Extreme Rules LD

Was Bryan and Barrett going to originally be the pre-show match or did they bump something else and move it there when they had to insert Neville?
I wonder what Lana "had to do" to get that matched signed. What happens behind closed doors......
Was Bryan and Barrett going to originally be the pre-show match or did they bump something else and move it there when they had to insert Neville?

Originally was the Tag Title match. It got bumped once it was reported Bryan couldn't compete.
Nah I was saying Reigns being carried in matches shouldn't be an insult. Someone has to take the lead in matches. Letting the veterans in those matches take the lead isn't a bad thing if Reigns can deliver on his spots.

Oh, that "Pep analogy" wasn't directed at you whatsoever, Alastor. Trust me.

And generally, 'being carried' is used as an insult by the majority.
Passing thought; why wouldn't Rusev go over tonight? Are they really going to have him lose 3 PPV matches in a row?
It would be pretty cool to see the Authority/anyone cuff Orton to the cage and then raise it. While he is hanging there like a piñata beat his ass with kendo sticks.
Actually Cena/Rusev 5. They fought at Fastlane as well. Wow this feud ha stretched.

Oh, yeah. I wasn't counting the "future" match. Not that I wouldn't mind as they have really good chemistry. The only other person I'd rather see Rusev fight than Cena is Lesnar.
They will use it for the breakup between Lana and Rusev. Some shenanigans are in store.

I see that, but still. Would have been nice to not have Rusev go from one extreme to the next in terms of wins and losses.
Oh, yeah. I wasn't counting the "future" match. Not that I wouldn't mind as they have really good chemistry. The only other person I'd rather see Rusev fight than Cena is Lesnar.

Lesnar is an uber-Republican. The feud writes itself. Book it.
I see that, but still. Would have been nice to not have Rusev go from one extreme to the next in terms of wins and losses.

I really don't see the losses as a negative for Rusev. The distractions by Lana give him a bit to fall back on. He has looked great in each outing. Plus he continues to crush his other opponents. However it will be interesting to see how they handle the I Quit stipulation.

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