Favorite Championship Belt Design

Favorite Championship Belt

  • World Heavyweight

  • John Cena Spinner Belt

  • Winged Eagle WWE Title

  • Classic Intercontinental

  • Modern Intercontinental

  • Classic WWF World Tag Team

  • WCW United States

  • Attitude Era WWE Title

  • ECW World Heavyweight

  • Other

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Championship Belts have evolved over the years to say the LEAST. It seems the titles get a facelift every few years, new titles come into play, and in the past decade some wrestlers have gotten "custom made" belts as part of their gimmick. This thread explores the best and worst of the Championship Belts and asks which are your most and least favorite.

World Heavyweight Championship

The belt with the most history, probably. It has been an NWA Title, a WCW Title, and a WWE Title. It has been held by Ric Flair, HHH, Edge, Vader, Rick Rude, etc. It's also probably the biggest in terms of surface area, and now has a nameplate on the bottom for the champion.

WWE Championship

Also known as "The Spinner Belt," this was the brain child of John Cena's title reign. Originally with a spinning center plate, the Randy Orton incarnation is sedentary. Possibly the flashiest of all of the titles, a true creation of "bling bling."

Rated R Championship Belt

Edge's version of the John Cena spinner belt, with a whirrly center plate.

Classic Intercontinental Championship

The longest reigning Intercontinental Belt. Held and made famous by Ricky Steamboat, Randy Savage, Mr. Perfect, Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon, etc. Possibly the most symetrical belt.

Modern Intercontinental Belt

The belt held and made famous by Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, and of course, Santino Marella. The current incarnation of the mid-card championship.

Attitude Era WWE Championship

Held by Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, and Mankind in the mid- to late-90's. A new look on the old Winged Eagle Belt.

Winged Eagle WWE Title Belt

May as well be called "Hogan's Belt." Very long-standing symbol of WWF Idolitry. Hogan, Savage, Warrior, Flair, Undertaker, Slaughter, Hart, and Michaels were some of the major players holding this belt.

ECW Heavyweight Championship

What is more appropriate for a "Hardcore" promotion than a Hardcore belt? The sharp red looks like barbed wire laced with the blood if victims. Stands for everything that the Winged Eagle Belt does not - anger and struggle of the new generation as opposed to tradition.

WWF Tag Team Belts

The classic 90's WWF Tag Titles, held by Demolition, the Hart Foundation, the Nasty Boys, Money Inc, and SO MANY others. The true icon of Tag Team Wrestling.

Million Dollar Belt

Maybe the first individual "gimmick" belt, Ted DiBiase's arrogance at an all-time high. Maybe one of the smartest gimmick extensions ever. Held by DiBiase, Virgil, Steve Austin, and I believe Jake Roberts...

WCW United States Title Belt

Ah the patriotism! The US Title was WCW's version of the Intercontinental Title while still giving a nod to the old NWA.

WWE Undisputed Heavyweight Championship

Short lived, but a fair redo of the old WCW Heavyweight Championship Belt.

Ok, so there are MORE than a few examples. What I want to know are - what are your favorites, least favorites, and even what some of the great lesser known belts are. Feel free to post images of other belts, and remember, I only get to post 10 choices on a poll, so if your favorite isn't listed, vote "OTHER" and explain, with picture and detail, why your favorite belt is what it is.
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The Rated R Championship is my favorite. It just looks cool and I like how they at least showed Edge some respect and let him have his own title look.

My least favorite has to be the Million Dollar belt. It just doesn't look right. It looks like they tossed it together at the last minute and only spent limited money on it. LOL, it's for sure not a ''$1,000,000" belt.

If I am not mistaken, this is the shortest lived Title Belt in WWE History. It did create a parallel and advance the feud of Edge and John Cena, no question. Similar to what Shawn Michaels did with the "bogus" Intercontinental Title setting up the Wrestlemania 10 ladder match with Razor Ramon.


$154,000 to be exact. The gold and diamonds are real, but it's not $1,000,000 worth. Funny story is that DiBiase had to carry papers through customs everywhere he took the belt, and most of the customs agents, rather than scrutinizing him, just wanted their picture taken with the belt.
The Million Dollar Belt: That belt is just bad ass and would be amazing if they reintroduced it in some way shape or form. I think that belt just suited Ted DiBiase so well. The belt was meaningless, but at DiBiase brought value to it. My second favorite is the World Heavyweight/WCW Championship. The big gold belt is simply gorgeous. It's basic looking and not over done, yet is worthy of being the most valuable title in the world.
I think that most titles represent a certain Era. I certainly don't think you would see the eagle WWE Championship now. Nor do I think they would have a title as plain as the Classic IC.

I collect the replica belts, and I can say that by far the Cena belt is the best. I love the 80's belts. But the Cena one rocks. It spins as RVD said. It also hurts like fuck if you get your finger pinched in it. My favorite has to be the Million $ Title. It was never a proper title. But to look at its great. Ulitimatley it was one of the most worthless titles of all time. Aesthetically it's beautiful, unlike Cenas which looks cheep.

