Finishers That Should Have Stayed

BK Styles

Certified Nerd
Yes, another finisher based thread, but I haven't seen this one around so hear me out.

Ok, I was watching a match this week with Edge and Orton vs Ziggler and Miz on Smackdown, and I saw Edge pull out his old DDT variation. I've seen him use it a few times recently, and I thought back to 2002, when that move, first labelled the Buzzkiller, then later the Edgecution, was Edge's finisher. I think at one point he had that and the Spear as dual finishers. Now though, its just one of his moves in his arsenal. Thinking on this point, I was thinking to myself "I like the spear, but against bigger guys (of anyone bigger than him, actually) it just looks unrealistic. I wish Edge still used that DDT to finish matches too."

So my question is, have there been any finishers that superstars have stopped using that you wish they didn't? Or are there any finishers that have been relegated to normal moves that you disagree with?
And why?
I think sheamus' irish curse should have been kept as his impact finisher as opposed to the high cross move, just something about the way he slams them down onto his knee and then there's that pause just before he lets them go and they hit the mat says "finisher" a lot better than a simple back bump from the high cross position, plus sheamus tends to fall down with his opponent I figure it looks cooler when he's in control with his irish curse move.

As for dolph ziggler I'm kind of on the fence as to whether he should be using the sleeper or the zig zag more, I suppose the zig zag is kind of cool, but I think it has about the same amount of impact as the high cross, that being said I think the sleeper hold is quite a poor move to use as a finisher, I'm thinking he needs a new finisher alltogether, one that will really stand out and make the crowd go wow!
The first move that comes to mind is the Mllion Dollar Hold by Stone Cold. While I love the Stunner, I just felt he should have kept that hold around a little more. Adds another dimension to high-profile feuds that actually have very, little wear-down/submission holds involved in the finish.
The first move that comes to mind is the Mllion Dollar Hold by Stone Cold. While I love the Stunner, I just felt he should have kept that hold around a little more. Adds another dimension to high-profile feuds that actually have very, little wear-down/submission holds involved in the finish.

It was nice to see Austin occasionally use the Million Dollar Dream in title matches, I think I remember seeing him use it during the legendary 3 stages of hell match with Triple H, when both guys were using every move they knew....awesome match.

Also, I agree with the EDGECUTION, its a great move. I am a huge fan of DDT's (obviously love the Raven Effect), but my favourite has always been the Implant DDT, I think it looks great. The Edgecution is just an a version of Gangrel's IMPALER DDT[/D], which I would probably say is my favourite finisher of them all. I agree it should be used more often as a match-ender by Edge, great choice.

My pick? That's easy. THE LIONSAULT. I love that move, and have always been surprised at how accurate Jericho was at landing it, especially when he knew someone was getting their knees up to counter it. Since he returned from his several year break, he relied upon on the Codebreaker as his main finisher, and the Walls of Jericho and the Lionsault were both reduced to regular moves, with no chance of getting the win. I think that if we see another Y2J return, he should start mixing it up a bit and getting the 3-count with his other moves.

Having more than 1 finisher can really benefit a wrestler, as it shows they are more dangerous with a variety of ways to beat their opponent, rather than only getting a win if they hit 1 specific move.
Also, another one I loved was when Kane starting doing a DIVING POWERBOMB. It was great when the Brothers of Destruction were together and Undertaker would hit a last ride and Kane would stand alongside him and nail the diving powerbomb.

As he is a 7-footer, I certainly think this move had the impact and looked devastating enough to be used as an additional finishing move along with the Tombstone and Chokeslam
What an awesome thread. Props to the poster who mentioned Stone Cold using the Million Dollar Dream as a throwback to his Ringmaster days. I remember him using it at WrestleMania X7 vs The Rock and I thought that was majorly heelish. Of course, he would turn at the end of that event. On a similar note I've noticed HHH using the Indian Deathlock when quote unquote pulling out all the stops.

I like Matt Stryker/Striker (spl?) calling regular moves but giving them good names such as John Morrison's backflip side-slam more commonly known as The C-4, I just cant imagine King or Cole calling these moves. I also like JoMo's superkick when dubbed the Nitro Blast. Does Miz use the Reality Check anymore? I'm not really into the Skull Crushing Finale as a finish but there is worse out there.

