Foley to TNA

  • Thread starter Koko B Ware's Parrot-Kes!
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Fuck i hope this is true. Wow, If this is true this could be huge. that is if TNA is going in the hardcore old ECW direction. I know i am against TNA claiming WWE rejects but this is different as he is choosing to leave. This could be better then having Flair go to TNA. Foley when used every now and then in hardcore matches can still wrestle and have entertaining matches.

If he moved to TNA this could be the defining point making TNA the next Original ECW style Show. it would make more people tune into it. everybody knows about Mick Foley and hardcore matches. you would have all the old style fans tuning in to see what happens even the haters to see what they are missing out on.

He gets to wrestle again but when he wants to TNA gets a huge name. good move for everybody (maybe minus the WWE) but yeah good lick to both TNA and Foley if this is true.
Amen, MisterRob. First, Mick Foley's active wrestling career is over. He may do a match once every 6 months, but, with the condition his body is in, that is the limits of his abilities physically. TNA would not appeal to him that way. He won't consider TNA as a place to continue his active wrestling career. Then, we must consider his current job, announcing. From all indications, Mick Foley enjoys announcing, he is good at it, and his only major beef is Vince trying to control exactly what he is going to say. That is the kind of problem that a long meeting with Vince McMahon can clear up. Mick Foley is certainly a WWE Hall of Famer, and, while McMahon may not do everything he suggests, he will at least listen. Backstage interference with announcers is hardly news. There have been news blips on this very website from the past few years saying that McMahon has been riding Jim Ross and Michael Cole too...

Basically, what I am trying to say, is Mick Foley, if he decides he is unhappy announcing, still has little motivation to go to TNA. He doesn't need them to continue wrestling, and he certainly gets paid better to announce on Smackdown than he would on Impact. I could see someone like Hardcore Holly going to TNA to try to extend his career a few more years, but Foley is past that. TNA cannot offer Mick Foley anything of real value. So, I will believe rumors about Mick Foley ditching the WWE for TNA when I see him appear on TNA programming. Until then, I am not buying what the Sun is selling.
First off, whenever anyone leaves WWE there will be rumors of them going to TNA. That's just business. Of course TNA will at least inquire about him. Whether he's actually interested in another story. He seems to have a decent deal with WWE without the announcing and I'm sure that he's going to have more business ventures in the future that exposure on WWE would help him with.

Now the reason that Flair or Foley and any other big name who doesn't or rarely wrestles anymore might be interested in going to TNA would be less travel and the ability to help grow a new company. I'm sure all these guys wouldn't mind have two big players again.

With that said, I don't think he'll go to TNA and I don't know if he'll bring ratings, but it would be a nice notch for TNA. I'm sure he could help in some manner.
The Sun out of the UK is reporting a close friend of Mick Foley has informed them that the hardcore icon is headed to TNA Wrestling when his WWE contract expires on September 1st.

Foley’s friend told the Sun, “Mick's body cannot handle a full time schedule, even in TNA. But he's hell bent on doing everything he can to further his legacy and put them on the map.

The friend added, "Mick's plan is to wrestle select dates, like Sting currently does. He feels he will legitimately make a big difference in the way TNA Wrestling is perceived by the public!”


How do you think that this will affect TNA? I'm sure the ratings are going to go up. I'll for sure be tuning in.

How do you think Foley will do? I doubt he'll ever be world champ, but it should be interesting.
i think this might be the wake up call to vince mcmahon, for the 1st time a hall of famer actually went to TNA when able to stay in the WWE. I hope this doesnt keep mick out of the HoF though. Depending on how much he actually fights I think he will get more ratings for TNA because Foley has some loyal followers. I wonder if he'll come back as mick foley, cactus jack, dude love, or mankind though?
Mick Foley, most likely, because the WWE probably has some copyright crap on his other names.. Even though Cactus was ECW..

