Ex and current prisoners experience of the prison

If I piss you off SO much, then ignore me. I have no problems with you, but when you act like a fucken asshole and try to be one of the cool guys who are entitled to joke about me, you have no right doing that, so don't do that. Just remain quiet and unknown, please!
If I piss you off SO much, then ignore me. I have no problems with you, but when you act like a fucken asshole and try to be one of the cool guys who are entitled to joke about me, you have no right doing that, so don't do that. Just remain quiet and unknown, please!

You know, I actually was thinking about just clicking that little ignore button. It's simple, it's convienient, and in the end, we both win. But, you see, unfortunately, before you let me make up my mind on my own, you went ahead and TOLD me to do it. Lol, Mr. Cocomelon, if you actually thought that I was going to do what you told me to do, well then, you are sadly mistaken. Tell you what, I'll give you a suggestion. You don't have to do it, just like I don't have to do what you tell me to do, but just listen. How about you tell me what it takes to "deserve" to joke about you, I'll look over the criteria, and if I agree with you I in fact do not deserve to poke fun at you, I will leave you alone. Heck, we can even call it a truce if you'd like. Balls in your hand, Cocomelon. Ok, that came out wrong, but you know what I mean.

And now onto the Acid Queen.
Melon Farmer, dont let the nerds upset you. There are a lot of crotch biters on here especially CM, TP and Prince Albert.
Acid Queen, you are now the SECOND prisoner in as many weeks to honor me, by grouping me together with some great posters whom I like, respect, and in some ways, even admire. Now, I would never class myself in the same category as guys like C.M., TP, and Y2Jake. But apparently, I don't have to, because guys such as yourself are already doing it. If your goal was to hurt my feelings or humble me in some way, well then you just failed miserably. If your goal was to inflat my ego and encourage me to continue on with my verbal lashings, then mission accomplished. If I keep getting compared to great guys like Jake, Wes, and C.M., then clearly I am doing something right, and I'm certainly not going to stop doing it.
And now onto the Acid Queen.

Acid Queen, you are now the SECOND prisoner in as many weeks to honor me, by grouping me together with some great posters whom I like, respect, and in some ways, even admire. Now, I would never class myself in the same category as guys like C.M., TP, and Y2Jake. But apparently, I don't have to, because guys such as yourself are already doing it. If your goal was to hurt my feelings or humble me in some way, well then you just failed miserably. If your goal was to inflat my ego and encourage me to continue on with my verbal lashings, then mission accomplished. If I keep getting compared to great guys like Jake, Wes, and C.M., then clearly I am doing something right, and I'm certainly not going to stop doing it.
I wouldn't get to happy, it wouldn't know its ass from a hole in the ground.
^^ Why? Why must you hurt me in this way? Is it because I'm a Cena fan?
*single tear and a sob* I can't help how I feel, I was just born that way!!
^^ Why? Why must you hurt me in this way? Is it because I'm a Cena fan?
*single tear and a sob* I can't help how I feel, I was just born that way!!

I'm the only one who will let you down easy. everyone else will just crush yoour feelings.
Oh, great, now you're making me look vunerable in front of the prisoners. Don't you know what they'll do?! REVOLT!
Meh, whatever. You're right, he is too stupid to trust his opinion.
Then again, everyone's gotta be right at least once. How about we call this instance that one time?
I'm not touching any food or beverage you make me. Next thing I know it'll be morning and my asshole will be bleeding.
Oh, great, now you're making me look vunerable in front of the prisoners. Don't you know what they'll do?! REVOLT!
Meh, whatever. You're right, he is too stupid to trust his opinion.
Then again, everyone's gotta be right at least once. How about we call this instance that one time?

Man they won't revolt Johnny and/or Jake would destroy them with their all mighty ADMIN powers. But the words Rape, Bitch and Prince Albert come to mind pretty quick.:)
Oh, no the hunter becoming the hunted!! It's so... overused. I don't deserve to die in such an unoriginal, cliched manner.

Maybe this will keep the prisoners off you P.A.
And with that, I'm off to the bathroom. Back in ten.
It's not what you think, I swear, it's just in terms of comedic timing to be the opportune moment for a bathroom break.
C.M. = Cock Monger.

stop trying to be tuff you 18 year old wrestling forum moderating ****. get off your fat ass and get pussy instead of talking about how much you love guys in banana hammocks you douche.
C.M. = Cock Monger.

stop trying to be tuff you 18 year old wrestling forum moderating ****. get off your fat ass and get pussy instead of talking about how much you love guys in banana hammocks you douche.

That's clever. Another idiot lands in the prison and thinks it's a) clever, b) original, or c) insulting to make fun of age, sexuality, etc. You don't know C.M. from a hole in the wall, but you're able to speak on his personal life. You're in prison because you're an ass, not because of anything CM did or said. Red rep for being a *******.
C.M. = Cock Monger.

stop trying to be tuff you 18 year old wrestling forum moderating ****. get off your fat ass and get pussy instead of talking about how much you love guys in banana hammocks you douche.

Its not my fault you can't read the fucking rules CUN T
Dont worry about me if i get pussy or not, it's my choice to be abstinence
To reply to the original post.
If i felt i'd actually broken the rules i'd apologise. Not that i'm even in here for breaking the rules, i'm here because Jake cant take any criticism for a ridiculously strict over-moderated forum where anything less than 100 words is considered spam.

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