I like when announcers revisit history. Case in point when Chris Jericho competed at the original ECW One Night Stand as Lion-Heart and cracked out the Walls of Jericho only Styles called it The Lion-Tamer, nice subtle nod.

I know I'm getting off point here but I hate when announcers use generic terms such as ''what a manouever!!''. Show your knowledge, its your job. On this note, they really need to christen Alberto Del Rio's cross arm-breaker with a standout-move. The guy is going to main-event WrestleMania this year.
My third contribution to this thread is the TOP ROPE ELBOW DROP.

It was a legitimate finisher when Macho Man used it, but I think HBK using his version as a set-up for the Sweet Chin Music prevented anyone else from using it as a match-ending move.

Now Shawn has retired, I really think someone should take on the top rope diving elbow drop as a finisher, it looks painful and could certainly get over as a match ending move. Driving your elbow into someones torso after leaping from the top rope would be incredibly painful if actually done, so there is no reason why this move has been taken out of commision.

For someone like Ted DiBiase or Michael McGillicutty, this could become their patented finisher. Maybe even Tyler Reks, to be used alongside his Burning Hammer. Reks is a big guy, and his version could look even more brutal than a usual elbow drop.

Definitely something to think about.
The first move that comes to mind is the Mllion Dollar Hold by Stone Cold. While I love the Stunner, I just felt he should have kept that hold around a little more. Adds another dimension to high-profile feuds that actually have very, little wear-down/submission holds involved in the finish.


I completely agree with you, but wasn't it called the million dollar dream? Anyways, there seems to be a lack in "wearing down" type moves in wrestling matches today. It seems like sometimes they'd like to just get the match over with rather than tell a story like the days of old.

Another move I wish Stone cold would have kept as a finisher is the Stun Gun. The though of coming down on the rope with your neck. It was a pretty cool move when it wasn't botched.

I don't think either of those moves fit his new gimmick as the hell raising bad ass though, you know?
My third contribution to this thread is the TOP ROPE ELBOW DROP.

It was a legitimate finisher when Macho Man used it, but I think HBK using his version as a set-up for the Sweet Chin Music prevented anyone else from using it as a match-ending move.

Now Shawn has retired, I really think someone should take on the top rope diving elbow drop as a finisher, it looks painful and could certainly get over as a match ending move. Driving your elbow into someones torso after leaping from the top rope would be incredibly painful if actually done, so there is no reason why this move has been taken out of commision.

Curt Hawkins, when he actually wins a match, uses it as his finisher. They call it the heat seeker.

Does Miz use the Reality Check anymore?

Yes he does on occasion during his matches. But not as a finisher anymore.

But my pick would definitely be JoMo's superkick. The move fits him perfectly, and I think it would help vault his WWE status. He could still keep moves like C4 and Starship pain as signatures, but they need to be limited. C4 requires someone who can pull it off with him, and Starship pain is too easy to mess up. Look at the Raw rumble. Cena got WAY too close to the corner on the setup and JoMo actually had to play it off like he got hurt on it because he missed so much.
My third contribution to this thread is the TOP ROPE ELBOW DROP.

It was a legitimate finisher when Macho Man used it, but I think HBK using his version as a set-up for the Sweet Chin Music prevented anyone else from using it as a match-ending move.


Curt Hawkins is currently using it as his finisher if im not mistaken. One finisher i wish woudlve stayed is the NitroBlast. Now that Michaels is gone JoMo could use it again. Since the The Miz kicked out of the SSP, it takes away from the (kayfabe) devestation. The only reason i supported the move was no one had ever kicked out of it. Now it should be just a signiture move that might work but probably not. Then use the sweet chin music as a finisher
I was always a fan of Randy Orton's Overdrive. While in OVW he also used a spinning T-Bone Suplex, I know it sounds weird, but it is legit. The overdrive has always been an underrated finisher. Also while in WCW, Juventud Guerrera used the Juvi Driver and 450 Splash, but switched to only the Juvi Driver when signed by WWE, while being part of the Mexicools. The 450 splash he used was so impactful and crisp it always made me go "Ooooo" when I saw it. Juvi was not only more charismatic than Justin Gabriel, but brought the 450 to the states and if not for guys like Juvi, Justin Gabriel might not be in the biz
I'd like to see a Gory Special used(back-to-back backbreaker submission).

