France Is Now The Epicenter of Horror

Ok, since this is going to go on forever im going to say it now. Hans is going to keep this up forever. He loves Rob Zombie and he will never speak blasphemy against the man. Now, I honestly believe that he just wants to get people all frazzled so he can laugh at them. This happened in another board and its happening here. TCM was ripped off by Zombie, deal with it. George Romero ripped Richard Matheson for Night of the Living Dead and so what? I love NotLD and I love I am Legend... the Will Smith version was a total loss but still... I like the original story, the original movie AND the remake "The Omega Man".

To the original poster, I thank you for listing movies for me to watch as I agree with the majority that the genre has grown stale. I did see Haute Tension and I enjoyed it. I really dont remember anything too bad with that movie but then again, I havent seen it in years. As for movies sucking because they are PG-13... im not sure, I want to say thats the main reason that horror is dying it isnt. If you can tell a story, you can scare people. What is killing horror is the simple fact that people seem to only care about box office results. I have a feeling that they will remake Gremlins before they remake Demonic Toys or go on a brand new idea.This is why I love the After Dark Horrorfest. It gave me a nice list of movies to watch, some I enjoyed and some I hated. I havent seen this years set but I did get to meet their Ms. Horrorfest. Shes a real peach. :icon_smile:

The Blair Witch Project was the worst American horror movie EVER. I have never physically wanted to kill someone because I felt a movie cheated me out of money, hell... ive voluntarily went to sleep during Tomb Raider. BWP dressed itself up as a true thing but was shown to be just a movie. Btw, never watch Zombie Lake... its pure garbage. I think it was a zombie movie without words... oh, story sucked as well.

Oh yea, Sleepaway Camp is NOT a horror comedy, its just a regular run of the mil slasher that I enjoyed. Dead Alive is a horror comedy, Bad Taste is a horror comedy and Shaun of the Dead is a horror comedy. I just hope I cleared a few things up here.
Ok, since this is going to go on forever im going to say it now. Hans is going to keep this up forever. He loves Rob Zombie and he will never speak blasphemy against the man.

Actually, I think Zombie's last album sucked and besides a few good tracks, was just music for his wife to dance to.

Hell, me and a few other from the old Rob Zombie message got personally scolded by the man himself for leading the anti-"Foxy, Foxy" campaign. The guy's certainly not perfect but right now, he IS Horror.

If you have netflix, then all of the films that I have mentioned are readily available to you. It's unfortunate that you saw Ils and Calvaire first, because both of those films suck ass (the only place where those will be considered part of the wave of French horror are in imdb chat forums; no serious horror fan will laud those pieces of crap).

If you are a horror buff, then I really think you should at least check out Irreversible and Martyrs. I respect the fact that you aren't a fan of repetition, and that you value originality. So, skip Sheitan and Frontiere(s), because you probably won't like those.

But, at the very least, I can guarantee that you'll have an appreciation for Irreversible and Martyrs after watching them.

Well maybe I'll check them out sometime. I do actually still have one French film on my list that I forgot about - Man Bites Dog. Seen it?
Like I said, I'm done running in circles. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion's, but I don't have to respect them. It seems like you're just trying to say the "right things" but don't have the knowledge to back it up and are now caught in some desperate attempt at backtracking and I'm not going to play into it. So let's just agree to disagree.

Wow, that's just hilarious. "Running in circles"? That would imply that you had actually addressed even half of the points made, which you did not. Every post of yours has done nothing but nitpick certain words here and there, while skimming over and not even attempting to address any of the points I made.

So yeah, I suppose I have been running in circles around you, you're right.

If by trying to say the "right things" you mean I was consistently poking holes in your arguments and revealing your own contradictory statements, then yes I suppose I was saying the right things. Still doesn't validate your theories.

One thing I will agree with you on though is suggesting Man Bites Dog. Hilarious and disturbing all at the same time, a great film. Plus it's on Criterion, so that's always a plus.

To Azamuth: The original Sleepaway Camp isn't a horror-comedy, but the sequels most definately are. I absolutely love that trilogy, especially the second film.
Alot of the movies you listed are quite terrible. Hide and Seek? Seriously? That's got to be one of the worst films of any genre I've ever seen. If you didn't know the ending of that movie within 10 minutes then I feel sorry for you. Utter rubbish.

Not to get back into this, but I just remembered the De Niro flick also by that name. So to be clear, I was referring to the '99 Jennifer Tilly film, not the '05 De Niro film.

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