Gail Kim Says She'd Like to Finish Her Career in TNA; Will Never Go Back to WWE

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

Former WWE Diva Gail Kim told the UK Sun that she has no plans of returning to the company. "I've experienced WWE twice now, and I know that I do not enjoy that place," Kim said. "The second time I really had optimistic hopes and dreams, but I know I would never go back there."

Kim also stated that she informed John Laurinaitis that she was quitting the company ten minutes before the infamous battle royal in which she eliminated herself from the match. "It was a very controversial thing," she said. "A lot of people said that they lost respect for me because I was unprofessional. But unless anyone walks in your shoes they do not what you feel.

"I can admit that maybe it was a childish thing to do. But I would not take it back. I was disrespected many times by the company, and when you get disrespected that many times there is only so much you can take.

"I'm not one to just lay there and take it – at least not now – and they didn't even notice. I was fed up that day. There were other circumstances within the company that pretty much made me make the decision that I was done with the company, on the personal side and the professional side." To read the full interview, visit

Powell's POV: Kim also indicated that she is on hiatus now, but added that she would like to finish her career in TNA. Thus, it seems like it's only a matter of time before she returns to the Knockouts Division, which could use another veteran in-ring performer. She noted that Ring of Honor has never reached out to her. She goes into more detail about her final night with WWE and it's a good and recommended read.


i would rather Gail Kim finish off her career in TNA.
They have/will actually appreciate her. She would probably gone no where in WWE, but she has been a MAJOR Knockout in TNA in the past.
Well, I think her problem with the WWE was she was never really over with the live crowds so it killed her push. I think she should have never left TNA as she made the KO division mean something, hell; she was even the first KO champion in TNA. I know the saying money talks and it definitely does as it is probably why she went back to WWE. It's a shame though for everything TNA did for her and how well they used her from what I can remember. I do wish TNA brings her back as they could use another vet and a Gail Kim versus Mickie James feud could be interesting.

If TNA does sign her that is cool as I think she has some talent left in her.
Mixed feelings. I think that Gail is a good worker, and one of the more talented in-ring women WWE has ever had on it's roster. I do think she was under/misused, that said what she did was unprofessional. I will not knock her for her decisions because we ultimately have to do what brings us happiness since we only have so long on this earth and you have to be true to yourself.

I will say my personal opinion is that it was a pretty irrational thing to walk out on the biggest and highest paying job you could ever achieve in her chosen profession, but that's just my personal feeling. When there are people who are unemployed, or working for minimum wage and she is living a life many people could only dream of it didn't seem like a very rational way of conducting business.

Beyond that, I think she has a bit of the Kaval mentality, that because she is a good worker WWE somehow owes her something. Sometimes you have to take these things in to your own hands, Zack Ryder is the perfect example of this, at one point he was very much in danger of being fired, and now he is one of the biggest merch sellers they have.
WWE continues to lose talented performers time and time again. What is wrong with this company? It is as if they value the suckers and punish the ones who know what they're doing. What's this hatred for great performers? They handed CM Punk a bucket of shit when he got on board for being a ROH guy, John Morrisson is treated like crap (even though I don't like the guy, he's perfect for WWE's style), Dolph Ziggler is in JoMo's position back when he mattered, Evan Bourne is getting paid to look other wrestlers look better than they actually are and gets nothing in return for it aside from a good salary, Gail Kim is being disrespected, Jim Ross is being disrespected. The list goes on and on. It's a damn shame.

Gail Kim should finish her career in TNA. Nobody blames her for trying to earn a better living. If someone does then I really want to see that someone go for the sky and fall flat on his ass. She learned her lesson and she's hopefully going to come back to a company that treats its employees as human beings for a change. TNA is not flawless, never was, never will be, but they don't disgrace their most talented wrestlers like the WWE does. That's for sure.
If money wasn't an issue I'm sure Gail Kim never would have left TNA.

I can totally understand where she was coming from, pretty much her whole career she was featured prominently and always had a good spot whether it was the manager of Planet Jarrett or in the knockouts division. Gail Kim was used pretty well in TNA and I feel always did her job very well, I really enjoyed her in her feud with Awesome Kong and was at a point one of the best things in TNA programming.