Not only does the Million Dollar Belt look rich and classy, it enhanced AND was enhanced BY Ted Dibiase and his character. When he held the belt, it just made sense. Also, despite never being a sanctioned WWF Title, it gave him something of value that fans wanted to see the faces take away.


The belt is not as impressive on Virgil. I mean, don't get me wrong, the feud was cool and DiBiase putting his former Bodyguard over was a nice moment, but the belt doesn't make as much sense, nor does it look as impressive.


Then there was Austin, and on him the belt made NO SENSE other than to introduce him as DiBiase's heel. I mean, obviously looking back on what he became it all seems rather silly, but the Million Dollar Belt became an extension of DiBiase as a manager and not Austin as a wrestler.
I suppose I'm quite partial to the Rated R belt. It's basically the John Cena belt (no, it is the John Cena belt) but with the awesome Rated R logo on it. Basically, that means none of the stigma of being in the "chain gang", but all of the coolness of the belt. And being Rated R. Like Edge. I'm surprised Jake doesn't have this one, as he's so high on Edge and loves the John Cena spinner.

But my favourite has to be, quite easily, the smokin' skull belt. That was the first customised belt I had ever seen. I seem to remember it being quite short-lived, seeing as McMahon stole it soon after its introduction, but it was still bad ass. the circular attitude era belt is a close second, but it just doesn't have quite enough, excuse the pun, attitude.
I'm going to have to go with the World Heavyweight Championship.

I simply love the design of it and how it looks.It's looked great on every wrestler who has held it,it just fits with everyone and right now I am imagining Shelton Benjamin with that belt around his waist and how good it fits.The runner up would have to be the WWE Championship belt that JBL was the last to hold.I simply hate the current belt design,it's just very ugly and looks very ugly on Randy Orton and looked very ugly on Triple H.My 3rd favorite would be the current TNA Championship belt even though that isn't on the list here,I love the design of it and it just looks pretty awesome.The NWA Championship belt is ugly in my opinion but alot of great wrestlers have held that prestigious belt.
I am to this day, and probably always will be, loyal to the classic Intercontinental Title. The belt always just looked so GOOD, so classic. It's a lesson in symmetry, and looked great on almost EVERYBODY who held it.


Shawn Michaels and the Intercontinental Title were a natural fit. Shawn took the belt itself to a whole new level, and used it to personify his brash image and gimmick. Some of HBK's best shots are of him holding the IC Belt, oozing arrogance.


Bret Hart was a great transition from Curt Henning in terms of the technical respectability of the Intercontinental Title. He brought a fair level of intensity to the belt and displayed it proudly. Unlike Shawn, Bret used himself to elevate the belt, as opposed to Michaels who used the belt as a prop to elevate himself. Both equally strong techniques.


Ricky Steamboat was the first man in history to hold this design of Intercontinental Title, as Greg Valentine, incensed by his loss to Steamboat, smashed the old title against a steel cage, destroying it. The same Intercontinental Title that Steamboat would effectively feud with Valentine, Martel, and Savage over for a while - maybe the first man to truly legitimize the mid-card championship.


Classic. For a man who's gimmick was to "ooze machismo" Razor used the Intercontinental Belt so well in his look, it was sick. This was during the true "golden age" of the Intercontinental Belt, or at least the 2nd coming, when the belt was feuded over by Michaels, Ramon, Deisel, etc.

Best Belt. EVER.
I absolutly love the spinner belt. Thats why it gets my vote. But also i rekon that the Cruiser weight title is a really good belt, no joke. Has anyone ever looked at that belt up close?
Its a really good looking belt.

But 1st prize goes 2 the spinner belt, held by the wrestling genious, John Cena

I just love the old IWGP World Belt. It was different from anything stateside and just seemed a tad more exotic than I felt the local belts were. The close second was the classic WWF Winged Eagle Design. Whatever the case may be, Reg Park is a genius.
But also i rekon that the Cruiser weight title is a really good belt, no joke. Has anyone ever looked at that belt up close?
Its a really good looking belt.

Ok, let's examine. Glad somebody brought up the Cruiserweight Belt.


Very plain, very square in my opinion. The other great belts have more shape, and more curviture. This belt makes the already smaller wrestlers look downright diminutive, almost like it's an insult.


I like this one a LITTLE bit better. It's bigger, but still very square. Not sure why that pattern exists, but this belt has almost more of a Japanese Belt feel to it.


Better. Much better. This belt is more curved, looks more like an actual championship belt. May be easy to confuse with some of the other titles out there but still doesn't make the holder look so unassuming. Probably my favorite of the three.
My fave is The Million Dollar Belt.It looks so cool and Adds a nice sense of Charaisma to the holder.It can make anyone look good and get over.Apart from Virgil.Shelton Benjamin.......Now thats a guy who could use that belt.
i will never understand.

