Greatest Zombie Movie Of All Time


of the Le'beau family
Zombie movies have been around for about 80 years now, and in all that time, the undead have plagued many a movie theater. In 1968, George A. Romero's film Night of the Living Dead brought flesh-eaters into prominence. Since then the genre has expanded to include the apocalypse, comedy, and a mix of both.

So, this poses the question- What is the Greatest Zombie Movie of All Time?

Best Pure Horror- 28 Days Later


The first major "infected" zombie movie that comes to mind. Long before "I am Legend", this movie had the main character in a deserted London, fighting for survival against a pandemic of rage. And forget that slow- 'I've been bitten, and I'll turn in 2 hours'...Twenty seconds after being bitten, and boom, you're one of them. This tells a very interesting story where the idea of humane, gradually devolves into primal instincts.

Best Comedy- Zombieland

Nut up to reality, or shut up. While Shaun of the Dead was the first true Zombie comedy, Zombieland was "the shit". The badass Tallahassee made this movie superior. Having all four main characters survive the apocalypse was certainly a twist in the end. You were all most certain he was going to die, only to find out he was Chuck Norris in disguise. The running "Twinkie" gag was great too.

What about you guys?
I was originally a huge fan of Zombie movies. Then, I got bored with them and haven't watched one until Zombieland came out. Easily one of my favorite recent movies to come out. I was so entertained throughout the entire movie. The actors were fucking great, and they played their parts perfectly. They really made it seem fun to live in a zombie apocalypse.

As for another favorite of mine, it would have to be Dawn of the Dead. Just a nice mix of some light comedy and violence to make it a great movie. Very good movie all the way through, I just found it inferior to Zombieland in about every way.
Zombieland gets the best zombie moving ever. I dislike movies that frighten me and not only was this movie hilarious but the plots and sub plots of the movie just make it very special. Considering part of the story revolves around them finding Twinkies I think that this is a creative way of keeping people interested. I haven't really seen too many other zombie movies however this one made me watch it and I am glad I did.
My vote goes to Dawn Of The Dead. Unlike the other George A. Romero original & remakes, the Dawn Of The Dead original & remake were both popular whereas with Night Of The Living Dead, the original is popular but not the remake if you get my drift. And them being trapped in a mall is great plotline, it's unique and better than just running away on the streets or being trapped in a house which we've seen like millions of times in other movies. Plus with them trapped in a mall, they got lots of weapon & protection to fight off the zombies, they can survive easily on the food whereas with a house or running on the streets, you don't, so a mall would be a great place to be trapped in, in real life & in storyline.
Dawn Of The Dead and Zombieland are solid choices and had it not been for everyone else choosing them, I would have likely just gone for Dawn Of The Dead. So, I am going to for Shawn Of The Dead.

Shawn Of The Dead is the perfect mix of zombie drama plus comedy. Shawn Of The Dead was doing great zombie humour long before Zombieland was created. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost were absolutely amazing in this movie and this was the one that really brought them into Hollywood. The rest of the cast were supremely talented and made this movie one of the best zombie movies ever. It combines the old recipe of zombie horror with modern day humour and that is the greatest strength of this movie.
Dave, I hate you and love you at the same time. My vote would also got to Shawn of the Dead. Everything about that film is brilliant and while I am being biased towards it, in all honesty it probably isn't the greatest zombie film in history. However, it is a very entertaining take on the zombie genre. Just about every zombie film up to it was serious and all about the gore, but Shawn of the Dead exposed the humor that lies within the zombie genre. It was refreshing to see a new take on an old gimmick. The film poked fun at itself and zombie films as a whole, but also stayed incredibly loyal to the original concept. Shawn is definitely the first zombie film that ever comes to mind when I feel like watching one and it never gets old.
Zombieland is the best of all time zombie film. 28 days later, 28 weeks later, 48 weeks later, diary of the dead, shaun of the dead and land of the dead are all good films but zombieland is the best the comedy in it is perfect for the film. Love bill murray hahaha
It's Dawn of the Dead, and not the crappy remake. Dawn of the Dead just works on so many levels that no other zombie film can come close.

You've got a perfect setting, one that is not only realistic and relatable but the setting is intergral to the story. A seemingly perfect haven from the zombie apocalypse filled with everything you could need to survive becomes a prison and everything that made it ideal becomes meaningless.
You've also got humour, from the biker in the arm pressure machine and the stupidest death you'll ever see to the tragedy of the baseball zombie who just stares are Fran like a lost child.
Steven/Flyboy (my 2nd favourite zombie ever behind Bub) who even after dying still only wants to get back to his wife and child. Roger who loses his mind when faced with his own mortality. Pregnant Fran who as well as being a liability, has to come to terms with bringing a child into hell and Peter who finds a purpose in the others. The only thing Dawn of the Dead got wrong was changing the true ending where Peter and Fran give up.
28 Days Later


The first major "infected" zombie movie that comes to mind. Long before "I am Legend", this movie had the main character in a deserted London, fighting for survival against a pandemic of rage. And forget that slow- 'I've been bitten, and I'll turn in 2 hours'...Twenty seconds after being bitten, and boom, you're one of them. This tells a very interesting story where the idea of humane, gradually devolves into primal instincts.

Oh yes, easily my favorite zombie movie ever. The zombies in this movie are incredibly lethal, what with how fast they are, and how fast an infected person becomes a mindless flesh-eater is probably the most frightening thing about the whole scenario. And not only are the horror aspects of the film great, but the characters in the movie are believable and relatable, and the fact that the greatest villains in it aren't even zombies is an interesting twist. Simply a great movie.
I'm all for the classics, man, and nothing gives way to the zombie genre more than the original Night Of The Living Dead. The movie revolutionized the idea of the undead. It was in my mind Romero's most superior zombie film, and the grandfather of many after it. Also gave us possibly one of the most horrific twist endings in a horror movie, and possibly hit home on the horrors of racism too.

NOTLD has been talked about for decades now. It has stood the tests of time.
Agreed old hat. The original notld is still the greatest. It launched the genre and sent it to new heights and it's still the standard all zombie movies are compared to.

28 Days Later is a close second in my mind. They set the bar for the modern take on zombies.

Though it's not a movie (yet), if the podcast/radio drama "we're alive" gets the Hollywood treatment, it could give 28 Days Later a run for it's money as the modern standard bearer.
If it didn't have George A. Romero behind the camera, then it can not be called the greatest zombie movie of all time. Without him there IS no Zombie movies today. Don't get me wrong, I liked 28 days, and Zombieland. Shaun of the Dead is one of my favorite movies.. But the original Dawn of the Dead is iconic in the Zombie Genre. This film was so bad people were leaving the theater puking. I watched it at a young age and was traumatized. Since then, no other Zombie movie has effected me the way this one did. Whenever you see a list of the top ten Zombie movies of all time, Dawn of the Dead is almost always in the top 3.

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