In WWE they completely dropped the ball on her which was expected considering their Diva's division more resembles a Miss America pageant then hot girls who can actually WRESTLE. Even though they do things with Beth and Natalya that's all the Diva's division is, basically a filler in the show that is used for a bathroom break or for horned up dudes to get a boner and get their boob fill in. In TNA she has more of an opportunity to showcase her skills and show the world who Gail Kim is, she can't really do that in WWE.

If TNA could pay her what they should and 35K a year (and you have to take care of your expenses) isn't nearly enough, I make tons more than that doing jack shit.
From the interview

"By the time we got to the match our time was cut so bad they just said 'everybody get out of the ring as fast as you can before the break happens,' which was maybe a minute.

"They said get out of the ring as fast possible, so I did!

She said: "It was more the treatment of the women's division I was disappointed with in this last run.

"It's so frustrating to be working so hard and know that it's not going anywhere and it doesn't matter.

Honestly there were times when I felt like if we had a great match, say on Superstars if we had seven minutes and the chance to tell a story, I felt like maybe we'd get punished for having a good match.

"It's sad that when you have a great match you know it won't be rewarded."
You know she may have a point. We've said this about the Divas division lacking for years now. Were was the story telling, how come the matches are so quick and it's bathroom break time. At first I did criticize her decision but now I have her side of the story and it's aligned with the some IWC complaints about the Divas division. Can't wait for part 2.
In her last TNA run I enjoyed a majority of Gail Kim's work, I was pretty pumped when she got back into the WWE but truth be told, she doesn't fit their mold. Gail Kim isn't someone who'll get people off their asses and on their feet, especially people who barely knew who she was when she returned. Her return was pretty poorly executed and from there on it was just poor angle after poor angle - e.g. the angle where she was dating DBD.

If she never goes back to WWE, I won't cry. She was barely on television for the past year anyway and that hasn't made the Diva's division any worse or any better. At least in TNA she may be able to contribute something, whether it be significant or not.
Gosh, that's a terrible shame, because I'm sure WWE is just dying to bring her back to the company. Especially after the classy way she left and the way she has burned all of her bridges since her departure.

Look, I get it, she did not enjoy her first experience with WWE. Fair enough, that's obviously her perspective and her prerogative. She left and went to TNA, for better or for worse. When she came back to WWE for a second run, though, she must have done so with her eyes wide open. She should have known what she was getting herself into, good and bad. She didn't seem to have too much of a problem drawing down what I would imagine was a pretty good pay cheque while doing next to nothing. Then she became unhappy again and decided once again to go seek greener pastures elsewhere. Again, clearly her perspective and prerogative.

It seems to me that there's a right way and a wrong way to go about doing things. Lots of disgruntled workers have left either company and gone to the other, in either direction, and sometimes back again. Generally speaking though, they have done so professionally and respectfully, something which in my opinion, Gail Kim did not do.

Of course she would like to finish her career in TNA, and I imagine she will. WWE would never take her back in a million years, which would appear to suit her just fine. TNA is the clear number two organization. If she is unwilling or unable to cut it in the number one company, obviously she would like to end up in the number two. I wish her luck in finishing her career in TNA, that appears to be better suited to her anyway.
Oooh, lucky TNA.

Yeah, I hope you picked up that that was sarcasm. Why should TNA take her back? There was a reason WWE didn't care about letting Gail Kim go, and that was because she's an absolute bore. I've never seen someone so unburdened with personality in my wrestling-watching life. Sure, she's OK in the ring (certainly better than most women wrestlers). But being OK in the ring is pointless if you have no personality (and if you're remarkably unprofessional).
WWE was never a good fit for her to begin with. She will probably be happier in TNA. I do think her act at the battle royal was unprofessional as well, but the divas are so insignificant did anyone really seem to notice that she left the ring early? Jim Ross was probably the only one. Hopefully she will find what she is looking for. She had some decent matches in TNA, nothing of note really in WWE. I really don't think it matters who she works for at this point considering she was never a huge star to begin with.
WWE continues to lose talented performers time and time again. What is wrong with this company? It is as if they value the suckers and punish the ones who know what they're doing. What's this hatred for great performers?

