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Fondest Memory in Wrestling


Formerly drewpost, Human Pop Can
Fondest Memory in Wrestling

Professional wrestling has provided me with more entertainment and memories over the years than I can fully express. While I don’t always like what I see, and criticize everything that is shown on TV now, I definitely appreciate all of the great programming that has come our way. Professional wrestling has given us moments that have made us happy, sad, shocked, frightened, and angry. It feeds on our emotion and plays of off our every cheer and boo.

So my question to you is, What is your fondest wrestling memory?

For me this is a simple answer.

Shawn Michaels capturing his first WWF Championship against Bret Hart in the Iron Man Match at WMXII is my fondest memory.

The buildup for this match was awesome and started with Shawn winning The Royal Rumble for the second year in a row. The writers really ran with the idea of Shawn trying to accomplish a “Boyhood Dream.” Shawn’s entrance on the zip line was exciting and let the fans know that they were about to witness history. The match itself was tremendous and at the end, Vince’s commentary was right on.

I was 16 years old when this match took place and it gave me hope that anything was possible, if I wanted it bad enough.

If I had to pick a second favorite, I would take Shawn Michaels v. Ric Flair at WM XXIV. This was a great match, but a better story. It was a career coming full circle and it was handled with class.

So my question to you is, What is your fondest wrestling memory?
For me it's The Rock defeating Triple H for the WWF title at Backlash 2000.

Since losing the title 13 months earlier at WrestleMania 15, The Rock had been screwed over in countless title matches and number one contendership matches. The build up was perfect, and adding Stone Cold into the mix just made it even better.

I remember the ending of the match like it was yesterday, Rock getting battered, then Austin comes out, cleans house, Rock hits the Spinebuster and People's Elbow then gets the 1-2-3 to the biggest match winning pop I ever heard, it was awesome!!!
the end of wrestlemania 20 was by for the greatest moment for me. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Beniot stood in the middle of the ring, such and amazing moment in the WWE.
I have got to say that Ultimate Warrior beating Hulk Hogan was my favorite memory growing up. When I got older though, I think Sting joining the red and black nWo was it. There was so much build up to it. It was awesome!
I would have to say it's when Al Snow won the ECW World Championship. It was a very long time coming for someone who has benefited the industry more than some know!
I would have to say it's when Al Snow won the ECW World Championship. It was a very long time coming for someone who has benefited the industry more than some know!

Al snow never won the ECW World Championship! Are you thinking of Tommy Dreamer?

If so, I agree that it was memorable because Tommy jobbed to everyone in WWE and it was nice to see him rewarded, especially since he was an ECW original.
Ric Flair's sendoff was one of the greatest moments ive ever seen. I enjoy when they break character to show respect and admiraton.

Ending of WM XX was crazy, even watchin it now knowing theyre both not here.

Eddie winning the championship was awesome. Even my mom was jumping up and down.

Shawn's 1st title win. enough said

Barbershop. i was like 4 and in shock.

When earthquake killed damien.

Macho Man and Elizabeth got back together.

So many more jus cant think of them now
Have a Nice Monday! when Mick Foley first won the WHC on Monday Night Raw. it was freaking amazing. i wasn't watching WCW at the moment that it was announced, so i was genuinely surprised when Mick won. it was amazing. and he's one of my favorites, so that helps. plus the storyline leading into the whole thing was done perfect.

Milk Bath. when Kurt Angle gave the Alliance, namely Stone Cold, the milk bath inside the ring on Monday Night Raw. it was such a perfect coming full circle of the beer bath several years prior. i loved the commentary also. "the billion dollar princess is now becoming the dairy queen!" classic.

Taker/Mankind, Hell in a Cell. enough said.

Mania 20 with Benoit and Eddie. all the more surreal knowing that both are dead now. very surreal.

