Brock Lesnar's Greatest Moment?


Pre-Show Stalwart
as we all know Brock Lesner is a one of a kind Wrestler but during his 2 years in the WWE what was your favourite Brock Lesner moment and in Brock Lesners book vince had a chance to resign him but vinces ego got the better of him, so do you think Vince should of done all he could to resign him when he had the chance in the summer of 2004?

for me my Favourite moment was his match with Big Show at Survivor Seris 2002 because this was the first time the big show had ever been thrown around like brock did and the fans were so in to it added to the drama plus when he F5 Big Show with 2 broken ribs ill tell the truth I did mark the fuck out.

and to my other question Vince didnt really loose out by not resigning him back in the summer of 2004 but we the fans did because in 2004 the WWE had a really boring product, with alot of the major stars stepping away through either injury or end of contract
Easily his match against Kurt Angle at WrestleMania XIX, These two just had IT, everything was so smooth, and honestly it is proberly the top 25 greatest wm matches ever. And even though Brock fucked up by almost killing himself doing that shootingstar press. It was amazing, and even more when both men help each other up and hugged as Brock Lesner became champion
Imma say the stretcher match he had with Big Show at what i believe to be Judgement Day 03..I remember him busting through the stage, driving the SHIT out of a forklift, and then jumping off the top of it into the ring and taking out big show. The crowd went BANANAS...reminded me of Austin with the Zamboni, only it was more impressive and shocking to see brock do it. From there he hoisted Big Show onto the forklift and raises it as high as it could go, and drove him over the finish line to win the match...CLASSIC moment
What's the first non MMA thing that pops into your head when I say Brock Lesnar? Of course it is the image of Lesnar holding the title at WM19 with Kurt Angle. The image there is the ultimate representation of Brock's stint within the company and only his match with the Rock may be a challenge to that spot. His greatest match and the aftermath is his greatest moment.
I would say his Summerslam match with The Rock. Great buildup to the feud, and more importantly, Brock pinned the number one guy in the company CLEAN in the middle of the ring. What bigger rub than a defining with AND winning the championship.
Brock Lesnar was arguably the best all round performer the WWE ever had. He had the look, decent mic skills, strength like no other, new how to actually wrestle and put on a great match, and super intensity. I personally loved the Hell in a Cell match between him and the Undertaker. Destroying Taker at his own game showed me this guy could match up with anyone on the roster and put on a great match. I don't know if McMahon lost anything by not resigning him but I think the fans did. Brock was, and still is a one of a kind superstar/athlete, that could have been the face of the WWE for a long time. His dominace was like no other and I would've defenitly of rathered him running the show for years than John Cena. If Brock stuck around longer I think he could've had and epic, long feud with Cena, which he could've won. I don't think Cena would have been as big if Brock stuck around. Cena would of been still pretty big but I don't think he would have out shine Brock for one good reason. Brock could wrestle better than Cena, and Cena would never be able to match him in this area. Cena is a better on the mic, but I think the crowd would have favored Lesnar in the long run.(IMO)
My biggest memory of Lesnar and what impressed me most about his time in the WWE is the Hell In A Cell match with Undertaker. The sight of a blood coated Lesnar standing on top of the Cell with the WWE title above his head was something special. That was a truly brutal match, and it showed Lesnar could hang in there with the best WWE had to offer. He dominated Undertaker in that match, and the way he literally threw 'Taker up onto his shoulders for an F5 after a half hour gruelling match showed just how explosive and powerful Brock was.
You are dumb, the best they ever had, are u kidding? did u fall down and hit ur head, ever hear of HBK, Bret Hart, Rock, Austin just to name a few. Lesnar couldnt lite a candle to any of them! idiot!

Brock Lesnar was arguably the best all round performer the WWE ever had. He had the look, decent mic skills, strength like no other, new how to actually wrestle and put on a great match, and super intensity. I personally loved the Hell in a Cell match between him and the Undertaker. Destroying Taker at his own game showed me this guy could match up with anyone on the roster and put on a great match. I don't know if McMahon lost anything by not resigning him but I think the fans did. Brock was, and still is a one of a kind superstar/athlete, that could have been the face of the WWE for a long time. His dominace was like no other and I would've defenitly of rathered him running the show for years than John Cena. If Brock stuck around longer I think he could've had and epic, long feud with Cena, which he could've won. I don't think Cena would have been as big if Brock stuck around. Cena would of been still pretty big but I don't think he would have out shine Brock for one good reason. Brock could wrestle better than Cena, and Cena would never be able to match him in this area. Cena is a better on the mic, but I think the crowd would have favored Lesnar in the long run.(IMO)
His whole feud with Taker. IT was pretty intense with all those streetfights and the hell in a cell. Also when he through Matt Hardy through a wall lol
You are dumb, the best they ever had, are u kidding? did u fall down and hit ur head, ever hear of HBK, Bret Hart, Rock, Austin just to name a few. Lesnar couldnt lite a candle to any of them! idiot!

While I agree with your statement that Lesnar isn't as good as those guys, I don't think it's right that you dismiss the argument so vehemently and quickly. If it weren't for Lesnar's early departure, I honestly believe Cena never would have been as big as he's become because Lesnar would have already occupied that spot.