If this was 2007 and this thread was about Kurt Angle, you might have merit. MIGHT. Heck, Christian MIGHT have had merit in 05. But you are talking about Gail FREAKIN Kim. She's a nobody in the world of wrestling and a female wrestler on top of that. No one cares. And she's not all that talented either.

They handed CM Punk a bucket of shit when he got on board for being a ROH guy,

If a "bucket of shit" is debuting him with fanfare, exposing him to the mass audience alongside DX over many other up and comers, and making him look awesome at every turn, then yea, what a bucket of shit! Look, the dude took 6 years to become a cash cow for the company but to say he's been treated badly is just stupid. The guy won a title within 2 years of debuting for the company! Actually, he won the ECW title earlier and was exposed greatly with that. He's been treated quite well, better than 95 percent of workers anywhere in the world I'd say.
John Morrisson is treated like crap (even though I don't like the guy, he's perfect for WWE's style),

In what way is Morrison treated like crap? He's been given tons of chances to get to main event level and only recently has he ever had a losing streak. He's worked Elimination Chambers, he's worked in a few main events, and he's been a reliable midcard performer. In what universe did working as a midcard/upper midcard worker become "treated like crap". So I guess the only workers treated well are Cena and Orton? Your definitions are quite dumb my man and you sound ridiculous and anti-WWE by saying this stuff.

Dolph Ziggler is in JoMo's position back when he mattered,

Actually, Ziggler gets prominent TV time every week, gets to cut promos, and is involved in the major storyline on WWE TV. Man, I wish I could get treated that poorly! Maybe they should really fuck him and give him a midcard title that he flaunts and treats well. Oh wait........

Evan Bourne is getting paid to look other wrestlers look better than they actually are and gets nothing in return for it aside from a good salary,

You do realize that he's a current Tag Team Champion who is being featured on both Raw and Smackdown each and every week right? Again, not sure how this is so bad. I guess ROH fans will cry "BOO HOO HE CAN FLIP MAKE HIM CHAMP!" He's a tag champ in a very cool team that the WWE is behind, but somehow this is terrible? Either you picked VERY poor examples or you are completely full of shit (all due respect my brother) and trying to get a few people to buy into your anti-WWE propaganda. Either way, you sound stupid as none of these people have anything to be ashamed of. They all are making solid money working in the midcard or above in the top wrestling company in the world. The top 1 percent in wrestling maybe sniff that opportunity. In no way are any of those people being treated poorly.

Gail Kim is being disrespected,

No she's not. She's done nothing to earn a shot this time around. Others have worked hard, she's done nothing and on top of that, she disrespected the company by doing the wrong thing on live TV. She's a useless nobody and the WWE won't cry if she never comes back. You earn your way in this business and she didn't do it.

Jim Ross is being disrespected.

No he's not. Why? Because he got fired by a new heel boss who undid everything the face boss did? I guess every babyface in the WWE is being disrespected too. I know people have this conspiracy theory when it comes to Jim Ross, but if he felt he was being disrespected, don't you think he would have jumped ship by now? He obviously feels quite respected in all of his tasks with WWE and I'm sure he's a very well respected voice backstage. Just because a silly angle had him fired doesn't mean he's disrespected. He's a team player and I wouldn't doubt if he got his announcing gig back once the faces won this feud.
The list goes on and on. It's a damn shame.

Gail Kim should finish her career in TNA. Nobody blames her for trying to earn a better living. If someone does then I really want to see that someone go for the sky and fall flat on his ass.

She fell on her ass because she didn't give a shit, went through the motions, and figured her name being Gail Kim meant she deserved more. She got outworked both literally in terms of working hard and outworked in the ring by numerous divas. The fact that she got little opportunity is her own damn fault and she probably should have been fired well before she "quit"

She learned her lesson and she's hopefully going to come back to a company that treats its employees as human beings for a change. TNA is not flawless, never was, never will be, but they don't disgrace their most talented wrestlers like the WWE does. That's for sure.

