Favorite RAW Moment


The Yes Man
In light of the 1000th Episode, and how WWE are showing us Superstars Favourite moments. I would like to know what your favourite moments are, as there have been so many.

One of mine would have to be when Stone Cold Returned to find out who ran him over, you had Shane weaselling his way out saying it was Blackman, and SCSA stunned them both.

Not to mention the remix by Disturbed.

Another favourite moment was The Rock returning after 7 years...I had honestly not marked out like that in years, and it was such a great moment to see.
There are so many of them, but I would have to choose Mankind's "This is Your Life" segment with The Rock during the Attitude Era. This was the highest rated Raw segment of all time if I believe and even though it was created by Vince Russo, it was really a genius segment and one of the most memorable segments from the Attitude Era and more importantly of Raw. It brought out the best in The Rock and in Mankind and just flowed together perfectly. It was a real treat for the fans at the time including myself and will be a moment that can never be duplicated. That Cena one was absolutely terrible!

Mine surprisingly was at the end of the attitude era and I guess the start of the ruthless aggression era. When Bischoff came out of a limo making his WWE debut walking past Booker T saying "It's so good to see you" then Booker T with his eyes popped open is like "Tell me, I just didn't see that" I believe they were going to announce Bischoff as a GM for RAW. I thought it was cool to have him work for Vince and appear on WWE TV on a weekly basis.
I have alot of favs on this topic, but, I'll try to narrow it down to just two;

Stone Cold's triumphant return to RAW after neck surgery:
I loved Stone Cold for his entire career. And many thought that Austin may retire and not return at all. This return was epic to say the least and I believe Austin cemented his legacy during this particular part of his career. He had great matches with The Rock, HHH, Chris Benoit, Jericho, etc and really showed how popular he was. We also got a not-so successful heel turn later on in this run, but, Austin was still entertaining in that role as well. You can't measure how great Austin was and it's a shame we don't see more of him today.

Chris Jericho's Y2J debut in WWF:
WWF had run that millenium countdown clock for months ahead and everyone was wondering what it was for[although the net already mostly knew it was Jericho]. Even with people expecting and anticipating Jericho's arrivial in the WWF, this was one of the more well done debuts in company history. You had the back-and-forth banter with Jericho and The Rock, not to mention the thunderous ovation that Jericho got from the crowd once he turned around and everyone saw who it was. Too bad his numerous returns from hiatus have never had the same impact his initial debut did.
To me, it will always been when Stone Cold placing the beer in the ring for Owen Hart. I was an Owen Hart fan since 88, and remain sio to today.

And yes, I cried when the camera zommed in on the beer, not afraid to admit it.
Glad to see Jericho's debut is getting a lot of attention. That was actually the first Raw I attended - and I always cite that moment when trying to remind people that the internet existed during The Attitude Era (everyone knew Jericho was debuting that night.)

I'd actually rank that one as my second favorite Raw moment that I witnessed live - right behind the Hogan/Rock showdown in 2002. Seriously, Chicago has witnessed some legendary moments during the past 20 years. For me, there was no great Raw moment - period - than the Rock.Hogan stare down that led to their WrestleMania match.
Granted this is biased because I was at the live event, but the Hogan return and standoff with the Rock at the Allstate Arena, Chicago after No Way Out 2002 was absolutely surreal. To be there when the crowd chanted 'Rocky' and then swayed to 'Hogan' was out of this world. The electricity in the audience when the two didn't even talk, but just stared at each other. And then to have Hall and Nash involved who were major players in the WWF in the mid 90s was icing on the cake. I don't know if that past Icon vs present Icon can ever be matched again.

2nd favorite for me, to quote JR, "TYSON AUSTIN! TYSON AUSTIN! TYSON AUSTIN!'
I loved Mankind's This is Your Life segment. I remember my friends and I laughing like crazy to this. Great from start to finish. Rock and Mankind played off each other so well.
I have to add Jericho's debut also. Just an electric moment with the countdown clock, and the crowd erupting when the word Jericho came up on the titantron. The best debut ever.
For me, it's the debut of the Nexus.

This may have been the most shocking turn of the PG era because it wasn't PG at all. Sure more "shock" elements were used in the Attitude Era but, because of overuse, they all blend together and nothing really stuck out.

For me, Nexus showing up shocked me at a time when "shock" isn't the norm, and that to me makes it special and therefore my favorite
Jericho's debut has already mentioned so I don't need to get into detail except this was when you knew WCW was screwed.

