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Horror Films: A Lost Art Form?


I Am The One Who Knocks
Seriously, there are never any good horror films out lately. They are all really cheesy. I want something that could actually scare me. Today they all just make me laugh. The last good horror movie I saw was the first SAW, and even then that was more of a thriller. I want the days of Rosemary's Baby, The Omen (Original), Nightmare on Elm St. The ones that made you afraid to go to sleep at night.

Or is it they are still good, but we are all too old now to buy into it? I don't think that is the case. I still pull out Rosemary's Baby and I still get chills and freak out at parts. So, Is the art of making a good horror film abandoned, or are we just too old now?
Horror films today are made so they reach the widest audience possible. They could make very film violet like the Hostel films. But that narrows the ammount of people that can see them. They get rid or gore and scares so they get a lower rating. Lower rating measn more people can see it, which in turn means more money.

I would be annoyed if foreign language horror wasn't so good. There are lots of films out there, you just have to look.
I think horror films are made now not to scare, but to gross you out with it's gore and deaths. They need the psychological horror movies back where it was about freaking you out and not about how much blood you can have in a scene. Just my thought.

BTW, the trailer for SAW V is out on Yahoo! Movies if anyone is interested.
I love horror films. WHen done right, there is absolutely nothing more fun in a movie than having the hell scared out of you. At my college they have an old film night every week and one night Psycho and Rear Window were shown. I've seen both movies several times, but seeing them in the theaters was terrifying. THere's no special effects, no blood and guts, none of that. It was just simple psychological terror. Today, it's all about how much blood can we have or how many people can die in totally illogical death traps. Part of the problem is there's just nothing left. I watched the Grudge a few weeks ago with a friend of mine and she was terrified. I spent the entire time laughing and calling out everything that was going to happen. Movies today are too formulated and there's just not enough actually frightening things. Today there's a killer or an evil and something trying to stop it. Vincent Price, a legendary horror movie actor said the definition of fear is being the last person alive in the world and hearing a knock on the door. Simple, yet terrifying. Take a lesson Hollywood.
I love zombie movies, and like action horror movies. A dude killing shit with a big meat cleever, Or an army taking down zombies and I'm fucking there. But as of late the moves have been shit. I love it how everyone says saw is the best horror set of all time. The first one was cool but like kb said for the grudge if you've seen horror movies you can most likely point out ware there going or get an idea of what there going to do.

The 80's were the boom of hack em' up horror movies, with the texas chainsaw massicre and the halloween series and the freddy crougar and Jason vorheese movies. Thoes were the good days. They allways seemed a bit cheesey to me. But none the less they did there jobs at scaring the shit out of you.

A great horror movie is the blob, IF you've seen the original see the 70's remake of it. There about the same but for some reason I like the newer one better than the older one. Simple plot, Asteroid comes from space. A blob comes out and starts to eat poeple. You cant hurt it, but it stops if it freezes. Its gold, my mom said when she saw the 70's one that she actually was remotly scared.

But my favorite old horror movie is Night of the living dead. I literaly allmost shit my pants and had nightmares for a few days when I first saw it. Granted I was 8 at the time but still. Simple plot, zombies, people traped in a house, and they need to get the fuck outta there. The part that creeped me out the most was probibaly when they show a group of zombies by a car eating there victums and they show a female zmbie eating a liver. Serously that was scary to me back in the day. Its not anymore when I see It I kinda laugh at it. But still this movie was a great film, And a credit to all zombie killers in the furure. This movie actually had an underlying message to it. If you have saw it at the end they kill the black man, they don't even check on him they just shoot him. Racisim at its best. Most people would of thought they just killed him because they thought he was a zombie. But look back throught the movie and you will get hints at other moments of racisim.

But really today horror movies are old boring and re done untill you want to grab a gun and shoot the director and then kill youself. If your my age or older you occasionally might get scared but not really. The gore and scary parts are set for a new younger age. The age ware parents tell you not to whatch it, But you do anyways and wake up in a cold sweat from a dream ware your getting your skin peeled off by a gimpy old creepy man, ext. ext. ext. The shit hole of the horror movies on tv come from sci fi, Yes I said it they suck, they allways have and allways will. I have yet to see a remotly scary horror film on there. They blow enough said.

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