
First Immortality..Then the Bitches
Attention Y2J fans and jericoholics Everywhere! Just wanted to get your thoughts on Chris Jericho's band. What do you think? Awesome or not?
All that Remains or Chasing the grail? maybe both? Favorite Fozzy song?

Personally, I never like all the cover songs they did. I thought it was all brown shit to me. I just didnt like Chris's voice. So when All That Remains hits stores I wanted to give it a try because I loved Jericho. But I was hesitant because of my experience with the first two. But I heard it was their own raw material so I gave it a shot and was completely took by surprise. It was not only good but I thought it was great. Me and my girlfriend at the time couldn't get enough. Songs like Nameless faceless and The way that I am just had hooks that were stuck in my head for hours. Suffice to say I could hardly wait for the next album.

Chasing the Grail Is not only just as good but very different than All That Remains. Songs have more structure, heavier and the lyrics are that much better. I love the medieval theme surrounding the album. Not to mention the 14 min epic about the book of revelation that is wormword. It also contains my all time favorite Fozzy song.

Let the Madness Begin


One last Note. paraskavedekatriaphobia...Since purchasing the album I have, for the life of me still not been able to pronounce this word!
For me, All That Remains was better than Chasing the Grail. I am a big Fozzy fan it really has nothing to do with Jericho. I just dig that kind of music.

My favorite song so far is "It's A Lie". I love the strange duet that goes on within the lyrics and the beat just changes up so much it sounds like true madness. Kicks much ass to me.

I can understand your somewhat disdain for their cover songs lenguy. And for the most part I do too and I'm a true lover of a good cover. But I have taken quite a liking to their take on "Live Wire". It's just so active; almost to the part I expect Andrew WK to pop in somewhere.
Fozzy are alright. They are not my favorite band, but they aren't terrible either. I'm somewhat neutral on them but leaning more towards like instead of dislike. What makes them cool for me is the fact that it's Jericho's band. I honestly would probably not like them as much if he wasn't in it and I'm sure others would agree because without him they are just some random band. I liked All That Remains better than Chasing the Grail and my favorite song of theirs is Enemy.
I havent heard much by them really. Didnt they start off as a covers band then started to release their own-written material.

I like their version of Accept's "Balls To The Wall", that was well done, and I really like their own "To Kill A Stranger". That probably my fave song of theirs.

Mongoose McQueen (Y2J) has a much better voice than I expected, I definately wouldnt mind hearing more of Fozzy.
I picked them up in the first place because I'm a huge Jerichoholic and I really enjoyed the first two. I haven't heard the latest album yet but I didn't enjoy the 3rd one as much because it was all-original stuff. I enjoyed hearing their covers and missed them on the third album.
I own All That Remains, I have no idea where it is but I know I have it. "To Kill A Stranger" was my favorite song, I can remember that much. I'm in the category where if Jericho wasn't in the band I never would have given them the time of day and since I've grown out of wrestling for the most part I couldn't care less about the band. They are alright in my mind but I don't think I'd ever go see a concert or anything like that.

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