Foley disappoints...yet again...

I have to be honest, it really entertained me, although by the end of it just became a who's crazier contest, Flair beating the crap out of Foleys book was hilarious, I don't know how I feel about the match, it might be intresting, but it will probably be a snooze fest with alot of blood, like Flair and AJ Vs Abyss and Hogan.
Just My Opinion!
People this match will be a grindhouse style bloody infested fight between two legendary wrestlers. This match will be the best match on Impact next week and I cannot wait.
It was a unique promo. Completely different from most other promos. It broke away from the regular formula. Some might say it was totally unscripted, but when you put two masterminds of the mic, I hardly see a reason to have one. It was very enjoyable and and a very good promo it was. These are two guys who are over-aged and looking for a way to prove they can still offer a lot to the business. If they can't wrestle, then they gotta cut a good promo. That's what happened here. They went out there and provided a very unconventional (and successful) promo to hype Before The Glory.
I loved it actually. Flair is absolute Gold. I don't care how old, the guy has been truly epic ever since he came to TNA. Foley was right, he is the old Naitch. An older..nuttier version of Naitch.

I can't wait for the match next week. If these two can beat the tar out of THEMSELVES, imagine what they'll do when they go against eachother.
Couldn't agree more. It was just strange. I already posted my thoughts on it in another thread:

I think the real question is: Is anybody writing this shit!?

Seriously, I know I wasn't the only one confuddled as hell watching that Flair/Foley promo. They were just yelling over each other about how great Flair was while Flair humped the ring ropes and promised to kiss Foley's ass, then they both started busting themselves open. I just hope someone is collecting all this blood because a pint can save up to three lives... fact!
This promo was definitely entertaining. So was the Sting/Nah/Pope promo cut later that Impact. If you think about it Foley should of really been the leader of EV2 over dreamer to make this feud relevant but I'm not really complaining.Flair and Foley got across what they needed to say to make this match look like it wasn't thought up last week. There was tension and emotion, the two things needed for the reason behind there feud which is that they hate each other. Plus its Foley and Flair which are two promo gods, if they couldn't get the job done who could.

I don't see why people have a problem with flair saying that he's gone crazy. He's just being Ric Flair. Watch anything before the end of wcw or even during his first run with the wwe. Flair has always been that way. The only difference now is that hes older, has more wrinkles and less hair. Also please stop using his second run with the wwe as a basis for flairs sanity. His second run was like taker turning biker, it was cool but it wasnt the original deadman.

In reality the only reason his match is taking place is because fans of wrestling love nostalgia. I showed my brother who hasn't watched in about ten years Paul Bearers return and now is once again interested in seeing what unfolds with the undertaker. Im sure hes not the only one who has tuned back in. The fact is Nostalgia sells. This match is no different, TNA needs to draw good ratings for this live show and having a match between two legends is something nostalgia seekers will tune in for. Also it could draw interested wwe fans who liked these wrestlers and will watch the rest of the show in the process hopefully liking what they see.
Foley and Flair are two of the best promo guys ever and are rarely scripted. It's more like "you guys go out there and cut a promo for the match", and let them do their thing. I witnessed this promo Live at the Impact Zone and as good as Foley can be, Flair blew him away ....wooooooo! It blew the audience away too, they were riveted to what was happening in the ring, even the cancer crew behaved themselves during it. Watching it again on TV confirmed it. Foley started out OK, but the more he talked the crazier Flair got and there is nothing more entertaining than a flipped out Flair. There were a couple spots where you could see Foley trying to not crack up at Flair. Foley had a WTF look on his face when Flair started smacking himself in the head to get juice, then followed Ric's lead. From that point on Foley went down hill and Ric ruled the ring. I looked at this promo as round one of Flair vs Foley, and Flair was the clear winner of the promo.

I am looking forward to this match, even though I really think these guys shouldn't be be wrestling, but sticking to management roles. But these two against each other should make for an interesting match. Foley is fat and out of shape, but a lot younger than Flair. Flair is over 60 but in great shape for a guy his age. Its "the dirtiest player in the game" vs a guy that is known for doing insane moves without regard for his body.
Foley has old injuries which may limit some of his insane moves, his major advantage is more experience in hardcore matches. Flair is relativity healthy and hes a "60 minute man", who has gotten crazier with age. I think Flair will win this as the first step to eliminating EV2. Fortune will finish the job at BFG.

Yeah, that's not even close to what I said/meant. Did you even read my post?

I absolutely did read your post... but it seems like you skimmed, or couldn't comprehend mine.

WWE is a whole hell of a lot more scripted than TNA is. Foley improvised a lot during backstage segments, interviews, etc. Those are much easier to improvise as opposed to heated dialogue, face-to-face, in the ring. They did pretty well in talking for such a long period of time. Could two younger guys, like Jay Lethal and Kaz, have done that well? Doubtful. I really don't think you understood anything I wrote.

Ohhhh, hating on Ric Flair due to his age..original.

It seems that YOU didn't understand what I wrote...

My point of bringing up Kaz and Lethal was saying they couldn't have done it, and if it were those two the whole "It's bad scripting" would be a valid argument, my whole point was Flair and Foley have more experience. And you also seemed to simultaneously catch and miss the point about WWE not scripting them. Impressive.

I don't "hate" Ric Flair because of his age, I hate him because he's vastly overrated, I just described what I saw.

Oh, right. It's Mick Foley and Ric Flair's fault that TNA gave them shit to work with. It's their fault TNA told them to out onto national television and cut a near 20 freakin' minute promo about something that could have been said in 5-10. Mick and Ric put forth their best effort, and worked their asses off out there. It came off a whole hell of a lot better than you are giving it credit for...or you're blind and deaf.

You seemed to miss MY point that TNA DOESN'T GIVE THEIR GUYS THINGS TO WORK WITH. Foley and Flair are both guys with a proven track record and legitimate heat, to write anything for them would (on paper) have been a bad idea. I'm usually quick to point out TNA's mistakes, but they honestly didn't make one here, Foley and Flair were just sloppy that night.

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