Oh they don't? So every time a hack like Mr. Anderson comes in and takes the spot of an AJ Styles or whatnot, that's proper to you? And I also suppose that "treating employees like human beings" means letting your top guys do all sorts of drugs, get plastered all over TMZ, and when these indiscretions happen, give them the title over guys who are model employees. Man, can I work at a place like that? I'll get loaded every day and make my way right to the top!

The bottom line is that your opinion of how a company treats employees depends on who you are. If you are Carlito, you will probably complain that the WWE treats employees badly because you expected chances to be handed to you and they weren't. If you are The Miz and you busted your ass and outworked everyone else, I'm sure the company treats you just fine. The problem is, this is about Gail Kim. Gail is useless and she did nothing to earn more than she got. All of a sudden she leaves and it's "I can't believe they misused her!" She didn't earn shit and it showed. Whenever she was in the ring, she was botching and half assing. Why should anyone give her a chance?

Bro, I love you and all, but this is the type of stuff that gets you in trouble with like everyone else on these boards. You can't make comments like these with no leg to stand on and hope people buy it because they developed some sort of bitter hatred for WWE like you have. Listen, I'll do my best to get Stephanie to show you her titties. I know she snubbed you that one time outside a show and that could be enough to drive me to hate a company too but you've taken it too far. Calm down a bit and realize what you said is silly. Gail Kim didn't get treated poorly because WWE is the Third Reich (I'm Jewish so I can make that joke). Gail Kim got treated poorly because she earned the right to be treated that way through lack of hard word and a terrible attitude. Carlito, Mr. Anderson, and others earned that too. Work hard and you'll get respect, it's that simple.

With all that said, if you and other "TNA ONLY" fans want to believe that pushing underachievers like Gail Kim, Mr. Anderson, Pope, and others that used to work for WWE as "treating their employees better" then go ahead. Perhaps there are reasons that these people were let go though. I'm just sayin'.
Just my opinion of course, but I believe the reason that Gail wasn't pushed this time, was she doesn't fit the "mold", not being a blond, or having a DD rack. They really do prefer the showgirl mentality at present, as long as a diva can at least walk without falling over, but has the "look"...

Sure I'll get shouted down, and abused over this...seems to be the way on this forum of late, hurl abuse at somebody if you don't agree with them....for the record, I watch WWE, Impact, and ROH..
I can't say I 100% blame Gail Kim for wanting to leave or just walking out, she felt disrespected and had enough of it. However, this my problem with her, I don't think she fought for her respect in the company.

A company as big as the WWE, do you really think that with the territories [FCW] and the brands (RAW/Smackdown/NXT/Superstars) and the "A" and "B" list talent they have that they're simply going to give you the respect you think you deserve? No, it does not work like that, if I learned anything this year from the talent (Ryder, Punk) is you have to fight; either with Ryder's Youtube channel method or Punk's Defiant rebellious method you have to fight your way to where you want to be.

No one is going to hand you anything in that company. Gail was not over with WWE's crowd, I don't know what happened to her TNA fanbase but they didn't transfer with her. Regarding theat, if you are not over with the crowd, get over with them, if WWE isn't giving you the time to get over, get over some other means. I respect Zack Ryder because he wanted to get over, WWE wasn't paying him any mind to get him over so he got with the fans directly. Regardless of what you think of the guy he handled his business in a way no wrestler has done and it worked. He's still fighting for his undisputed respect but like he said "I'm more over than ever!" That is where my disappointment lies with Gail Kim and I have plenty disappointment that lies on WWE but I have said enough.
I feel it needs to be said. What did Gail Kim expect would happen when she re-signed? Did she suddenly think that WWE would start respecting the Divas? Did she think suddenly Michael Cole would stop being fed lines that bashed them and called the 'boring'? WWE hasn't treated their Women's Division seriously since the days of Lita & Trish Stratus and frankly when a Diva can't even fall into the corner and STAY THERE correctly (see Monday Night Raw on 10/10) I can't blame them. With the exception of a select few the ones they have can barely walk to the ring, look sexy and tag in/out without screwing up.
Somebody get Gail Kim a crying towel. I mean really how ungrateful can somebody be? She wins the Womens Title her 1st night in the WWE,gets a decent run with it,loses it but is still involved in some Feuds with Trish & Lita in 2003/2004. Leaves for TNA,wins the Title there,gets lost in the mix,comes back to WWE for a 2nd go around and whines because she thinks she "deserves" more. I agree than she should have done more to get herself over rather than just put on good Matches & look pretty for the Crowds.