And, if this keeps Foley out of the hall of fame, I am going to be pissed.

TNA will for sure advertise Foley's debut.. They are gunna get higher ratings that day. =] GO Foley!
I'm split on this one. I respect the hell out of Mick Foley about as much as I do for anyone in the business, but is this career suicide. Unlike Ric Flair, Foley still has name value, and can give something back to the business.

Mick Foley is truly a legend, but being on Triple H's shit list, and not in good standing with Vince, I'm just afraid that Mick Foley's legacy is going to be buried, much like any other wrestler that doesn't been to Vince's will.

On the other hand, I respect the hell out of Foley for doing this. Unlike all of the other brown noser asskissers in the WWE, Foley has principals, and won't be treated like a piece of shit by Vince McMahon, he's beyond that and doesn't deserve the treatment he has reportedly received over the year.

Foley won't do anything for the ratings, lets not full ourselves. If Kurt Angle didn't do anything for ratings, then Foley 8 years removed from active wrestling sure isn't going to do anything to spike the ratings. Hell, are the arenas TNA perform in even big enough for Foley to do a sick bump in?
A long time ago, in an era that seems long forgotten on a boradcast of WCW Monday Nitro Tony Schiavone spoiled the end of WWF Raw is War. He said something to the effect of "Over on that other television show Mick Foley is going to win the World Championship, that'll put butts in seats." And that night almost every wrestling fan tuned into the end of Raw instead of the end of Nitro.

Now Mick Foley iss going to TNA. ANd the question is can Mick Foley still put butts in seats. I like Mick. He;s from Long Island and I'm a Long Island boy myself. My brother's college professor was Mick's father. I've seen Mick wrestle live multiple times in all his different personas. I will forever be a fan of the mans legacy, character, work ethic and works of literature. I'm a fan on the way he seems to be a family man. I like Mick Foley a lot.

However, I do not think, at this point is career, Mich is relevant any longer. As a commentator in the company that made him famous, and to be fair one he helped make just as famous, he found a new way to keep himself in the world on professional wrestling without looking like a joke.

When Mick comes out, he rarely has the smae pop he used to get anymore. Stone Cold still gets an ovation like no tother is his one appearance a year. The Rock, at the HOF, was cheered for in a way I have rarely heard these days. The mere mention of Bret Hart usually revokes a strong fan response. But Mick Foley no longer does that.

So by going to TNA, I do NOT think their ratings will improve, I don't think his legacy will cement TNA as anything more than they aready are. The 2nd biggest promotion in America because they are the only promotion with a major TV deal.

If anything, this tarnishes Mick's legacy with WWE and could be just another black spot on what was a great career for a great entertainer.
Yeah I don't expect much of a ratings rise either but Foley could be good for them for a few months at least maybe Monster's ball at BFG although IDK if he will be allowed to compete in TNA by then. A feud with Abyss would be interesting.We'll have to wait and see.
Supposedly the reason Foley is unhappy as a commentator in WWE is that he hates being screamed at by McMahon all through the broadcasts. Foley as commentator in TNA could really really help the product. It's not a question of his name value it's a question of what he can still offer - he's a fantastic talker.

And if he can wrestle the occasional show then that's gravy.
I think this is shit for the WWE. While Foley isn't the same man he was a few years back, he still has the name, meaning he will sell. However, his name dosen't sell on a huge scale. While associated with the WWE, Mick Foley's name was still out there, now if he does go to TNA the audience is much smaller.

And let's be honest, who is going to watch iMPACT! every week to see what he does? I'll Youtube him most of the time, but he is joining a company about 1,000,000 times smaller than the WWE, which is proved by ratings and PPV buyrates.

He still has 2 or 3 good fueds left with him, regarding matches, as like he says.. he isn't the man he once was. He's gotten a lot older and his body has to be fucked up to the max. I thought with his promo with Edge on SD! a few weeks ago prehaps a heel turn and a fued with The Undertaker could be his final fued due to his age. But in TNA, I only see him having big fueds with Angle and Sting.