HBK -- Barber Shop Incident, winning his first WHC in the Iron Man Match at Mania, returning on Raw, return match against Triple H at Summerslam, winning the first Elimination Chamber, feud with Angle, feud with McMahon and reforming of DX, feud with Jericho, retirement angle with Flair and Flair send-off, two matches against Taker that also included his own retirement. lots of great HBK stuff.
god there are so many i grew up in the attitude era but i have watched old old school stuff as well because my i went rummaging through all my dads old tapes from mid 80's to early 90's i was about 4 when i became a wrestling fan but anyway on topic for me it was goldberg beating hogan for the WCW championship i was so high on goldberg my bedroom growing up was filled with wrestling stuff most of it goldberg so that was a huge moment for me to see goldberg win against hogan and get the championship
Foley winning the Title on Raw, when Stone Colds music hit that place erupted. One of the greatest Pops of all time if you ask me.

The Ultimate Warriors Return at Wrestlemania 8, that was awesome, I remember freaking out when his music hit.

Jerichos WWF/E Debut, the Millenium Countdown had me wondering what was going on. I never really watched WCW, and I wasn't internet/spoiler savvy at that time, so I never saw it coming, it was done really well.

I also liked when the British Bulldog won the IC title from Bret Hart at Summerslam 92 at Wembley Arena. Another HUGE pop.

I also love a good Legend appearance at a Royal Rumble!

Virgil turning on the Million Dollar Man after what seemed like Forever!!!
I'm going with Jericho's debut on RAW. The way the crowd popped when "JERICHO" flashed across the screen, before the lights even came back on, was just epic. It was one of the signature moments of the Monday Night Wars and something I still go back and watch on YouTube a lot.

Runner up: Sting's entrance at Starrcade '97.
Quite possibly when mankind turned into cactus jack. To me it was more than it seemed, it was like a message about not judging a book and all that .Her you had a man that until now had seemed a bit like a joke, well not a joke but not a powerful competitor. He had been destroyed by undertaker at HIAC, he had been obliterated by kane shortly after his debut, mauled by the rock in the valentines day massacre although he never quit, he was disgraced at not being able to fight back, and now bullied almost out of a job by HHH. And just like that it all changed, he became an animal, people knew him from previous years and organisations as an indestructible beast and so did HHH. For me its the way HHH face changes from a superior smirk to being downright terrified just because a man took a mask and a shirt off, to me the ultimate display of the power of a gimmick, its about how being pushed can release the animal inside which lurks in all of us, gives me chills when I watch it, and Ive seen it many times
When Hulk Hogan hit the ring and was Cheered so loud you couldnt here urself think.... It was the return of the man who made the WWF/E and although he was a Heel... and the Rock was the BabyFace it didnt matter..... He was the man and he proved himself to the crowd once again... everytime i hear he is to old... he gets in that ring and has some of the greatest matches of all time.....

One of the best moments i have ever seen>!!!!
When HHH returned after his first quad injury in MSG... I was 10 at the time and i just spent watching restling for like 3 years and my favorite was always HHH,i was so sad when i saw him get hurt and as the months passed (i didnt saw spoilers on the internet by then) i kept wondering where is HHH!!... Then january 2002 came along and he came back to one of the biggest pops ive heard!! It just was an awesome moment to see my favorite wrestler of all times come back after so long... Then saw him win the royal rumble and then the undisputed title at WM 18.... Those 3 months are my fondest memory in wrestling history
Stone Cold ruining the "Black Wedding" of the Undertaker and Stephanie.

Jericho's debut with the company.

The "Old" Stone Cold coming back on Raw to save team WWF against the Alliance before the Survivor Series.

The Rock and Stone Cold singing Jimmy Buffet in the ring on Raw before Wrestlemania 18

I could keep going on and on but one final one....Mankind, Mick Foley whatever you want to call him doing This is Your Life for the Rock.
For me it was the Monday Night Raw when Hogan returned with Nash and Hall and had the epic promo with The Rock. I was lucky enough to be at that show sitting in the third row. It was soooo loud...thats the only time I heard a chant change from one person to the other in midchant. ROCKY ROCKY ROCKY ROCK..GAN HOGAN HOGAN HOGAN...Nobody knew who to cheer for because both were legends. And when The Rock rock bottomed Hogans old ass it was the craziest pop Ive ever heard.
there are so many it is hard to pick. the one that stands out is hogan loosing to andre on t.v. remember this was 1988, no internet and everything was kayfabe so what little info was out there was all storylined out. never saw it comming.

