Favorite Wrestler From Each Company

WCW - Ric Flair: "The Nature Boy" may have been taken from Buddy Rogers, but Ric Flair took it by the balls and made it something special. This is in-terms of WCW so I won't go into his NWA stuff with Jim Crockett, but I'll never forget the promo Ric cut when he returned in '98, directed at Eric Bischoff. "You're a liar!! A cheat!! You are, a no good, son of a bitch!!!" Also, you have to love how even though much of his WCW run was spent being embarrassed or sitting at home, he still has a handful of classics from his WCW tenure, my favorites being with Steamboat.

WWE - Bret Hart: I grew up worshipping Bret "The Hitman" Hart. It was everything, he had the bright pink color, he was entertaining to watch in the ring, he was the guy who'd the different monickers like "The Excellence of Execution," "The Best There Is, Best There Was and the Best There Ever Will Be", the guy was just a figure I looked up to. Even when he turned heel I supported him, probably more than I supported him as a face. I'll never forget Bret vs. Owen in the Steel Cage or the I Quit match with Austin at WrestleMania 13.

TNA - Samoa Joe: When I first saw Joe he was in Ring of Honor, they built him up as an unstoppable machine, who could take as much punishment as his opponent could dish out but would not lose. The day I heard he signed with TNA was the day I made sure to watch the Slammiversary - the reaction he got was actually amazing. He is proof that people can walk off the indy circuit with a name and make it big with one of the bigger companies. Sure they've used him poorly and sure even at times, he has sucked. But between his matches with AJ and Daniels, his feud with Kurt Angle and taking into consideration his run in ROH, Samoa Joe is my favorite worker within TNA.

ECW - Taz: I started watching ECW in the late 90's, we go it over here on Bravo when it originally began to air. Since then I've watched all the ECW DVD's and have seen so many of their old library of PPV's that I can easily say, to me, the biggest guy in the company was Taz! He wasn't built as a wrestler, he was built more like someone in an MMA exhibition, the stance, the intimindation - Taz was the fucking deal back in the day! Him suplexing Bam Bam, when you compare the size of both men is actually a pretty big feat. His war with Sabu doesn't get the credit it deserves, they built it for a year without both men being in the ring with one another; it doesn't sound like it can be done, but Heyman did it. I love Dreamer and he'd been my second choice, and if I thought WWECW deserved a mention I'd have listed CM Punk but it doesn't. Full credit goes to "The Human Suplex Machine" Taz.
WCW - Sting, he was the franchise of the company and was this real life superhero that everyone could get behind. He had amazing feuds with all of the heels such as jake Roberts, Rick Rude, the Dangerous Alliance, Muta, Vader and Sid, and then went on to take out the nWo. Just awesome.

WWF/E- Randy Savage, he could do it all. Just so entertaining, the mic skills, the high flying, the mat skills, the brawling, the valet/wife, the feuds. What a character, what a super talent.

TNA- Christopher Daniels- the Fallen Angel is the modern day Macho Man, but just doesn't get the push he deserves. every year he would put on moty candidates and yet not get the credit. He is as good in the ring as on th mic and hopefully they sustain this push they have going with him at the moment. His moveset reads like an encyclopedia of moves and always knows when to hit them and when he does they are crisper than anyone out there.

ECW- Mike Awesome/RVD, hard to seperate the two, I was blown away when I saw the match ebtween RVD and Bam Bam Bigelow for the TV title when RVD went not onece but twice out inot the crowd with his sommersaults. It was something that just blew my mind and I will always remeber. But then you had this hulking World Champion, bigger than everyone on the roster but could pull off planchas and powerbombs from the top rope! How could you not be a fan. Two great warriors from the 90's and was a dream feud that never happened...
WCW- Kevin Nash
Kevin Nash was my favorite wrestler in WCW without a shaddow of a doubt. He is often considered the reason why WCW went to shits. His moveset is questionable: kick, clotheline, big boot, slam, Jacknife, match over - but to be fair, plenty of others have done plenty more with a lot less. He's a fine in ring worker. He's good solid talking ability and is always a good guy to work with. A lot of people hate Nash. In fact, the hate is incredible; that doesn't stop me from being a total mark. Back when Nash was very relevant in WCW, I liked him. I liked him in TNA and I liked him in WWF. Hell, I like him now. There's no question that I like heels, but Nash was the very first on that list. My brother liked Goldberg, I like Nash and the NWO. I was ecstatic when he ended Goldberg's streak and my brother was pissed. I'm usually quick to defend him around here but I can't defend him too much, other then the bullshit excuses that he has had sooooo many knee surgeries that he can't move, but he's still one of my personal favorites from WCW.

