Comic-Con Horror Films!?!?!


crafts entire Worlds out of Words
3 new horror films were announced at Comic-Con. They are:

Saw 10504039202

...Or Saw 6. Whichever is next in line.


Yet more horror porn for the masses. Saw V was annoying, because to me the good guy and the bad guy looked way to similar. I got really confused in the final twist scene, to the point where if I didn't hear the evil Saw laugh then I wouldn't know who was fucked in the glass coffin.

As for Saw VI, there are rumors the Doctor from Saw will make a reappearance. But he was fucked up by what's her face, if I remember correctly. Oh well. I don't care. I'll watch it with my buds, and I'll laugh at it for the majority of the movie.


Woody Harrelson is a bad ass zombie killer in this zombie movie. I was hoping World War Z would be the zombie movie announced at this Comic-Con, but alas. It looks like it'll be Woody taking the hurt to some zombies. Should be good for what it is. I expect to laugh a good bit.


What do you think? Zombie kill of the week? Lulz.

A Nightmare on Elm Street

Oh my lord. A "re-imagining" of the old school "This is what happens when a evil child molester dude gets possessed by demons and takes over nightmares" concept that creeped every single one of us out. Of course, "re-imagining" means "remake."

Jackie Earl Haley is Freddy Kreuger in this film. You'll know Haley from Little Children as a child abductor, and Watchmen as motherfucking Rorschach. I, for one, am full of hope for this movie. I couldn't find a trailer, but I could find a Q&A from Comic-Con.


Well, I'm rather excited. How about you guys? Will Zombieland be the hilarious zombie movie I expect it to be? Will Saw VI suck as bad as I know it will? Stake your claim.
Well im not a fan of horror porn like the Saw series but Zombie Land reminds me of a funny version of the game Dead Rising, ZL looks like alot of fun for a movie for the zombie genre and its humour looks to be good.
I look forward to seeing Zombieland. It looks like a horror-comedy that could be really funny, so I am hoping it lives up to it. I am a sucker for zombie flicks, so sign me up to see it in theaters.

A Nightmare on Elm Street. A Nightmare on FUCKING Elm Street. Sorry for that. I just feel remakes are getting kind of stupid now. The only positive is that part of the movie was filmed at the high school I went to. Fact. Of course it had to be after I graduated. For sure a pool scene was shot in my high school. So it is pretty bad ass that that had happened. My old principal almost didn't want it shot there because she didn't want there to be a death scene at the school. HA. I'm not too interested in seeing the movie other than maybe looking for some friends that were used as extras in the movie. Robert Englund isn't even Freddy Krueger :wtf: That is blasphemy. I don't care if it is a remake and Robert Englund is old, he is Freddy Krueger damn it.

And Saw is just whatever. Not going to see it, and don't really have an opinion on it.
Saw VI looks to be just as abysmal as the previous two films. The state of horror these days is pretty damn sad with seemingly nothing but Saw films (and ripoffs of Saw) and remakes making up the entire horror film landscape. Any time I see someone praise the Saw films (apart from the original) I make a mental note to never take anything they say seriously again. The first film is a modern horror classic that I had the privilege to see when it was making it's way around the film festivals, but the sequels are just awful. And not in the enjoyable kind of awful way like the Friday the 13th sequels, no, just mean-spirited utter shit. I don't think I'm even going to bother seeing the next Saw.

Zombieland looks all kinds of fun. Thank god zombie films have been in resurgence in this decade, as they sorely needed it. With Jesse Eisenberg and Woody Harrelson involved you know it's going to have it's fair share of solid humor and solid acting. I love the entire concept of zombies in an amusement park. Definitely on my radar and looking forward to it.

The Nightmare on Elm Street remake I have serious doubts about and have expressed them several times on here. Platinum Dunes doesn't seem to want to quit until they've remade every horror film of the 80s it seems. There's one problem though: they suck. Thus far the only PD remakes that have been entertaining were the TCM and F13 remakes. They're good at remaking simple, slasher-type films from the past, but if you add in any kind of actual horror elements outside of the slasher they fall flat on their face (case in point: The Hitcher remake). Which is why I have big doubts about this one. I really don't think PD has what it takes to maintain the same creepiness of the original, from the looks of it it sounds like they're just going to remake it into another gritty slasher film. Which would be okay if it were just another Elm Street sequel, but since they're attempting to remake the original film, I predict a massive steaming pile of shit. The only thing I'm looking forward to seeing is Jackie Earle Haley's take on Freddy. But even that is going to be hard to sit through, because we all know that Robert Englund IS Freddy Krueger. Who knows though, maybe he'll surprise me like Malcolm McDowell did in the Halloween remake (the only actor on Earth I can think of qualified to fill the shoes of Donald Pleasence).

I'm lovin' the passion for the movies section I'm seeing lately from you Razor. KB as well. We need more people pimping out this section. Oh, and this is my 2,700th post. That's nice.
The Saw series just keeps getting worse and worse. The first was great but it all went downhill from there. The last one was pretty much Law & Order with fluorescent lighting and no story. The gore has also been taken to laughable, over-the-top extremes. What was once an interesting concept has been beaten to death and turned into mindless fodder.

Zombie films have been done to death and rarely bring anything new to the table. With the exception of American Zombie, each new film follows the same basic formula. Even Comedy Zombie flicks have been over used now, so I doubt Zombieland will be anything special.

The NOES remake will either work or it won't. It will either be an actual "re-imagining" with a new take on the story ala Rob Zombie's Halloween or it will just be the same film with a hiper cast and current soundtrack ala the F13 remake. I really hope they don't go the F13 route. A different actor playing Freddy isn't the same as a different actor play a masked, non-speaking character like Jason or Michael. Englund IS Freddy and if the new guy tries to be Englund's Freddy, it's not gonna work.

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