next would be the first mania. i was ten years old when i saw on tape. can't imagine what it was like live.

piper showing up in wcw in '96. my internet had been down for some time i had no idea it was comming. was always a piper mark anyway.

this one wasn't that big a deal on the surface but i have to say rey beating nash on nitro. wasn't suprised to see rey put down a big man but the fact it was nash jobbing on a live impact was a bit shocking. plus the look on nash's face after the pin was priceless. proof that big sexy was one of the best when he wanted to be.

lastly would have to say the dog collar match between piper and valentine at starcade 1983. the damn thing looked real as hell. those were two true professionals that gave their all for a match. not gonna see stuff like that now from anyone or any company.

Edit: sorry wasn't a live impact but a live nitro, lol got confused there.
i have a few great moments so i'm gonna share them all!

John Cena Defeating Big Show to capture the U.S title is defffo one of my faves it was such a shock for me as i was sooooo young!

Eddie winning the wwe title from Brock has to also be one of my favourites!

Rey Mysterio winning the royal rumble was also a great moment for me :)

I hate to say it but when Nexus first came out was AMAZING!
I have to vote for formation of the Mega Powers. Savage being held up by the Hart Foundation after taking a beating from The Honky tonk Man with his guitar...Elizabeth running off scared and coming back with (of all people) Hulk Hogan!!! A year before, these two hated each other... As a little kid at the time, I was going crazy.
Eddie Guererro winning the WWE Championship from, who seemed like, an unstopable Champion known as Brock Lesnar. As far as I can remmeber, no one ever winning a World Championship was such an emotional win. Eddie had never been a world champion, anywhere he'd been. A few years before he overcame a serious car crash and reaching an all time low turning to mass doses of drugs. Winning the WWE Championship completed his career and told anyone watching then, that you can ALWAYS over turn the odds. No matter how bad. This memory, especially now that he's gone, will stick with me forever. RIP:worship:
I have so many great wrestling memories most have been mentioned,but my fondest wrestling memory would have to be when Diesel won the title from Mr.Bob Backlund in the matter of seconds,I was there as a kid at MSG and if i remember correctly It was suppose to be Bret Hart in the match not Diesel and at the time i was a big Diesel fan so that was awesome and something i will never forget.
My favourite wrestling moment is in wcw circa 1989, when ric flair had finally beat ricky steamboat in their series, they had two magnificent matches before (all of witch got 5*'s). Amazing moment, amzing match, Ric flair showed that he was still the man.

My fondest memory happened not to long after I started watching. It was at the peak of the Edge vs. Hardy feud, and the match was Edge vs. Hardy in either a TLC match or a ladder match. Either way, while reading the results online, I was thinking, "YES!! Hardy won!!!", and then being devastated when I saw Punk had cashed in. Another fond memory was Jeff's last SD! in his awesome cage match against Punk, and me being completely PO'ed when Hardy lost.
Mine had to be seeing Eddie Guerrero win the WWE Championship from Brock Lesnar; I'm a hometown Guerrero mark, and that brought tears to my eyes. Probably the hardest I'd ever cheered for anything.
wow great thread and a tough one at that. jeez i have so many memories. lets see here...

this is your life rock- its a classic
the debut of jericho- enough said
the rock vs mankind in an i quit match- it was sooo crazy
beer bath by stone cold- awesome awesome awesome
milk bath by kurt angle- almost as awesome
the invasion- i loved that year
undertaker crusifies stephanie mcmahon- insane
my personal favorite match of all time kurt angle vs shane mcmahon at king of the ring
the formation of the nwo- again...enough said
sting joining the wolf pack- one of my favorite wrestlers of all time
jeff hardy finally becomes wwe champion- he deserved it
first stunner on vince mcmahon- such a memerable moment to say the least
kanes debut
eddie guerrero tribute show- very sad
ric flair's goodbye
paul heyman joins wwe- one of the greatest minds in the buisness
eric bischoff named raw gm- did not expect that
the first ever wwe draft
ric flair named new wwe commisioner

i could just go on and on these are just a few

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