Do something like CM Punk & Zack Ryder did on Youtube or something to make yourself relavant in the Business. Not just say ooh look at me,Im talented,I deserve more. What she did was very unprofessional and I don't feel one bit sorry for her. So good luck back with TNA and after a few months you'll disappear there again too.
Sure I'll get shouted down, and abused over this...seems to be the way on this forum of late, hurl abuse at somebody if you don't agree with them....for the record, I watch WWE, Impact, and ROH..

Eh ... its no diffrent from other sports forums. Theres an extra level of agressivness in responses and replies. Nomrally cinephile/film message boards has a more laid back environment :p

Here is what I can say ... WWE really dropped the ball on Gail Kim. But then again they dropped the ball on Mickey James and Mileena so that shouldn't come as a suprise.

Gail had it all ... sexy, athletic, and could wrestler. The only thing missing were mic skills but there a very divas that have (even Trish). But overall she had the package that had a lot of marketability potential. In TNA whe she was Champion the highest rated segments were the KO Division at the time so yeah, if WWE just pushed her, she would have been one of the more marketable divas.

But I guess she could have left WWE on a better road and taken the high road. She would have left with a lot more dignity.

As for the excerpts in the interviews. It's not enough for me to judge what happend. Seemed kind of vauge, I would have like to hear more on why she felt disrespected and why she decided to sign with the WWE again despite being mised in her first run and already making a name for herself in TNA.

I guess someday there will be a link where we can listen in the whole shoot interview.

Going to miss Gail Kim she's probably my top 3 favoraite divas but it was more fustrating to see her in the WWE and not being used the best of her potential.
It would not surprise me at times, if the thinking inside WWE, is having somebody under contract, not that you have need or use for them, but it's more to keep them away from the competition...not that I really view Impact as competition for WWE at this point, but I wish they were
Eh ... its no diffrent from other sports forums. Theres an extra level of agressivness in responses and replies. Nomrally cinephile/film message boards has a more laid back environment :p

I totally agree...shows people are passionate I guess....I guess difference being here, lots of times, you get bashed if your opinion doesn't fit in with somebody else's ideal view of the wrestling landscape....

Just my opinion
I'ma say this about Gail Kim, in my opinion she was a good fit for WWE, but WWE failed to use her right. To me Gail Kims first run was better than this pass run she had. After seeing all she could do in TNA and her feuds with Awesome Kong, it was very dissapointing that WWE got the top KO who in the WWE Women's Division in my opinion was the best Women's Wrestler, and you have her making out with Daniel Bryan and being an extra. The girl wants to wrestle, and I don't fault her for what she did. If I was the best in my division and I could actually wrestle I'll walk out too. But don't be surprised if Kharma's not happy, and she head back to TNA and and rekindle a Rivalry with Gail Kim, which we hope we see on WWE TV, but with the screw ups of the writers and all, it'll never happen. The KO division is going to be something else now. Anyone down for a Gail Kim vs. Mickie James Match?
I'ma say this about Gail Kim, in my opinion she was a good fit for WWE, but WWE failed to use her right. To me Gail Kims first run was better than this pass run she had. After seeing all she could do in TNA and her feuds with Awesome Kong, it was very dissapointing that WWE got the top KO who in the WWE Women's Division in my opinion was the best Women's Wrestler, and you have her making out with Daniel Bryan and being an extra. The girl wants to wrestle, and I don't fault her for what she did. If I was the best in my division and I could actually wrestle I'll walk out too. But don't be surprised if Kharma's not happy, and she head back to TNA and and rekindle a Rivalry with Gail Kim, which we hope we see on WWE TV, but with the screw ups of the writers and all, it'll never happen. The KO division is going to be something else now. Anyone down for a Gail Kim vs. Mickie James Match?


I would be interested to know if Gail Kim decided herself to go back to WWE, or WWE made her a great offer to poach her?

