Friendly advice

Christian Battlez

Getting Noticed By Management
Ok so I broke up with this girl because we weren't seeing each other enough. It wasn't that I didn't like her because even now I still do. But I only broke up with her a few weeks ago and like she occassionally calls me and shit but I'm getting this feeling she is only calling me to make sure im not with anyone else. She tells me she ain't with noone and she only wants to be with me and then she breaks down and cries and tells me she misses me and shit but could that be an act so I don't get with someone else. Could someone really be that selfish? Because she said the other day shed call me and that was 3 days ago. She has a habit of doing this its why I dumped her in the first place. Any advice guys?
If you like her enough, then be with her. Relationships were you dont see each other are FTW.

If you dont like her enough to be with her, then who gives a shit if she is crying?? Go out and slay anus.
If you like her enough, then be with her. Relationships were you dont see each other are FTW.

If you dont like her enough to be with her, then who gives a shit if she is crying?? Go out and slay anus.

I basically agree with NorCal.

Women are crazy, I mean thats just a fact, they don't even know what they want half the damn time. One day she probably wants you, the next day she's thinking about someone else, it's annoying and very draining to be in relationships with women that are like that.. which are like 90% of them.

My advice to you, to add to what NorCal said, if you really like the girl then give it another shot. Be honest with her and let her know your concerns and why you broke it off, if she knows your reasons and cares about you too then maybe she can change and compromise with you to find a solution to your problem.

I'd only say do that if you really really care about her, because women are a dime a dozen, and no bitch deserves attention unless you really like her. Otherwise, go out and get some pussy, and pound that shit into oblivion!
[QUOTE="The Hardcore Legend" Christian Battlez;904596]Ok so I broke up with this girl because we weren't seeing each other enough. It wasn't that I didn't like her because even now I still do.[/QUOTE]

If you like her, and she likes you.. it's already an instant mistake to dismiss this relationship because of doubts or slight issues. Especially issues that can easily be worked out.

I think you're going to hurt yourself more in the long run, if you never try and always question "what if" and regret that you never tried in the future.

You like her, she likes you. Enough said. Everyone has problems. It's what makes relationships stronger, to fix them.

[QUOTE="The Hardcore Legend" Christian Battlez;904596]But I only broke up with her a few weeks ago and like she occassionally calls me and shit but I'm getting this feeling she is only calling me to make sure im not with anyone else.[/QUOTE]

She'll never admit she is, whether it's true or not. But depending on who this girls is.. especially if she has looks. I doubt seriously she's banking everything on you.

NO girl (w/ looks) sits around and calls 1 guy over and over to make sure he's not with anyone. They go out, find an alternative guy, and drive the original one nuts.

[QUOTE="The Hardcore Legend" Christian Battlez;904596]She tells me she ain't with noone and she only wants to be with me and then she breaks down and cries and tells me she misses me and shit but could that be an act so I don't get with someone else.[/QUOTE]

Or, it could be serious and legit. I know for a fact that these sorta things can be legit. And trust me when I say this.. if the girl loves and cares for you as much as she may be showing it.. it's worth taking at least a chance on.

If things were meant, they'll work out. If not, it's lessons learned. Either way, you're living life. Don't regret it, just go with what you feel.

[QUOTE="The Hardcore Legend" Christian Battlez;904596]Could someone really be that selfish?[/QUOTE]

It might very well not be selfish. If it's legit, then it's her pouring her heart out to you.. and for you to say that's selfish, it's actually you being thick-headed and dull.

I don't mean that offensively, but I'm telling you right now. YOU said yourself you like the girl, and if she likes you enough to break down and cry, and say she only wants you.. whether it's fake or not, it's enough to look into, especially since you said you liked her.

[QUOTE="The Hardcore Legend" Christian Battlez;904596]Because she said the other day shed call me and that was 3 days ago. She has a habit of doing this its why I dumped her in the first place. Any advice guys?[/QUOTE]

If she said she'd call, then hasn't.. she may be entering that portion of life when you have to come to realize sometimes what "you" want, isn't what "they" want.

By "you" I mean her. And by "they" I mean You. In other words, if you haven't bit on ANY-thing she's said, then she may have felt defeated and finally broken hearted. Enough to not continue the pain of trying to get you to be with her.

Like I said, and once again.. if you like her, go for her. YOU need to call HER, now, though.

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