All in all, Foley going to TNA won't hurt the WWE in the slightest because Foley dosen't have the star power that he once did. However, he may help TNA ratings wise, but, only by 0.1 at the most IMO because as i've said, he just isn't the star that he once was.
I think if Mick Foley went to TNA, it would raise their ratings but, not that much. IMO it would be pretty cool to have Mick Foley and Ric Flair in TNA. Having two HoF in TNA would probably raise their ratings because both men have die hard fans. Maybe, neither of them will go to TNA. The point is that it would probably piss Vince off and then put their legacies to dust.
Everyone keeps saying this but when did Mick Foley become a HoFer? Are we talking WWe HoF because he never got inducted as far as I can remember and if anything I can see Vince taking this as on oppertunity to never put him in.
There is a thread on this in the WWE section (here: so I'm going to copy and past my comments from there:

First off, whenever anyone leaves WWE there will be rumors of them going to TNA. That's just business. Of course TNA will at least inquire about him. Whether he's actually interested in another story. He seems to have a decent deal with WWE without the announcing and I'm sure that he's going to have more business ventures in the future that exposure on WWE would help him with.

Now the reason that Flair or Foley and any other big name who doesn't or rarely wrestles anymore might be interested in going to TNA would be less travel and the ability to help grow a new company. I'm sure all these guys wouldn't mind have two big players again.

With that said, I don't think he'll go to TNA and I don't know if he'll bring ratings, but it would be a nice notch for TNA. I'm sure he could help in some manner.
if he does go to TNA he wont be hurting the WWE he will be hurting himself and his legacy, let me go from a main stream business to one that has mostly washed up wrestlers that the WWE didnt hang onto because they were not good enough except the few that have some potential but it would be probably the stupidest thing he could do because it will most likely keep him out of the HOF and just like everyone said, the WWE will just bury his career and most importantly, his legacy.
(I posted this over on the TNA board, but I'll put here as well)

A long time ago, in an era that seems long forgotten on a boradcast of WCW Monday Nitro Tony Schiavone spoiled the end of WWF Raw is War. He said something to the effect of "Over on that other television show Mick Foley is going to win the World Championship, that'll put butts in seats." And that night almost every wrestling fan tuned into the end of Raw instead of the end of Nitro.

Now Mick Foley iss going to TNA. ANd the question is can Mick Foley still put butts in seats. I like Mick. He;s from Long Island and I'm a Long Island boy myself. My brother's college professor was Mick's father. I've seen Mick wrestle live multiple times in all his different personas. I will forever be a fan of the mans legacy, character, work ethic and works of literature. I'm a fan on the way he seems to be a family man. I like Mick Foley a lot.

However, I do not think, at this point is career, Mich is relevant any longer. As a commentator in the company that made him famous, and to be fair one he helped make just as famous, he found a new way to keep himself in the world on professional wrestling without looking like a joke.

When Mick comes out, he rarely has the smae pop he used to get anymore. Stone Cold still gets an ovation like no tother is his one appearance a year. The Rock, at the HOF, was cheered for in a way I have rarely heard these days. The mere mention of Bret Hart usually revokes a strong fan response. But Mick Foley no longer does that.

So by going to TNA, I do NOT think their ratings will improve, I don't think his legacy will cement TNA as anything more than they aready are. The 2nd biggest promotion in America because they are the only promotion with a major TV deal.