Maybe I'm a bit outdated, but I think if like, a Matt Morgan, Skip Sheffield or Mason Ryan(some kind of monsterous beast) used it, it could be really awesome looking.
Curt Hawkins is currently using it as his finisher if im not mistaken.

Oh. I have literally never seen Hawkins use a top rope elbow drop...but as I have never actually seen the guy win a singles match then that probably explains it.

Good to see WWE have given someone the elbow drop as a finisher again. I would rather a bigger star used it, as I am a big fan of the move but at least someone has it in their arsenal. Thanks for pointing this out, I will keep my eyes open for Hawkins and hope to see him land the elbow drop soon!
The Frog Splash.You never see Chavo do it anymore.

And a Superplex as a actual Finisher.Normally superstars do it and its not good.But if this superstar does it and adds impact/rolls into a pin could make it better.Like a jackhammer of the top rope.
You may think I'm weird. But a finisher I always liked was the Michinoku Driver. Looked devastating everytime Taka used it, I'd like to see someone use a move like that again.
You may think I'm weird. But a finisher I always liked was the Michinoku Driver. Looked devastating everytime Taka used it, I'd like to see someone use a move like that again.

Why would anyone think you are weird? The Michinoku Driver was a great finishing move, I would love to see it used as a match-ending move again.

Juventud Guerrera did use it in WWE, but it was called the Juvi Driver, and I am pretty sure Renee Dupree used something similar for a while too....

I agree that this is a move that should be utilised by someone in WWE again, definitely finisher worthy.
The Frog Splash.You never see Chavo do it anymore.

And a Superplex as a actual Finisher.Normally superstars do it and its not good.But if this superstar does it and adds impact/rolls into a pin could make it better.Like a jackhammer of the top rope.

Chavo busted out the Frog Splash on Friday, and definitely hit it, but Kane grabbed Chavo's throat, no-sold Chavito, and chokeslammed him for the win. I think we don't see Chavo bust out the Frog Splash because it'd mean he'd get a win.

Definitely agreed on the superplex. If it's so "super", why doesn't it ever end a match (other than Brock Lesnar and Big Show decimating the ring)? A roll-through superplex would be awesome, but it'd mean that everyone else would be out a simple top-rope move.

Saturn's finishers should make a comeback. I haven't seen a Death Valley Driver in a while... I think Batista adopted it for a month, but the Rings Of Saturn is a lost submission.
Saturn's finishers should make a comeback. I haven't seen a Death Valley Driver in a while... I think Batista adopted it for a month, but the Rings Of Saturn is a lost submission.

Great contributions! The rings of saturn could make a comeback. And of course the DVD! The problems with the DVD, is that it's a bit too similar to the FU / Attitude Adjustment nowadays. So I'd like to see the REVERSE DVD pulled off again. The last guy to do it was Sean O'Haire I think

Heck while we're at it with the IceMalenko name, let's see the Texas Cloverleaf back! I've always though that a variation of the cloverleaf would look pretty cool, with the wrestlers tying the opponent's legs up, but not sitting down on it, instead just lifting him up and letting gravity do the work.

Also, though it's not really a finisher, but was cool to see nonethless, Bret Hart's figure 4 around the ring post.
My third contribution to this thread is the TOP ROPE ELBOW DROP.

It was a legitimate finisher when Macho Man used it, but I think HBK using his version as a set-up for the Sweet Chin Music prevented anyone else from using it as a match-ending move.

Now Shawn has retired, I really think someone should take on the top rope diving elbow drop as a finisher, it looks painful and could certainly get over as a match ending move. Driving your elbow into someones torso after leaping from the top rope would be incredibly painful if actually done, so there is no reason why this move has been taken out of commision.

For someone like Ted DiBiase or Michael McGillicutty, this could become their patented finisher. Maybe even Tyler Reks, to be used alongside his Burning Hammer. Reks is a big guy, and his version could look even more brutal than a usual elbow drop.

Definitely something to think about.

Curt Hawkins does the Heat Seeking Elbow, i know no one watches superstars, but i caught it the other nite and that is his finisher.
Saturn's finishers should make a comeback. I haven't seen a Death Valley Driver in a while... I think Batista adopted it for a month, but the Rings Of Saturn is a lost submission.

