First NXT vs. NXT star feud


Gone but never forgotten.
The first episode of NXT is in the books, received great reviews, and drove in some good ratings for SyFy Network. It seems as if the concept of veterans and rookies seems to be working well for the WWE.

We were given some insight into the lives and personas of most of the new NXT stars and saw interaction between them and their veteran mentors. Some of the interaction was like oil and water and some was pretty bland and mediocre. But, it doesn't seem as if we've seen much interaction between the NXT stars themselves, besides the matches that we witnessed last week.

One would assume that eventually the WWE is eventually going to involve these rookies in feuds with each other.

Granted, we haven't seen a whole lot from any of these guys. But, judging by what we've seen thus far, who do you think would make for some good feuds? And what qualities would make them a good feud?

Are we talking just an in-ring contest? Jealousy of another rookie's mentor? A microphone/promo war?

What do you guys think?
Hmm the only potential feuds I see are Rookie pro (Bryan vs Miz and Young vs Punk). I suppose that Young and Otega could have a minifeud based on Young wanting Punk's acceptance and doing that by avenging his loss(es) and maybe doing so by accepting straightedge into his life, but that's all I'm seeing for now. Maybe if people other than Bryan can get more focus we'll see feuds develop.
To me I think Otunga and Bryan are bound to clash. Look at it this way:

Firstly Otunga is a guy either engaged or married to Jennifer Hudson, he is a Harvard law graduate and has met the president, twice. He has a good size and a good look so by all accounts he should be the star of NXT.

Then look at Bryan, a guy who has waited ten years to get in WWE, a guy who has one of the best reputations in the indys and is a great in ring worker. He doesn't have the WWE favoured look, he's 5'10 190lbs (the same weight as myself) and by all means he shouldn't be the star. Yet he is. I can see this pissing Otunga off and leading to a feud.
I coulkd also see a Barrett vs Tarver feud based off their gimmicks alone. Tarver's a boxer/MMAist, Barrett's a bare knuckle fighter. I could see them both thinking that they're the best fighters in NXT and having a feud over that where they take it in turns to ambush the other and beat them shitless.

Possibly Bryan vs Sheffield too, based on Bryan wanting Regal as his mentor and Sheffield wanting to beat some respect for the Miz into Bryan.
I'd say Rookie feuds are a given. Many of the Rookies have huge egos and grandiose characters, so they're bound to bump heads eventually. When it comes to seeing who is "the best" and who will ultimately win, Rookie feuds are going to happen. Overall, they're the real stars of the show in their own way while the Pros are primarily just the supporting cast. The lend credibility to the Rookies, but it's ultimately the Rookies that are going to have to prove themselves and feuding with each other is one way to show that.

Daniel Bryan came out looking like a star last week. The Miz and Jericho helped get him over big time. A lot of fans in the arena didn't have a clue who he was when he first came out and were cheering their asses off for him by the end of the night. Bryan showed that he's got real skill, he's fun to watch in the ring and he interacted very well with two of the best heels in the business today.

Of the others I've seen, David Otunga has a lot of potential. He has a great look and can cut a great heel promo. While I was watching last week, he really sounded like he was full of himself and that he was simply better than everyone else. I believed every word that he said. Now, I haven't seen nearly enough of him in the ring to be impressed. But, he and Bryan are two definite stand outs that I can see feuding with each other. Bryan is mostly something of a young, no nonsense work horse while Otunga is an arrogant powerhouse that feels the WWE contract is his already. Factor in their different styles, their different looks and they just seem like natural enemies to me.
I would have to say the first NXT Star vs NXT Star feud would have to be Daniel Bryan vs. David Otunga. Why, well it's really quite simple. First, WWE is really wanting to push Daniel Bryan and he has the look of a typical underdog who no one gives a chance of winning against the big guys. Second, what a better way to build to the aforementioned point then to build up an indestructible force in David Otunga. A guy who beat his debut opponent in about forty seconds. Somehow these two cross paths down the line teasing a feud but never really pull the trigger on the feud until the time comes to decide a winner of the WWE Contract "which I think they are fighting for". That way when Daniel Bryan defeats a massive, supposedly unbeatable opponent, he will get the rub to become the new Underdog of the WWE in the process of getting over with the fans.

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