Well Dude Everyting has to change at one stage.I mean what if the old WWE belt was here in the present?People would laugh thinking WWE is too poor to buy new belts.So its basic logic.
Well Dude Everyting has to change at one stage.I mean what if the old WWE belt was here in the present?People would laugh thinking WWE is too poor to buy new belts.So its basic logic.

Does hockey change the Stanley Cup? Does the NFL change the Lombardi Trophy? This is what is aggravating about the WWE, they love to change their belts, but they are the only semi-sport to do this on a regular basis. I think this does more to diminish the title rather then to add prestige to it. And this isnt a knock on Cena and the spinner belt, I despise that belt as much as I despised the Smoking Skull title. Its not the same belt that Savage or Hogan wore, so its hard to trace it back in my opinion.
i would have to say the traditional eagle winged belt it was classy and something that was worn not put over your shoulder like the belts of today are
attitude era wwf championship for me. it just looked good, and when your favourite superstar held it up, you felt they were proud for holding it! unlike the cena belt which(and i bet someone said this already) which as rvd rightly put it "dude it spins! how cool is that!" and i know it's just the classic belt smashed but i always loved the look of teh wwf hardcore championship! it looked like you had to be insane to want that belt!
I LOVE the Attitude Era WWE Title. It was the best title I have ever seen. IT just went so well with what it was trying to show at the time. It looks like the kind of belt that would be only held by the best. You'd have to practiaclly be royalty to even touch it. Whenever Ipicture wrestling belts, his is the one that pops into mind.

I also have to agree with the Classic Intercontinental championship look amazing. This was the belt to start all belts in a sense. It looked so good on almost everyone that wore it, and it looks as if it made the Intercontintal champion hungry for the WWE Championship. Awesome.
You forgot to mention the 1986 version of the WWF championship belt, which was truly Hogan's belt since he was the only one to wear it from 1986 until 1988 when he lost to Andre the Giant at SNME. That's my favorite belt.

Nice call! In fact, for younger fans in the late 80's and early 90's this belt was very familiar not because they'd see Hogan with it, but because the foam and plastic replica was of THIS belt, not the Winged Eagle belt for over a decade.


The belt is self screams "class." The flags being so evident make it feel and look like a true "World" title. Every major country is represented here. It feuled the International flare of the WWF as opposed to the territorial system. It conveyed to the world what Vince McMahon's intentions were.

While we are on the subject of classic WWF World Titles, here's the belt used prior to the "Hogan '86" belt.


Lacks color or depth, but for the time, the pure gold tone make it look rich and almost kingly. The words are fairly clear - WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT WRESTLING CHAMPION. Nothing "Sports Entertainment" about it - it's a WRESTLING belt.
I agree the classic WWF World Heavyweight title held by Hogan is a great championship to the eyes, but I must vote for the former WCW now WWE World Heavyweight Championship. It's big, bold and screams I AM CHAMPION! I have one on my mantle, a gift! This being said I think I should also address that to this date the current United State Championship is the second ugliest belt in wrestling history. The first one is that juvinile piece of crap spinning championship that should have been deposited in a dumpster along with its designer JOHN CENA.

Titles should not spin. They are a display of tradition and pride! Not somebodies Bling!

my favorite belt would be the world heavyweight title just because of its legacy, it was held by legends in the wrestling business (except luger, vince russo and david arquette). My second favorite would be the wwe winged title because its pretty much the belt that i grow up watching.

My honorable mentions would be the world title made exclusively for andre the giant, wcw u.s title, classic intercontinental title and all japan triple crown titles.

Anyone who likes that piece of crap wwe spinner belt should be forced to watch a great khali match and sponge bathe big daddy v.
How long has the current Intercontinental belt existed? I think it's probably around a decade, isn't it? That's fairly impressive, and it sort of adds a bit of prestige to the belt, although there have been many holders. A bit OT, but does anybody else not see the difference between Intercontinental (between continents) and world?

Anywho... I never really liked the belt that much. It never had that much of a complex design like most of the great belts have had. It just screams "default". A simple shape with a simple design. That might not be why I don't like it, but still, it's pretty boring.

On another note, I also really liked the design of the NWA world and tag belts. The tag titles would have looked crap if it was a single belt, in my opinion at least, but in unison they looked awesome. Whether it was LAX, Styles/Daniels, AMW or whoever, they instantly looked awesome with those belts.

As for the NWA title, I love that belt design. And it doesn't even look that good. The only person it really suited, in my opinion was Christian Cage. But there's something so "old school" about it, it instantly grants it credibility.


I do NOT like the spinner belt. I think that they should take it away and burn it. Bring back the undiputed belt or even remake the attitude belt ALITTLE. The heavyweight belt is to boring and the new us belt SUCK. The old us belt was alot better and to me it meant more. I would rather see the old IC belt rather then the new one. I hope that they bring back the ECW tag titles also.
the belt i felt was my favorite was the old (70's-80's) north american title
it was huge greats like ernie "the cat" ladd held this title . I wish i had a photo of that belt, it pretty much went from the top of the guy's chest to the bottom of his waist

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