I would not be surprised if the sole reason WWE showed any interest in Gail Kim this time around was because she was doing very well (and embarrassing them on TNA). I mean, shortly before this, Gail Kim vs Awesome Kong had MAIN-EVENTED an episode of "Impact" (which is a rarity). This just shows how over the TNA women's division was, and that was largely due to both Gail Kim and Awesome Kong.

Vince knows this. He probably decided that, as much as he doesn't rate Divas, stealing TNA's main Knockout at the time would hurt them, and so made a huge offer to "warehouse" her. He had no intention of using her, just stopping TNA from using her, and thus hurting their Knockouts Division, (which was one of the highest-rating segments and matches on TNA each week).

Vince has done this before. Wanna know why Matt Hardy returned to WWE the second time, soon after being fired? Because Vince made him a huge offer, as Matt was negotiating with TNA at the time. It was the same with Jeff Hardy. Vince knew of Jeff's drug problems, but wanted him too, because TNA wanted him first.

Chris Benoit didn't get sacked for Wellness Violations, because Jeff Jarrett wanted Benoit in TNA. Also, why do you think Vince hired back Kevin Nash and Booker T? He thinks their merchandise will sell? He thinks they will have good matches? No, he did it, because a "big surprise" that Dixie Carter had promised on TNA the previous week, would turn out to be the re-formation of the "Main-Event Mafia", one of the few success stories in TNA history, and hiring back both Nash and Booker, would screw it up, as they were prominent figures in the MEM.

The fact is, Vince rehired Gail, I suspect, not because he rated her, but because TNA did! Anything that does actually work on TNA, Vince may try to steal or attempt to poach (just like he did with WCW and ECW).I have heard that he has shown some interest in poaching Velvet Sky, if she ever became available.

This is why all the talk of Vince not fearing TNA is b.s.! If Vince was SO confident that TNA would not be the "second coming of WCW" if given the chance, then why does he care who TNA get, (as long as they aren't WWE contracted talent at the time)? Maybe Vince wants Gail Kim and others in WWE, even if he has no intention of using them, because even a "scintilla" of a chance that someone could challenge, and almost put WWE out of business, like WCW almost did, makes him piss his pants in panic.

So, I suspect that the WWE never had any intention of using Gail Kim, but just made a "business decision". Gail just saw the writing on the wall, that's all!
If this was 2007 and this thread was about Kurt Angle, you might have merit. MIGHT. Heck, Christian MIGHT have had merit in 05. But you are talking about Gail FREAKIN Kim. She's a nobody in the world of wrestling and a female wrestler on top of that. No one cares. And she's not all that talented either.

If a "bucket of shit" is debuting him with fanfare, exposing him to the mass audience alongside DX over many other up and comers, and making him look awesome at every turn, then yea, what a bucket of shit! Look, the dude took 6 years to become a cash cow for the company but to say he's been treated badly is just stupid. The guy won a title within 2 years of debuting for the company! Actually, he won the ECW title earlier and was exposed greatly with that. He's been treated quite well, better than 95 percent of workers anywhere in the world I'd say.

In what way is Morrison treated like crap? He's been given tons of chances to get to main event level and only recently has he ever had a losing streak. He's worked Elimination Chambers, he's worked in a few main events, and he's been a reliable midcard performer. In what universe did working as a midcard/upper midcard worker become "treated like crap". So I guess the only workers treated well are Cena and Orton? Your definitions are quite dumb my man and you sound ridiculous and anti-WWE by saying this stuff.

Actually, Ziggler gets prominent TV time every week, gets to cut promos, and is involved in the major storyline on WWE TV. Man, I wish I could get treated that poorly! Maybe they should really fuck him and give him a midcard title that he flaunts and treats well. Oh wait........

You do realize that he's a current Tag Team Champion who is being featured on both Raw and Smackdown each and every week right? Again, not sure how this is so bad. I guess ROH fans will cry "BOO HOO HE CAN FLIP MAKE HIM CHAMP!" He's a tag champ in a very cool team that the WWE is behind, but somehow this is terrible? Either you picked VERY poor examples or you are completely full of shit (all due respect my brother) and trying to get a few people to buy into your anti-WWE propaganda. Either way, you sound stupid as none of these people have anything to be ashamed of. They all are making solid money working in the midcard or above in the top wrestling company in the world. The top 1 percent in wrestling maybe sniff that opportunity. In no way are any of those people being treated poorly.

