FB bigotry


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Ok! So here's my view on racism!
Racism is discriminating against someone because they are a different race, that doesn't make people of another colour immune to criticism. It has nothing to do with their race, it is to do with the fact that they are coming here and refusing to integrate. It is intolerant of them (even though that might actually be possible) if they come here it is them who have to change, not us!!

If Allah is so great how come all his countries are shit?
Fuck off Red Nose Day!! I recon we need to get our house in order first before giving to these third world shit pits! What about our NHS what about caring for the elderly what about all the fucking pot holes on our roads??? All you ever hear is Africa this India that..... Agreed it is a shame what's happening over there but what about us! This country is going to pot!
I'm developing an app that locates sex offenders near you.

It's really just a directory of Catholic churches, but it's pretty fucking accurate!
The whole benefit system is a joke, could be sorted out in one simplistic move.


Simple and trust me it will get rid of the foriegn and home grown proffesional scroungers!
One thing I've learnt in life is to never try and steal a yo-yo from a Muslim, you don't know what the string is going to be attached to!
We have all been drip-fed the idea that racism is a one-sided affair, when it isn't. The thin end has firmly been wedged in the door, and when racism applies in the other direction it is all too often ignored because it was invented in favour of ethic types, and has become way over exploited!
I joined the EDL for the same reasons I made this page, to let people hear my voice uphold English values and most of all to oppose Islam! I left because I thought the majority of EDL members only had 4 things on there mind! Get pissed causing trouble a substitute for football violence and making money thru drug dealing!

Doesn't read like the same guy to me. Also, I don't get the yo-yo one. Is it a not very good joke about explosives?
This all from the same person? I agree with the first quote, the rest is all shit.

From some FB page called 'our England'.

The first one is bollocks as the Romans/Vikings/Saxons/Normans didn't integrate, they took the fuck over.

Doesn't read like the same guy to me. Also, I don't get the yo-yo one. Is it a not very good joke about explosives?

The first one is bollocks as the Romans/Vikings/Saxons/Normans didn't integrate, they took the fuck over.
Does that mean I can come over there and take over?

(Yes, I support integration of immigrants.)
I want to stress I think an immigrant to any country should integrate but I'm pretty sure the English are some of the worst for it.

If I went to America I would say trash and faucet. Yet I'm sure the majority would say "Duh it's called English bitch".
Only the weak integrate.

I call football football, and if anyone has a problem with it, they can fuck off. It isn't Armoured Rugby.
I want to stress I think an immigrant to any country should integrate but I'm pretty sure the English are some of the worst for it.

If I went to America I would say trash and faucet. Yet I'm sure the majority would say "Duh it's called English bitch".

We use those words here too.
Ah I see. I'm still learning the whole English to American translation. It took Becca and I awhile to get that outhouse meant different things in both languages.
I want to stress I think an immigrant to any country should integrate but I'm pretty sure the English are some of the worst for it.

If I went to America I would say trash and faucet. Yet I'm sure the majority would say "Duh it's called English bitch".
Damn. I had plans.
That's my point, I would integrate instead of saying bin and tap.

I totally say "tap" when referring to water-dispensing portions of sinks. Then again, Hamilton is a strange little town, and I am a product of my environment.
Don't know where else to post this, but I'll be having a Guinness in a few hours. So, in keeping with the spirit of this thread, Happy St. Paddy's, you pasty potato-eating micks!
I want to stress I think an immigrant to any country should integrate but I'm pretty sure the English are some of the worst for it.

Yeah, just look at all the ex-pats communities and English/Irish/Scottish pubs littering the globe.

The only difference between those ex-pats and the immigrants appearing in England is that one of them has a lot more money so the local economy changes to take that money from them.

Oh, and that some one is usually far older than the other meaning that it does not really put down familial roots.
I totally say "tap" when referring to water-dispensing portions of sinks. Then again, Hamilton is a strange little town, and I am a product of my environment.

Yeah I think it would be pretty safe that if you say tap in America most people are gonna know what you're talking about.
Don't know where else to post this, but I'll be having a Guinness in a few hours. So, in keeping with the spirit of this thread, Happy St. Paddy's, you pasty potato-eating micks!

That would be funny if you weren't from the most racist country in the world.
An incident occurred in a supermarket recently when the following was witnessed: A Muslim woman dressed in a Burkha (black gown & face mask) was standing with her shopping in a queue at the checkout. When it was her turn to be served , and as she reached the cashier, she made a loud remark about the British Flag lapel pin which the female cashier was wearing on her blouse. The cashier reached.... ...............up and touched the pin and said, 'Yes , I always wear it proudly. My son serves abroad with the forces and I wear it for him. The Muslim woman then asked the cashier when she was going to stop bombing and killing her countrymen explaining that she was Afghani. At that point an elderly gentleman standing in the queue stepped forward and interrupted with a calm, gentle voice, and said to the Afghani woman: 'Excuse me, but hundreds of thousands of British men and women, just like this lady's son, have fought and sacrificed their lives so that people just like YOU can stand here in Britain, which is OUR country and allow you to blatantly accuse an innocent check-out cashier of bombing YOUR countrymen. It is my belief that if you were allowed to be as outspoken as that in Afghan, which you claim to be YOUR country, then we wouldn't need to be fighting there today. However, now that you have learned how to speak out and criticize the British people who have afforded you the protection of OUR country, I will gladly pay the cost of a ticket to help you pay your way back to Afghan. When you get there and if you manage to survive for being as outspoken as what you are here in Britain, then you should be able to help straighten out the mess which YOUR Afghani countrymen have got you into in the first place, which appears to be the reason that you have come to OUR country to avoid'. Apparently, the queue cheered and applauded. IF YOU AGREE.... Pass this on to all of your proud British and other worldly friends.... I just did !!!! It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. It's also nice to be British!

A new one.
That's chain mail bullshit which has been circulating the internet for years. Normally it's an American flag pin.

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