Football Triple Crown


Dark Match Winner
This is a little different thread. But has anyone ever had all three of their football teams (high school, college, nfl) win championships in the same season? I have a chance at it this year and me and my buddy were thinking about it, just how many people have that happen in one year?

My high school, Richlands High in Richlands, VA, has been to the state semi finals each of the last 7 years. Going to state 3 times and winning state once. Last year they lost to a school that has about 1,300 more students that ours. And our team was nothing but Sophmores and Juniors. Plus we had a kid transfer from the Atlanta area who rushed for 1400 yards last year as a freshman. So our football team is expected to win State this year in AA.

Also, my college team, Virginia Tech, will start the season in the top 7. We have a game week one vs Boise St. Also we have games at Miami, home vs Georgia Tech, and at UNC. If we go undefeated, we have a shot at the NC.

And lastly, my Colts are always in contention for a Championship. This year will be no different.

So I have high hopes for this "Football Triple Crown". Anyone else ever had it or have a shot at it this year?
No, not a chance. My HS is really located in the middle of nowhere and we haven't made the playoffs in the past 2 seasons, although I think we have an outside shot this year. We're like in Division 7 out of 8 in Michigan, so we don't have a whole lot of kids on our team. In NCAA FB I support the MSU Spartans, and we haven't won a title in almost 50 years, and haven't won a Big 10 title in 20. We are respectable in the Big 10, but I don't think a NC is coming anytime soon unless Dantonio can land some HUGE and I mean ***** recruits. They do have an outside shot at the Big 10 title, imo. As for the Lions, we'll, it's the Lions. I think that explains it all. :p
My high school doesn't even have a damn football team, but another high school that my parents went to are always in the title game or winning it.

My college is University of Tennessee, I doubt they'll be winning the BCS title this year. They could probably win a bowl game hopefully, but that's about it.

My NFL team is the Titans, and I see them having a better year than people expect, but not a title this year. If they could get their defense back together and quit losing everyone, then they could actually win something. Kenny Britt needs to get better and a few more Wide Receivers need to be drafted or picked up from somewhere.

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