No she's not. She's done nothing to earn a shot this time around. Others have worked hard, she's done nothing and on top of that, she disrespected the company by doing the wrong thing on live TV. She's a useless nobody and the WWE won't cry if she never comes back. You earn your way in this business and she didn't do it.

No he's not. Why? Because he got fired by a new heel boss who undid everything the face boss did? I guess every babyface in the WWE is being disrespected too. I know people have this conspiracy theory when it comes to Jim Ross, but if he felt he was being disrespected, don't you think he would have jumped ship by now? He obviously feels quite respected in all of his tasks with WWE and I'm sure he's a very well respected voice backstage. Just because a silly angle had him fired doesn't mean he's disrespected. He's a team player and I wouldn't doubt if he got his announcing gig back once the faces won this feud.
The list goes on and on. It's a damn shame.

She fell on her ass because she didn't give a shit, went through the motions, and figured her name being Gail Kim meant she deserved more. She got outworked both literally in terms of working hard and outworked in the ring by numerous divas. The fact that she got little opportunity is her own damn fault and she probably should have been fired well before she "quit"

Oh they don't? So every time a hack like Mr. Anderson comes in and takes the spot of an AJ Styles or whatnot, that's proper to you? And I also suppose that "treating employees like human beings" means letting your top guys do all sorts of drugs, get plastered all over TMZ, and when these indiscretions happen, give them the title over guys who are model employees. Man, can I work at a place like that? I'll get loaded every day and make my way right to the top!

The bottom line is that your opinion of how a company treats employees depends on who you are. If you are Carlito, you will probably complain that the WWE treats employees badly because you expected chances to be handed to you and they weren't. If you are The Miz and you busted your ass and outworked everyone else, I'm sure the company treats you just fine. The problem is, this is about Gail Kim. Gail is useless and she did nothing to earn more than she got. All of a sudden she leaves and it's "I can't believe they misused her!" She didn't earn shit and it showed. Whenever she was in the ring, she was botching and half assing. Why should anyone give her a chance?

Bro, I love you and all, but this is the type of stuff that gets you in trouble with like everyone else on these boards. You can't make comments like these with no leg to stand on and hope people buy it because they developed some sort of bitter hatred for WWE like you have. Listen, I'll do my best to get Stephanie to show you her titties. I know she snubbed you that one time outside a show and that could be enough to drive me to hate a company too but you've taken it too far. Calm down a bit and realize what you said is silly. Gail Kim didn't get treated poorly because WWE is the Third Reich (I'm Jewish so I can make that joke). Gail Kim got treated poorly because she earned the right to be treated that way through lack of hard word and a terrible attitude. Carlito, Mr. Anderson, and others earned that too. Work hard and you'll get respect, it's that simple.

With all that said, if you and other "TNA ONLY" fans want to believe that pushing underachievers like Gail Kim, Mr. Anderson, Pope, and others that used to work for WWE as "treating their employees better" then go ahead. Perhaps there are reasons that these people were let go though. I'm just sayin'.

I dont get people like you. You're just not willing to accept that WWE can make mistakes and does wrong by people. Gail Kim was one of the five best in the WWE. Gail Melina Natalya Beth and Tamina (who is the daughter of a hall of famer).

They fired melina for talking shit about trish. Tamina got a decent run managing the Usos then she goes goo goo eyed over SANTINO !!!!!! REALLY WTF. Natalya and Beth are getting decent runs but still get outed by girls like Kelly Kelly and Eve (who i think is halfway decent). And then Gail quits with a final f*ck you to the WWE by eliminating herself.

I agree with a guy above that WWE hiring ex TNA's is a business decision but if u hire good talent even for business purposes use em. U hired Booker, and u put him on the announcer table which was a good move i think because despite the fact that it took him time to get better he can connect well with the other announcers and has that jerry lawler thing where an experienced wrestler commentates on the match. I dotn know about u but booker sort of grows on people. Kevin Nash became involved in the main storyline right now while at the same time doing promotions elsewhere. Kong became spotlight talent almost immediately.