WWE- Edge
By far my favorite wrestler of all time. Edge is someone who I've watched my entire life. From growing up watching Edge in the first TLC match all the way until his retirement; Edge is by far one of the very few I've never been bored with as a wrestling fan. When he was with Christian, Edge was always the one to outshine his partner. Edge was phenomenal at any role he played. Whether heel or face, Edge was great. With guys like Steve Austin, Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Triple H, The Rock and John Cena often hogging their fair share of WWE history, it's often easy to over look Edge as the great wrestler he was.

It was argualy one of the saddest days when Edge retired. As a wrestling fan, I don't think how much being in the ring, taking bumps takes a toll on one's bodies. Edge is someone I thought would never retire. Someone I really looked up to and one of the few reasons I loved wrestling for so long. I'm usually one that's quick to defend Edge around these parts. I'm a total mark and I couldn't care what anyone thinks of him as a performer. He's phenomenal, end of.

TNA- Samoa Joe
The Smaoa Joe from 2003-2006; not the overweight, slow, don't give a fuck Joe we see today. Joe was an amazing athlete and one of the main reasons I watched TNA back in the good ol' days. He's a great in ring worker often competing with the likes of Kurt Angle, Nigel McGuinness and many other fine tuned in ring technicians. Samoa Joe is incredibly fast for someone his size and has an agressive attitude that I find remarkable at times. Joe has since lost a step, and I have since stopped watching TNA on a weekly basis. However, I love taking a Saturday off from my regular schedule and watch Joe do his thing all day from old matches. By far my favorite wrestler TNA and ROH has produced over the years.

ECW- ???
Shit I couldn't think of anyone. Eddie Guerrero would be a fine pick if he were there longer. But no one in ECW ever caught my attention. I was never really into it as a kid and never really cared later on. I guess if I had to pick, i'd go with Taz because of how agreesive he was. However, he lacked character and that is a major problem for me. Most of the guys there (with the exception of RVD and Funk) weren't exactly talented without weapons. I can't really narrow down anyone in particular from ECW that really drew my attention. So fuck it.
1)Who is your favorite wrestler from WCW when they existed and why?

This is a tough one but I'd have to say Scott Hall. From the moment he debuted in WCW I became a big fan of his. I just loved his attitude, the unpredictabilty, and how cool he was. Even when Hall was having his problems, he was still as entertaining as ever, his match with Kevin Nash at Halloween Havoc 98 is one of my favourite matches of all time.

2)Who is your favorite wrestler from WWE of all time and why?

Undertaker, no doubt. I watched WWE between about 1993 and 99 (and one terrible year in 2009) and I was in awe of the Undertaker as a kid. I was just facinated by him and how mysterious he was. The way he would take whatever punishment someone could dish out and then just sit up was amazing to me. His match at WrestleMania is the only time I watch WWE these days.

3)Who is your favorite wrestler from TNA of all time and why?

There's a few contenders for this but AJ Styles is simply phenomenal (pun intended) and is my pick. Seeing the likes of Kurt Angle, Sting and Kevin Nash was what drew me to TNA but AJ Styles has really stood out and I've become a big fan of his. Some of the stuff he can do in the ring is unreal and I've not been that amazed since watching Rob Van Dam. AJ can do things in the ring no one else can (much like RVD).

4)Who is your favorite wrestler from ECW of all time. (WWECW or ECW original) and why?

Rob Van Dam. As mentioned above, I was amazed by the moves Rob Van Dam would pull off and he's my favourite wrestler of all time, so ultimately he's my pick here. I became a big fan of ECW and a lot of that was down to Rob Van Dam kicking chairs in peoples faces and just doing some crazy shit (main reason I was a big fan of Sabu as well). Moves like the 5 Star Frog Splash, Van Daminator and Van Terminator were just incredible and couldn't be executed as well by anyone else. Not to the mention the crazy distance and hight he could get on a dive into the crowd. The Whole F'N' Show is simply the greatest for me.
WCW - I really really REALLLLLLLLLY loved Chris Jericho here. When he was at his peak, the Man of 1004 holds, Ralphus, ect....that whole thing was amazing.

WWE- Macho Man Randy Savage. Great matches. Amazing promos.

TNA- I'm really big on Matt Morgan here. The way that they actually turned him into a legit threat and imposing Big Man...something WWE didnt do.

ECW- Simple. Rob Van Dam.

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