

Mid-Card Championship Winner
For those of you who don't know about Fozzy, Fozzy is a rock band that started in 1999 and none other than The Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla, Chris Jericho is the lead singer of said band. It was one of the projects Chris Jericho got heavily involved in during his hiatus from Professional Wrestling in 2005.

They have three studio albums: A self-titled album called Fozzy, Happenstance and All That Remains.

For those who haven't heard Fozzy, here's the video for their song 'Enemy'. Please leave your thoughts on the song and check them out more on YouTube if you're interested.


Me, I quite like what I've heard from Fozzy and I think it's good for Chris Jericho to have other projects and a life away from wrestling if anything like a serious injury or for some reason he wanted to completely retire from wrestling he will have something to fall back on and they are alright and have played numerous festivals and toured around Australia so they would be able to make some money and earn a living doing it.

As for Enemy, it was one of my faveourite songs for a while a few months ago and I listened to it a lot when I went away for a few days, the music is great, the lyrics are pretty good. The video is quite cool too. I think Chris Jericho is an ok singer, maybe that's just the Jerichoholic in me.

So for the people out there who know Fozzy, what do you think of the band, do you think Chris Jericho is a good singer? Or what don't you like about Fozzy and do you think Chris Jericho should just give it up and why? Remember, no spamming. :)
1st of all i like the song and i like the kind of music fozzy does but damn chris jericho needs to learn to dance or something it just looks silly his movments i this video actually staying still would have been his best choice for this but maybe cause its the 1st fozzy music video ive seen in year or two but any ways yeah i like the music and song just not to thrilled about the video

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