Foley has a lot of memorable moments but one that stood out was the JR and Mankind Interview. It was so dark and twisted, acknowledged Foley's previous gimmicks, and capped of with Mankind going berserk and giving JR the Mandible Claw.

Radicalz invade RAW. Yeah this was amazing stuff, if you could hear JR's commentary when the debuted as part of the audience he mentions that he knows they have been talking to other promotions like Japan or ECW. And yes as far as I can remember reading Wrestlezone that was legit and no one actually had an idea where they would pop up. So it was pretty huge when they surprised everyone in their RAW debut.

HBK's Superkick on Hogan. No one expected this, people thought HBK would continue his feud with Angle. Hogan does his thing, Michaels Superkicks Hogan. The crowd is shocked.

Bret Hart's return in 2010. This was emotional, having been gone for years it was nice to see Bret Hart return. I also love the closure between Bret and Shawn.
To me, it will always been when Stone Cold placing the beer in the ring for Owen Hart. I was an Owen Hart fan since 88, and remain sio to today.

And yes, I cried when the camera zommed in on the beer, not afraid to admit it.

Totally understand where your coming from with that fella, also Eddie Guerrero's tribute the night after he died, using Johnny Cash's Hurt hit the heart strings.
Jericho's Debut in '99 and also his return this year, just walking out, saying nothing and then leaving, very well done. Shame they totally blew it, well done writers.

Triple H's return in 2002. Awesome ovation.

Austin cobing the Rock's IC title in the river in 1997. Also Austin turning up in a Monster Truck and crushing Rock's car in April '99.

Kurt Angle's Milkomania was very funny.

Mankind winning the WWE Title from the Rock in '99.

The Jericho/Benoit Tag Title win over Austin/HHH in '01. Great match.

TLC4 on RAW October '02 for the World Tag Team Titles featuring Hardy/RVD vs Bubba/Spike vs Kane(w/out Hurricane) vs Jericho/Christian. AWESOME match and the first TLC on Raw.
Kurt Angles Milkomania is my favourite RAW moment because it was totally unexpected and funny after Austin had done it to McMahon and Rock couple years early also at the end when he got the two milk cartons and did what Austin does with beer.
I favorite would have to be one of the many DX antics it is hard to shift through all the crazy stuff they did. If Shawn didn't find his imaginary friend that none has any evidence he is real. I think DX could have been even better and funnier. Attitude era would also still be around.
My Favourite Raw Moment Was When Jeff Hardy Flew From The Scaffold Near The Ramp With Randy On The Ground... It Was Awesome....
In light of the 1000th Episode, and how WWE are showing us Superstars Favourite moments. I would like to know what your favourite moments are, as there have been so many.

One of mine would have to be when Stone Cold Returned to find out who ran him over, you had Shane weaselling his way out saying it was Blackman, and SCSA stunned them both.

Not to mention the remix by Disturbed.

Another favourite moment was The Rock returning after 7 years...I had honestly not marked out like that in years, and it was such a great moment to see.

Actually, that took place at Unforgiven 2000.

Like you said, there are tons of great raw moments, but to me, personally, "The Rock, This Is Your Life" will always be my favourite. 20min segment of pure entertainment, not to mention that till this day it's still stand out as the highest rated raw segment ever.

"And now, infront of all The Rock's fans you wanna serve The Rock a great big piece of that Poontang Pie!?" -The Rock

I gotta say, King's reaction was priceless.
There are so many momemts, but i gotta say mine got to be HHH winning the WWE Championship the night after SummerSlam 99. His years of hard work finally paid off and was happy for the guy.

I marked out for that one, like finally.
I know there are tons of memorable moments, but here are some of my favorites:

*The first time Stone Cold gave a Stunner to Vince McMahon and was arrested, i think that's what started their famous feud they had for years.

*When "Cactus Jack" made his first ever apearance at the WWE, Triple H was supuse to have a no holds barred matcha agaist Mankind, and i think that episode is also the first time everyone got to see the 3 faces of Foley at the same time.

*The Eddie Guerrero Tribute show.

*When Edge snaps at the computer ( Anonymus GM ), i don't know if it was one of the greatest, but it was one of the funniest.

