given awesome matches in recent times. So your assessment is baseless.

I have sympathy for you for considering a WWE critic as a WWE fanboy. You are damn wrong with your facts. If I oppose your baseless statement about WWE, it doesn't mean that I am a WWE fanboy. I am a fan of wrestling, be it WWE, TNA, ROH or NJPW. It isn't an opinion, Its all about facts.

No it is YOU who is damn wrong my friend. Look at the shit you mentioned: Sasha Banks...hasn't been seen since WrestleMania. Becky Lynch....just jobbed to another shitty wrestler in Emma. Eric Young...this tool bag is a joke, once held the TNA women's tag championship. WWE's roster is at one of the lowest points ever! Ratings are down because viewers are used to seeing Cena, Rollins, Orton and instead are stuck with the current hot shit on Raw and Smackdown. The Dudleys? Are u serious? No one gives a rat asre about those two washed up losers.

Spin it however you want, but watch the ratings continue to decline Cousin Cletus.
No it is YOU who is damn wrong my friend.
Really, Then lets dissect your post.
Look at the shit you mentioned: Sasha Banks...hasn't been seen since WrestleMania.
So not being seen means that she is shit? We haven't seen Undertaker and Brock Lesnar, so are they shit? She isn't being seen so does it signify that the roster is stale and boring?
Becky Lynch....just jobbed to another shitty wrestler in Emma.
Emma is a shitty wrestler? Please go watch her matches with Paige and Asuka in NxT. She is a very good wrestler. Admit it or not, but she is nowhere near shit. Becky Lynch losing = Jobbing? Emma has just returned on main roster. She needs wins more than Becky. Its called putting over.
Eric Young...this tool bag is a joke, once held the TNA women's tag championship.
He is a joke? Wow. Daniel Bryan was Eric Young of WWE. You can see what that means? He is a good wrestler atleast. His holding those belts made him shit?
WWE's roster is at one of the lowest points ever!
I just gave you 29 awesome wrestlers and you could only argue against 3 and that too was baseless. Still it is at the lowest points?
Ratings are down because viewers are used to seeing Cena, Rollins, Orton and instead are stuck with the current hot shit on Raw and Smackdown.
The ratings were declining even when these guys were there. And now these 3 are injured thats why they aren't active. Lets assume that ratings are declining because of absence of these guys. But if viewers are used to see them only, doesn't WWE need to expand their viewing choices? Would only 3 guys keep the ratings high? No, they won't. Ratings are declining because of creative loopholes. Roster is noway responsible for it. Then If its shit, why still watch it?
The Dudleys? Are u serious? No one gives a rat asre about those two washed up losers.
I didn't mention them anywhere. Seeing dreams?
Spin it however you want, but watch the ratings continue to decline Cousin Cletus.
Well, I spin things because I am a spinner. But the fact is that WWE Roster is nowhere near being stale and boring. There is immense talent out there, Booking of these talents is stale and boring sometimes. I think that it is the most talented wrestling roster present in the world.

Opinions might differ but facts don't, buddy.
Gallows and Anderson = hot garbage. The Briscoes totally dominated them in ROH. Congrats Vince, more hot garbage for your stale boring roster.

Stale boring roster? Seriously? Your either watching the wrong wrestling company or delusional or are clueless.

I'm bored with Del Rio. Other than that this roster is crazy insanely talented and exciting!!!
You guys are trying to argue with an idiot going on about ratings when he's an obvious TNA mark. Says more about you than it does him.

Anyway, Gallow and Anderson best shot at staying relevant long term is to turn heel on Styles. As WWE has shown, they're not good at sustaining pushes for many tag teams long.

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