Now Gail Kim is one of those who has a build like the bimbos minus the boob size and at the same time wrestles pretty well. She can pull off a match with Kong.

The thing is once WWE turned PG WWE had to avoid the things they hired their divas to do. Dance, strip and play eye candy for the crowd. And they did that pretty well.

TNA has hot knockouts, that while looking hot can wrestle as well. Angelina Love, Brooke, Madison Rayne, Victoria, ODB, Rosita, Sarita, Mickie James etc. These women can combine wrestling with looks which WWE can no longer do.

Gail will be better in TNA and Id rather see her in TNA than WWE. Not because I dont want to see her but because I want to see her do something worth her talent.

And dont give me that she didnt fight for her rights because not everyone can make an Internet show and become the top guy. Sometimes the management has to look at the talent they have and work with them rather than the talent they dont have and try to get them.
First of all,Im glad Gail leaves WWE seamingly happy & I wish her future endeavors.& all that.
from what I remember Gail debuted in the wwF by winning her first title in her first match,in an era of Vic,Trish,Jazz,Molly & Lita,that was quite a push (mind you,Carlito did the same) .But she got lost in the rich sauce & disappeared almost overnight to TNA where credits due,she lifted & created the Knockouts division there.kudos to her & Kharma,
What everyone thought at the time ,when she rejoined wwE,like Christian & R Truth was she was going back ,not so much for the title shots but for the financial security/money TNA couldnt provide.we all suspect those who arent Vince made or who return from a differently spelt orginisations arent pushed as well.RT & Christian bided their time,, (it CoulD be said Christians just getting Edges title matches but,,) their long wait to get title shots is weirdly enough being used as a storyline,even stranger, the diva in the same boat whose really moaning about her wait,is not.Maybe that comes under the disrespect she,s talking about.
My main worry is Gail WilL go back to TNA & expect to run the division again,I,d say sorry,but no,ironically thanks to WWE & their DisrepecteD Diva division (& no disrespect to the Knockouts they had before) the Knockouts have OtheR KOs weve seen & heard of,Tara,Wynter,MJ,,& thats before I get to the KOs who bided their time,making a name for themselves,on TNA.
Ideal soloution,have a word with old mate Jim Cornette,Say Gail,How,d you like to start A ROH womens division,you,ll be the big cheese again,have lots of title shots,build up the divisions credibility & every interview you could say "No,Ive nothing against Vince but gneuuuuGGGHHH!"
A nickname for ROHs women & possible roster,but thats another thread for another day -lol.
Gail Kim is a mediocre female wrestler that for some reason won the hearts and minds of the internet fans and from there was built to be this legend of female wrestling. But she botches like crazy, she doesn't stand out, and she can't put on a match any better than any other diva.

And let's not forget that she was only a few months removed from her feud with the Bella twins at that point in time. Sure, it was a shit storyline that cost all parties involved quite a bit of dignity, but she was wrestling on a regular basis, and she was getting on TV. Meanwhile, girls like Rosa Mendez and Tamina were rarely getting any TV time and Alicia Fox was in continual job mode. Her situation was not ideal, but it was a heck of a lot better than some other girls'.

My favorite part of the article...

hus, it seems like it's only a matter of time before she returns to the Knockouts Division, which could use another veteran in-ring performer.

Oh yeah? Says who? I didn't realize a veteran performer would be able to save the black whole of quality that is the Knockouts division. She'll just be adding mediocrity to that pile of crap. The only plus is now her and Scott Steiner can have that botch match we've all been dreaming about.
I'm not going to assume TNA wants her or is willing to pay her what she thinks she deserves. They seem to have a rotation of knockouts that they are very comfortable with. Gail TNA 2.0 does not have the same excitement as Gail TNA 1.0.

When I think back on Gail Kim, I think of someone that I really wanted to like since she is different from other Divas and seemed really athletic.

What I remember about her is that she never stood out in the ring except for when she was botching or battling Kong. When/If Karma returns we are going to see a bunch of squashes and then one lucky Diva is going to get the same kind of rub that Gail got in TNA.

I just want to know more about the ways Gail feels WWE disrespected her. Was Orton involved? :)

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