Tommy Dreamer uses the Death Valley Driver, and calls it the Dreamer Driver, but I definitely think WWE should use that move again, it has always been a favourite of mine. Both Saturn and The Godfather (Pimp Drop) used it at one point in the early 2000s.

Problem is, that the DVD is a similar set up to the Attitude Adjustment, the Golden Boy's finisher, and looks alot more devastating. I doubt will will see it any time soon, which is a shame.

Another top rope move I would like to see return is the Guilletine Leg Drop, as used by Psychosis. I have always thought a top rope leg drop should be a match ender, thats alot of force coming down across your face, it is definitely worthy of a 3-count. Matt Hardy is the last WWE wrestler I can remember having a leg drop in his arsenal, but that was from the middle rope.

If a top rope leg drop was ignored, a springboard leg drop could work. Perhaps for Kofi Kingston as it would fit his athletic "bouncy" style?
how bout a powerbomb, any kinda powerbomb, i know orton was doin it when it was table match time,but some powerhouse should do it, not Mason Ryan, that guy is goin to hurt someone in the ring, u see that terrible match on Raw, buti digress. how bout something similar to the rock bottom? Rocjy hasnt been around for sometime, and prb isnt coming back to rock bottom people. how bout some kinda tiger driver, would be great for Del Rio, so the dude has a cool impact finisher and not jus a neat submission. morrison should go back to the moonlight drive necbreaker, and stop winning with the runnning knee which was jus a normal move, or the horrible no impact starship pain. how bout a fishermans DDT, thats a cool lookin high impact move. there are tons of em that could be used, and that are relitivly safe moves for guys to do.
Heck while we're at it with the IceMalenko name, let's see the Texas Cloverleaf back! I've always though that a variation of the cloverleaf would look pretty cool, with the wrestlers tying the opponent's legs up, but not sitting down on it, instead just lifting him up and letting gravity do the work.
I'd love to see Jack Swagger training with guys like Dean Malenko or Bret Hart and learning various submissions. Bring back the "Man of 1,000 Holds" gimmick. But I digress.
Also, though it's not really a finisher, but was cool to see nonethless, Bret Hart's figure 4 around the ring post.
I totally forgot about this. Not really one you can regularly use, but in the case of a Last Man Standing or I Quit match, this would be THE TIME to bring this one out. Good call sir.

I too was a fan of Orton's Overdrive.

D'Lo Brown's Sky High was a cool trademark move, though I'm not sure he ever finished with it.

X-Pac's X-Factor facebuster was a good one, IMO.

I can understand why no one does it anymore, but the Buff Blockbuster was TIGHT AS HELL.

Vladimir Koslov might be unintentionally using Monty Brown's Pounce, but damn I loved that move.

Perfect Plex/Fisherman's Suplex Pin is a good one as well. I think I've underplayed that one for awhile.
Miz's Reality Check was a really smooth, powerful looking finisher. The knee to the face was powerful enough looking, but the neckbreaker that came after it was the icing on the cake.

John Morrison's Moonlight Drive was a cool finisher too. A lot of wrestlers use a neckbreaker, but the way he jumped and twisted his opponent looked really painful, and it was a pretty looking move as well.

Fnally, CM Punk's Pepsi Plunge was pretty sweet as well, as it was basically a pedigree from the top rope. It's obvious why WWE wouldn't want him to use it, but maybe after Triple H is gone CM Punk will bring it back. I think it would fit his look much better than the GTS, as you can hit the Pepsi Plunge on a big guy, where the GTS on a Mark Henry type would look impossible.
I know he still uses it but I miss the old name of it. the Attitude Adjustment just doesnt roll off the tongue like the F-U. I know hes supposed to be the new Hulk Hogan and be the good guy, but it just sounds stupid.
One move I really miss the Crippler Crossface. I know Benoit did a terrible thing in the end but his crossface was awesome. I know HHH and HBK both used it for a little while but i would definitely like to see someone use it again.

Also I wanna see somebody use the guillotine leg drop but in the style of Booker T when he would flip and hit the leg drop.

Another move I miss is the Juvi/Michinoku Driver like others mentioned I really liked the impact of it and I have it set as a finisher in the SvR games every year they include it.

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