Evan Bourne


Pre-Show Stalwart

Evan Bourne is a very entertaining person to me. I love his style, and I love his energy. He also has some good moves.

I personally love his Cyclorama.

The point of this thread, however, isn't to show off his moves, it's to ask why wrestling organizations Book him as a jobber. In TNA (Impact Wrestling) from 2004-2005 he lost almost every single one of his matches. In WWE, he is used for everyone else to throw around and beat up. Now obviously he is 1/2 of the WWE Tag Team Champions, but I find it rather sickening that in all those tag matches, Bourne will wrestle, and get his ass kicked, and then finally he finds an opening to tag Kofi, Kofi makes the save, trouble in paradise, then Bourne does his shooting star press for the win. I'm not complaining of them winning, I'm complaining on how the WWE books him as a weak competitor. Everyone is saying "Evan sucks, he is nothing, has no talent, etc." when it's the wwe writers/chairman who controls what happens to him.

Do you agree with me?
What should happen to make Bourne seem like a better competitor?

The most obvious answer to the last question would be, simply, have him not be a jobber, be more involved in his tag matches, and WIN singles matches. I wouldn't mind seeing him compete for the U.S. championship.
I don't feel that as a part of the tag-team champs, he is still treated as a jobber. In any tag-team match, one guy always gets beaten up, makes the hot tag, all hit their offensive moves and someone gets the pin. Seeing that Bourne has been the one getting a pin a significant number of times, I think that he and Kofi are equals.

As of now, I think it is best if he remains as a tag-team wrestler.
Bourne connects well with the crowd and gets them excited. WWE should use that to their advantage. I don't like it either that he is booked to look bottom tier. It's obvious that they are making Kofi look like the stronger half of their team. Even though he will probably never see anything beyond the US or Intercontinental Championship I would like to see Bourne booked a little stronger. He would be a great choice for a midcard champion at some point in his career because of the exciting matches he would provide us as a champion.

I think for now though that the next logical step in the process to book him better would be for him to be made to look stronger when he and Kofi have their tag team matches. Let Bourne get the win and do most of the work in a few matches. It would be good for him to get some wins and it would be good for WWE to book him better because he will always be a good choice to revive a bored crowd. The better he is booked, the more he can be available for such a task.
I think Evan stands out and as he's a champion right now, no one needs to complain about him not getting good treatment. I recall hearing that Bourne is one of the top move-sellers, that he is really good at getting beaten up and to play to that strength AND be a champion is quite an accomplishment. I was surprised when i heard him speak in the run up to MITB, because before then i never heard him talk once. So it's possible that WWE were keeping him back a bit before but now with Kofi, he gets to speak and hold a shiny belt so it's all good for him.
I've always been a big fan of Evan, even back when he was Matt Sydal. He's a hard worker in the ring and deserves to be in WWE. I agree with Ian. He's very good at selling. That was one of the first things I noticed about him. I'd love to see him given a US Title run at some point.

At the moment I'm perfectly happy to see him in the tag division.
I'm not a huge fan of Evan Bourne at all... Sure he has some nice moves, but it's not like they are move's we've never seen before. He has no charisma whatsoever, and looks like he just got out of Middle School and rode the short bus to the WWE tapings.

I have a feeling that is exactly how Vince feels. So Evan Bourne will never be anything more than a glorified Lower-Mid Carder.

But hey, that's just my opinion
Matthew Korklan is great, his win loss record in WWE isn't to be has he has around 60 something wins and 50 something losses, but I just counted using two websites and he has 112 victories and 120 losses. He has 150 moves in his arsenal, wwe cuts him down to 8. I don't think he lacks charisma, charisma is the ability to get people behind you and he has many fans since he's been doing this for 11 years. He's also very humble, he said this in his podcast interview-

" i don't care about wins and losses, my goal is to go out and have the best match on the card and have a good time and make sure my opponent/guy I'm working with is having a good time."

He's also not that small, he's average height for american at around 5ft7-5ft9.
He's beaten two former world champs on PPV Jericho and Swagger.

