Finn Balor POSSIBLY appearing on Raw this Monday


Staff member
A couple of hours ago, Balor posted a very cryptic message to his Twitter account. The picture depicted a t-shirt with the words Balor Club written on it. The caption that went along with it was "Monday #BulletproofBC #worldwide". This post has lent itself to the school of thought that Finn Balor will be appearing on Raw this Monday.

But what do you think? Will Balor appear alongside the rest of the Bullet Club? Will he appear on his own? So many questions and not a lot of answers thus far. Let the speculation begin.
If he is appearing, the most reasonable explanation would be for an NXT showcase match. They did it a couple years ago on Raw with a tag match involving Neville, Breeze, and two others I can't remember (I think Zayn). This would likely be to help sell NXT Takeover Dallas to a larger audience since it's the same week as Wrestlemania.

He'll almost assuredly appear on his own, as it'd be weird to kick off the Balor Club stuff now in the midst of him gearing up for his title defense and the fact that those guys aren't hitting the main roster anytime soon. Takeover feel like the night we'll see those guys in full force, not a random Raw on the road to Wrestlemania. Stranger things have happened though, as last week demonstrated.

Regardless, I hope it's true. I'd love to see him pop up on Monday in any capacity.
I took it as they're releasing a new shirt for him this Monday. It's pretty rare for them to debut someone this close to WM, especially someone who still has the NXT title & a big match for that said title on an NXT show WM weekend.
If anyone is appearing Monday, it's going to be Anderson and Gallows. The WWE, Finn, and multiple others have stated over and over again, Finn is the NXT anchor, and will be for a long time.
Great, debut him right before WrestleMania, when all the storylines and matches are shaping up, getting lost in the shuffle is a great idea for him..

No, he's not debuting this week.. Finn has all of you wrapped around his finger, anything he says you take it seriously when he's been doing this shit for year's.

Understand how his twitter account works, he does this shit all the time.
I don't think that Finn Balor will debut before Wrestlemania 32. And I also don't want him to debut now. If they wanted him to debut, Royal Rumble would have been a good place and would give enough time to him for showcasing his credibility to main roster audience. Balor has been teasing Balor Club since a long time and I know that it will surely come true in 2-3 months but only if Balor is nomore the NxT Champion.

Let him lose his title at Dallas and make him debut at Wrestlemania along with his goons attacking Roman Reigns after he wins the title from Triple H. So, Reigns wouldn't have to face boos on winning the title and Balor Club's debut would create a big impact.

I think there's virtually no chance of him debuting on Monday. Also, it would totally kill the shock value of if he announced it first. At best maybe there's a vignette or something.

I do think it would be cool for them to have an angle that crosses over between brands, where the Bulletproof or Balor Club or whatever we're calling this group, could wreak havoc on both shows, but with NXT being taped a month or more in advance, it's basically impossible.

Finn is in a weird situation, honestly I know the Bullet Club was hot in NJPW, but Finn is an established solo act here, and I actually think having Doc and Anderson with him in WWE weighs him down more than helps him. He really needs to be pushed properly when he gets called up, or he'll end up like Breeze, a guy with a great look and entrance, that is otherwise undersized, and who's working mid card (or worse) very quickly. I don't want them to just throw him out as a random surprise the night after WM if they don't actually have legit plans in mind for him. He has the potential to be a HUGE star, but they've gotta do it right.
I doubt he will but a Wyatt Family/ Bullet Club Mania match seems like a good way to introduce a few new guys onto the roster.

Though I don't see an actual Bullet Club alliance as such happening in WWE anyway.
I don't think that Finn Balor will debut before Wrestlemania 32. And I also don't want him to debut now. If they wanted him to debut, Royal Rumble would have been a good place and would give enough time to him for showcasing his credibility to main roster audience. Balor has been teasing Balor Club since a long time and I know that it will surely come true in 2-3 months but only if Balor is nomore the NxT Champion.

Let him lose his title at Dallas and make him debut at Wrestlemania along with his goons attacking Roman Reigns after he wins the title from Triple H. So, Reigns wouldn't have to face boos on winning the title and Balor Club's debut would create a big impact.


I understand how you're thinking with this, but it's a terrible idea. Do NOT have him debut attacking Reigns if you want him as a heel. Reigns is way too tweener with the fans that if Balor and the Bullet Club debuted attacking Reigns, they wouldn't be over as heels. He's better off attacking Ambrose to get over.

If he debuts any time soon, it'll be the night after Wrestlemania. Not before that.
Not a good idea IMO. Finn Balor has the potential for amazing Wrestlemania entrance moments, the build needs to be longer than this. Cena vs Balor next year for Wrestlemania.
Unless they have a match planned, which would be stupid to do at this point, there is no good reason to debut him now instead of at Mania or the Raw after. Why debut a new faction only to either do nothing with them at Maia or worse rush a feud for Mania. Not saying wwe won't do that as they are not exactly known for great decisions but it would be smarter to start showing the "coming soon" videos on Monday and build it up.
These WWE guys are better trolls than Crocker is. He should really take lessons from them.

On topic this was announced about a week ago when the WWE asked for a trademark on the name. Oh well it's was fun while it lasted, getting us all excited for some new faces on RAW. Guess we're stuck with the same old bunch this week.
Bullet Club in the PG era? You're having a laugh! :D

They'll debut, possibly on NXT, but they'll change the name probably.

More likely, it's going to be called Bullet Proof Club or Bullet Proof Balor club, which sounds utterly dreadful. I would be glad to see them coming up with some name much better than that. And they do need to debut that stable on the main roster rather than in NXT. That would make much sense.

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