Lesnar was supposed to be the guy for years to come and could have worked his way up with the legends that you've mentioned. It's hard to say that he never could have held a candle when his candle burned 10x shorter than HBK's did. I'm not trying to diminish Michaels' greatness at all, I'm just saying nobody can really say for sure how great Lesnar was because he barely stuck around to show us.

He was indeed an amazing overall talent and that's why he rose as quickly as he did. But, Lesnar never wanted it, and that's why I'm not all that interested if he comes back. It would just be because he's tried everything else.

As for the OP, Lesnar's best moment was WrestleMania XIX to me, easily. He and Kurt stole the show on a fantastic card, and even though Lesnar botched the finish, the fact he got back up and F-5'ed Angle is amazing, in a meta sort of way. I remember admitting after it was over to my brother, who really liked Lesnar, that he was right...Lesnar was going to be great.
1. Pushing Zach Gowen down a flight of stairs when he was in a wheel chair...LOL.

2. Breaking Zach Gowens only leg in the first place when he F-5'd him into the ring post. LOL

3. Breaking the ring when he suplexed Big Show through it.

4. Rubbing Hulk Hogans blood across his chest for the first time. Badass!

5. Brock vs Rock at summerslam.

6. Middle Fingers to Wrestlemania crowd.

7. Ironman Match with Kurt angle on smackdown. Epic. Using the chair early on was genius.

8. Shooting star press of neck break death at Mania 19.

9. Throwing matt hardy through a wall.

10. Torturing shanoon moore every week lol.
The best Brock lesnar moment for me, was after he defeated the Undertaker at Hell in a Cell.

He walked upto the cage door, which the referee was trying to quickly unlock, and pushed it open with so much disdain it was if he was saying to the world that the Undertaker was dogshit and he just scraped him from his boot...

It was such a powerful moment for me and solified the fact that this man was on a higher level than anyone else in the company and possibly of all time.

He could wrestle like Hart, move like Michaels and yet was stronger and more powerful than the Big Show... and to make a statement of teh Undertaker being a no one or another simple notch on his belt was to me a jaw dropping moment.

Wow. This is a good one. There are so many great moments he had. So much dominance, yet he allowed himself to be vulnerable so matches where competitive. I loved his instant destruction of the hardy's, using multiple connected powerbombs. The fact that hogan gave him a rub. Rock summer slam. Taker HIAC. He could bang with the big boys and go on the mat with the technicals. He could hang with ANYONE. Him not resigning worked out best for WWE, because he would be on top forever. Cena could not be who he is if Lesnar was still there.
It's been mentioned a few times, but his Hell in the Cell match with the Undertaker is the first thing I think of when I hear the words Brock Lesnar even though I love his Wrestlemania XIX match with Angle better and who can forget the Big Show superplex that destroyed the ring?

Hell in a Cell was amazing and it's still to this day in my top favorite matches. The Undertaker do a Great Muta blade-job on himself, Lesnar's last second grab of the rope, reversing the tombstone and throwing the Undertaker on this shoulders for the F5 and the win, Lesnar covered with the Undertaker's blood on top of the cage holding the title... still gives me chills everytime I see the match.
Like others have said his WM match with Angle, and breaking the ring with Big Show. It's funny that one of his greatest moments is a botched shooting star press. :lmao:

Brock had an amazing run. But if he stayed eventually people would be calling him "stale" or "boring". Most guys that stay on top for a while start to receive backlash from a section of fans. He had bad mic skills too.
Brock Lesnars greatest moment was when he killed the Hardy boyz after their fight with Booker T and Goldust in April 2002, just one month after he debuted on WWF television. To me this was the moment I truly knew that Lesnar would be "The Next Big Thing". The way that he destroyed Jeff in the ring and the way that he F5d Matt on the steel ramp was just brutal.

I just loved the part where Brock kicked Matt Hardys bag so that his (Matts?) underwear flyed out off his bag and got stuck to the wall.
My favorite Brock Lesnar moments, and in my opinion, his most important, are his 3 WWE Title wins.

SummerSlam 2002 vs. The Rock.
This is the WWE’s Second Biggest PPV of the Year, according to the WWE. It was WWE Champion vs. WWE King Of The Ring. Brock, facing one of the greatest of all time, for the Undisputed WWE (and WCW) Championship has to be the single biggest match in his career…and he won. To me, this is similar to Jericho’s win at Vengeance 2001. At first, I hated the idea, then looking back, I loved it.

WrestleMania XIX vs. Kurt Angle.
What can possibly top Brock’s first WWE Title win on the Second Biggest PPV of the year?? How about Main Eventing the Grandest Stage of them all with the “Greatest Wrestler Ever”!? Everyone remembers the botch. Look past that and watch the rest of the match. It was as Wrestling as it gets at WrestleMania. It was for the richest prize in our industry. It was the Best match on the Best WrestleMania ever. Brock Lesnar went from the “Next Big Thing” to the “Big Thing” after this. Nothing else needs to be said.

September 16, 2003 Smackdown vs. Kurt Angle in a 60-Minute Iron Man match.
What can possibly top Brock’s first WWE Title win in the Main Event on the Grandest Stage of them all?? How about doubling the length of the match AND giving it away for free on Smackdown!? It was said to have been one of the best matches in Smackdown history. Who said it, I don’t know, but I do agree.

Out of these 3, I’m going to go with his WM XIX Main Event vs. Kurt Angle. Just imagine if he didn’t mess up the Shooting Star Press.


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