It's been highly rumored that Vince doesn't see him as a draw but Stephanie and
Triple H do. John Cena, Sheamus, Cody Rhodes-Ted Dibiase, The Miz, Bret Hart and Chris Jericho have talked about him positively in interviews. I even talked to a former wwe creative member on youtube and he said he met him once and seemed to be a polite nice guy. His mic skills aren't bad they just aren't viewed as good because he's not like the rock but he's good with facial expressions. Why would WWE make him promote WWE in Brazille if his speaking skills weren't good? He's just not intimidating.
He stands out as an exceptional performer, but he's limited in terms of the people around his he can work with. Putting the tag team titles on him and Kofi keeps both of them from being jobbers, and elevates two deserving talents. I'd say that puts him in the best position he has been in since he joined WWE.

Sadly, he is not what Vince McMahon considers marketable, to emphasize what some others in this thread have said. Look at the other people with his style, size, and stature. Daniel Bryan won MiTB, but has barely won a match since.

In the long run, he will need some serious mic work, and maybe even a bit of work toning down his facial expressions during matches if he wants to improve his marketability. Until Vince is no longer running the show, Evan is probably as far up the ladder as he is going to get.
I actually see this guy to be more successful than Kofi Kingston. He got great ring skills with those high flying moves. Although he needs to work on his mic. Some may kill me with this, but I see him as a future main-eventer.

Nothing is permanent on WWE. He can't be a jobber forever. By the way, he is just 28. He got a long way to go.
He stands out as an exceptional performer, but he's limited in terms of the people around his he can work with. Putting the tag team titles on him and Kofi keeps both of them from being jobbers, and elevates two deserving talents. I'd say that puts him in the best position he has been in since he joined WWE.

Sadly, he is not what Vince McMahon considers marketable, to emphasize what some others in this thread have said. Look at the other people with his style, size, and stature. Daniel Bryan won MiTB, but has barely won a match since.

In the long run, he will need some serious mic work, and maybe even a bit of work toning down his facial expressions during matches if he wants to improve his marketability. Until Vince is no longer running the show, Evan is probably as far up the ladder as he is going to get.

His facial expressions during matches are great check out his first match with zack Ryder in 2009 on superstars. He also isn't bad on the mic but he's not intimidating.
He's an incredible talent and definitely one of my favorites. If WWE were to eventually bring back the Cruiserweight championship, he could easily stand out from the pack as the face of the division. Considering WWE does not always give him the credibility he deserves for a talent of his caliber, that would be just what he needs to cement himself on the roster.
Okay, I am not saying that Air Boom is a bad team, quite the opposite, in fact as Evan Bourne is my favorite high flying daredevil, Air Boom is currently my favorite tag team, but do any of you think that it could make Air Boom stronger if they added more high flyers to their team, kind of like making it into a high flying stable. Personally, I'd like to see Colon Primo and Justin Gabriel added to the team, they were both suggested as possible teammates for Evan at one time or another.
I actually don't agree with you simply because of what you yourself said. They currently ARE the Tag Team Champs and he usually finishes the matches. He had the pin that originally got them the titles. His size and lack of experience in big matches keeps him from moving any further than he has. Sure a guy like Mysterio was small and made it, but he was in the cruiserweight division for a LOONNG time before he was even considered to be a main event Superstar. Air Boom seems to be an audition of sorts for him to see how he can perform on a semi big time stage. If he can continue to perform well there will be no limit to what he can do....well some limits, but not many.
I said this in the John Morrison thread. It's called paying your dues. Every one has to do it, if not, you're a friend of a staff member. In short, he's used as enhancement because he's GOOD at it. He can do the facial expressions, he can make you care about him being beaten, and yes he's used as cannon fodder but he's used like it in order to build up the next big guy.

Evan Bourne has paid his dues and is now one half of the tag champs. I could see Bourne becoming IC/US champ too in the future. He works hard, has NEVER complained that he's being jobbed out. The guy's worth ethic is one you NEED in a company like WWE and I think they're finally recognising this.

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