If anything, this tarnishes Mick's legacy with WWE and could be just another black spot on what was a great career for a great entertainer.
I can't see how it would benefit Foley is he were to go to TNA. He almost certainly won't wrestle as his body is way too banged up from taking so much huge bumps and I can't see him being an on air personality like Jeremy Borash. I think Foley will retire as he is fine financially, but I would like to see him do one off appearances like what past greats like Stone Cold or Harley Race do when there is a 3 hour edition of Raw
This is cool, but its not going to overnight put TNA on the map. Foley is god but he is in now shape to wrestle anymore. Hopefully he does commentary and takes over West or Tenay. There must be some behind the scenes stuff going on to make Foley leave the WWE now. He has a prime spot as the smackdown commentary with JR, so their must be something going on. But in the end I dont see Foley really making TNA any better(unless he's on commentary) and if he goes TNA he will probably be misused. Yet I think he will just retired because there's nothing for him to achieve in TNA and I hope he doesnt become champ since his body is pretty much destroyed.
I think in order for Mick Foley to be a success in TNA, he needs to be allowed to say and do what he pleases. No "worked-shoot" promos, give Foley a mic and let him do an all-out shoot. And if he doesn't really have anything negative to say about WWE, don't force him to do it. Just let Mick Foley be Mick Foley, and he'll immediately become the biggest star on the roster. The only problem is, if he's only wrestling on a part-time schedule, then I don't see him being that big of draw, at least not for TV. Maybe he'll draw a couple thousand more PPV buys. But I will say this, Mick Foley's Impact! debut, should it ever happen, will be the biggest rating TNA Impact has ever drawn.
if Kurt Angle, Booker T, Sting, Nash, 3D, Joe and AJ couldnt put butts into the seats what possibly makes you think that an aged and overweight Mick Foley can.

sure he is a legend and a HOFer but that was the past. if he does go to TNA it'll be big for a while and then people will move on. he cant wrestle every week, he wants a limited schedule as Sting and Taker currently have but it wont produce ratings over the long haul.
I think it could be good for TNA. If he works the occasional match with stars like Styles, Joe, Roode, Storm. Then he could help them reach a new plateau in their careers. It would also give some extra life to Mick Foley's career as well. He is already a legend. But if he could have a part in TNA making it big, then his career is set in stone. The only thing that bugs me though is if TNA doesnt let him be himself other than that it would be fine. I personally would love to see this happen. Hopefully it does.
I don't think that Foley will go to TNA....There's a huge paycut involved and just by watching iMPACT one knows that TNA is not exactly the "next ECW." I just don't see anything that would entice Foley to sign with TNA. Will they have him work a feud with Samoa Joe? Probably not. By his own admittance, Mick is broken down and can wrestle on a very limited basis. Plus Foley's one of those guys who are hard to turn hell - fans will always cheer him. This was tried about two years ago and was resoundingly unsuccessful. I don't see TNA replacing Don West with Mick Foley either, and even if they did I'm not so sure Foley would want to call matches with Mike Tenay. He is a very bad announcer and a far far cry for Jim Ross.

That leaves booking. If Jarrett offers Mick a change to book then I think there might be a small chance. That is if Mick even wants the job.

In conclusion, I feel that Foley will take a hiatus from WWE, work a few indy dates and autograph signings, and then re-appear in WWE.
I really don't see this happening, I don't think Foley really wants to wrestle more than one or two matches a year if that, so really what role could he play, they already have Cornette running the show, so I can't see him doing that, so really that just leaves him as a manager or something along those lines, and that's just not something I really ever see Foley doing, he just doesn't seem like the manager type to me, so really I don't see how they could use him, what role he could play, unless they used him to replace Don West, which would be a really really good and much needed move
Wow, I was pretty shocked to see this. Losing Foley to TNA would be a blow to WWE. It wouldn't be a major blow, like Triple H or Edge signing to TNA, but it'd still sting. Vince McMahon doesn't seem to understand that people have limits, and hearing his guttural, creepy voice complaining about your EXCELLENT WORK as an announcer isn't something anybody should be forced to withstand.

Mick should do what he wants to, though. But does this mean a return to active competition or another role, such as an announcer? (ANYONE is better than Don West and Mike Tenay. GIMME ADAMLE!) Wonder how things'll turn out...
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