*CM Punk returned to the WWE, that one was definitly a shocker, Rey Misterio won a WWE title tournament, lost the title the same night against John Cena, and when Cena was about to start celebrating, " Cult of personality" started playing, at the time no one knew what was going on and all of a sudden CM Punk apeard on the top of the ramp with the other WWE title belt, that one was great.
Not sure if its my favorite, but the first thing I thought of was the two times Hart was attacked on Raw back in 97. The one with Shawn in the middle of the ring in the wheelchair when he hit SCM on Bret and Austin attacking Bret when he was in the back of an ambulance.

As I was writing this I also thought of the Austin/Pillman standoff ending in the "gunshot." All of these are just classic moments.
Would have to be when HHH and Shawn mocked the McMahons and dumped the crap on them and the Spirit Squad. A close second is when DX mocked the Nation..that was hilarious also.
My favorite Raw moment (Episode) is Raw on 10/19/1998. Beginning of Raw, Vince had the wrestlers in the ring, he is acting cocky cause he fired Austin the night before. He was saying "Firing Austin, is better then sex." Then my favorite wrestling slogan, "McMahon 3:16, I Got The Brass To Fire Your Ass!!!"

After Vince was acting cocky, he see's that Stone Cold is in the parking lot. He got scared, The Stooges left him to get coffee. Foley came in with Mr.Socko, Vince kicked him out. He tried to escape, Austin captured him. Austin took him into the ring, put the gun next to Vince's head, turned out to be a fake gun. However, Vince still pissed his pants, Stone Cold then said, "McMahon 3:16, I Just Pissed My Pants!!!"
November 9th, 1997: The Montreal Screwjob

I was livid, Bret epitomized the WWF for me and to see him robbed out of the top belt by Vince, Earl and Shawn had me grinding enamel of my teeth.

November 17th, 1997: Monday Nitro / RAW is WAR.

The nWo opens up the show and after about the first 7 minutes they call for their leader 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan comes out only to pause and point back to the entrance for a beardless 'Ravishing' Rick Rude to come out... what was happening? Rude was the muscle behind Shawn and dX, what was he doing on Nitro? Rude came into the ring and decried HBK claiming to be World Champ when he hadn't defeated Bret and then lambasted VKM for instructing Earl Hebner to ring the bell and award Michaels the belt. I couldn't wait to see RAW and felt somewhat appeased for the betrayal when I saw the Ravishing One standing in the middle of the ring having seemingly grown back his beard in less than an hour. All I could think of at the time was the bullets the WWF brass must have been spitting at that time:lmao:.

Definitely off kilter but my favorite memory of wrestling on a Monday night.
I have a bunch but I will limit it down to two , First would be recently when Bret and Shawn buried the hatchet. They had met in the back and said hello and agreed to save it for the ring. It was great to see the closure and have the weight of that stone lifted off both of them finally. The second was the tribute they did for Benoit , it may be rather un-PC to say that but it was nice to see him honored by his peers before decending into hushed oblivion from the WWE universe. There is no erasing what he did and it was a dispicable act that ended two inocent lives plus his own but the man was a great wrestler and would have been hall of fame bound had his mental state not deteriorated. It was nice to see how much respect he actually had back stage because he was one of my favorites at the time. The rest we all know and I don't blame Vince for never mentioning him again but it was nice to see the love and respect people had for him before the horrific truth came out about what he had done.
My top moment on Raw - Mankind winning the WWF championship from the Rock in 1998.

Here are my other top moments -

Stone Cold shoves Tyson.
Bret Harts return in January 2010.
HBK heel interview in Montreal in 2005.
DX invades WCW / Mocks the Nation
X Pac Returns /HHH takes over DX (along with the savage beat down on cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie
Vince Buys WCW.
Eric Bischoff becomes the Raw GM.
DX reunites in 2006/ McMahon parody.
Lesnar Returns 2012
The Rock and John Cena verbal confrontations from February 2011 to March 2012 were all mostly good highlights and classic moments.
The Rock turns heel on Ahmed Johnson (classic moment that began to change the WWE forever).
Ric Flairs farewell raw
Raw is Owen was immensely powerful programme that left most people in tears.
Bret Hart V 123 Kid
Marty Jannety returns and wins IC belt from HBK
123 kid beats Razor Ramon
Bret harts return in 1996
Bret hart swears on tv after being screwed by stone cold
Courageous effort of HHH when he tore his quad and carried on the match in 2001.
The nexus invasion
Stone cold takes McMahon hostage
Kurt Angles milk truck....
Pillman and Austin gun angle

There is too many highlights on raw over the past 1000 raw episodes.

Here's to a thousand more and long may it continue.

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