Championship Contender
Foley as GM doesn't have any affect on Flair unless the writing staff wants it to. It is very easy for Flair to have a storyline that doesn't involve the GM in any way. And hopefully they would be smart enough to not do that again. I still don't think Foley is anything special in the ring and I don't agree that he is "light years" ahead of Cena on the mic, but I will try to find a way to check out the matches you suggested Shockmaster.
But to get back on topic, I really hope Foley does not emerge as the GM, and I don't think he would want to spend much time on the road nowadays but I may be wrong I haven't researched it. He is too big to be pinned to ECW now.
But to get back on topic, I really hope Foley does not emerge as the GM, and I don't think he would want to spend much time on the road nowadays but I may be wrong I haven't researched it. He is too big to be pinned to ECW now.