Evan Bourne: What Would You Do With Him?

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Evan Bourne is fun to watch, and I always liked him, but after messing up two times in a row like that I can see them from just getting rid of him. I can't see him being higher than a mid card jobber at least for a long time because I am sure they have major trust issues with him. Honestly I am not a person that thinks pot or what ever he was smoking should be illegal, but it is and I get pissed when someone has their dream job and screw it up because of things like this. It's a shame as he was a good talent, but I can't see them keeping him around, and if they do I think he will be doing a lot of jobs.
I've been a fan of Bourne since I saw a match between him and Styles in the Ted Petty Invitational. It's one of the best matches I've seen. I love his athleticism and I do rate his in ring ability. However I've always felt his move set and overall ability are held back by WWE. I've heard that he had to land 10 shooting star presses in a row to prove he could do it safely. Because of this I don't think WWE know what to do with him.

Sadly I think he's going to be released although I'd like to see him give a US title run. Randy Orton has had 3 suspensions, 2 of which are welnness so if Orton can be pushed why can't Bourne.
Fire him or since he is good at selling turn him into a jobber. The guys is dull and has shit mic skills.
What do I do with him?

Evan Bourne: Good luck in all your future endeavors. Maybe keep him as a jobber that's only a last resort.

I just don't see him as a believable character as a heel or a face or fighting for any championship.

Out of sight, out of mind.
None of the above until they can give him some kind of character. Something that makes him stand out. If not that at least get him a manager or a valet. Too many guys are like that these days. Sure he can do all the flips and high flying aerial moves but what does he do that Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Sin Cara, Rey Mysterio, Yoshi Tatsu, and Kofi Kingston don't already do?
I have two decent options for Evan Bourne.

1) He returns to feud with Cesaro over Us Title. He can return when Cesaro is on an Anti-American rant, feud for a month or so, earn US Title shot and then LOSE the championship match and then feud with the likes of 3MB, Tensai, Epico, Primo, and whoever. Give him a somewhat Big Return and see if people react and get excited for him.

2) Bring back the Cruiserweight Championship sometime early next year and have a tournament over the course of a month or two, leading to WM29. Bourne can go somewhat deep into the tournament, but ultimately it should be Rey vs Sin Cara. NOW, I know that is predicable the second we see Rey and Sin Cara on opposite sides of the bracket, but is a good way to keep both faces and have a match for a legitimate reason.
Like everyone here, I see a LOT of options for Bourne. Here they are:
As a face
-Feed him to the Big Show
-Feed him to a returning Mark Henry
-Feed him to Wade Barrett
-Feed him to a returning Cody Rhodes
-Feed him to Alberto Del Rio (maybe he can piss off Rosa and get a broken arm for his troubles)
-Feed him to Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose
-Feed him to the 3MB

As a heel (he'd have to be a whiny heel; there's no way Bourne could be a badass)
-Feed him to Ryback
-Feed him to Big E. Langston
-Feed him to Sheamus (like they did to Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater before last year's Royal Rumble)
-Feed him to Kane and/or Daniel Bryan (chairs anyone?)
-Feed him to Santino in a few comedy matches

I won't lie, the guy can really sell an arse kicking. With his weak mic skills and his unreliability outside the ring, this is all I can see for Bourne. Creative may give him a little push but it should and will fail quickly.
I don't think we'll ever see the return of the cruiserweights, unfortunately. Also, Evan Bourne doesn't really have a gimmick, so there's that...

I don't see the brightest of futures for Bourne, but if it were up to me, I'd get a big man (like Jackson) who isn't doing very much at the moment and pair them up, try to recapture some Batista & Rey magic.
While it would be very WWE to bring Evan back and then wish him the best of luck to all of his future endeavors, I doubt that that would be the case; while Evan's schtick is not something that other skinny guys festering in countless indy promotions cannot do, he still knows how to work the ring, and that should keep him in good stead till he inexplicably fouls up again.

Yep, I now don't know what I am talking about -- call it a gut feeling.
I feel like they should put him in a feud with Justin Gabriel. Of course, they have to reintroduce him as a heel for it to work (or somehow put Justin back as a heel) but those two feuding would really be fun to see. Ever since the whole Super show thing with Johnny Whatshisname people have discussed putting the two in a match together. We never actually saw it so if they were to feud we'd actually see it happen a lot. Plus, fans would tune in more often to watch these two preform. Keep them both in singles of course, unless you were to put Bourne and Hunico perhaps together against International Airstrike (Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel)
Three words: Job, job job. Evan's fun to watch in the ring and everything but his complete lack of charisma combined with his inability to keep himself from getting injured is what stops him from getting any sort of push. Since little guys almost always look good getting getting the piss beaten out of him Evan will have a stable career as a jobber, unless he starts running his mouth, in which case the 'E will be perfectly willing to cut him and grab some other indy boy to take his place.
Personally I would future endeavor him because there is simply no cruiserweight division in WWE. He is a waste of money except as a jobber. Unless they created legit competition in his weight class (more than just Gabriel) he isn't going to go anywhere...he isn't good enough to be a Rey Mysterio type "underdog" champion and hes too likeable to be a heel. It seems like if he isn't being injured he's suspended and if he isn't suspended he's injured.
I would just put him back in a tag team. He could possibly be a third guy as a faction with gabriel and kidd to counter 3mb. They could do some faction feuding. Then after they deal with 3mb, you could just feed them the shield. It could build up the shield. If they dont do that, then i would say future endeavored. He doesnt really have any charisma or mic skills. Maybe put him in a tag team with kofi again? He's exciting to watch, but he is too injury prone, so i dont think he is gonna be doing anything special.
I love Bourne, and I always love those 'high-flyers' who can actually wrestle and not botch *cough* Sin Cara *cough.* It would be cool to see him have a solid mid card run, but I would honestly love to see the tag team of Tyson Kidd and Evan Bourne!
Besides the shooting star press I really don't know what else Bourne has to offer. There's obviously been some smaller dudes that have gone on to have great careers in WWE, but they usually had something to set them apart. Guys like Mysterio, Benoit, Jericho, etc. I know comparing him to to some of the greatest wrestlers ever might be dumb, but I'm just saying I don't see Evan Bourne being anywhere near the main event in the years to come. Like I said, his signature offense basically consists of the one move (which he hits maybe better than anyone to his credit) but other than that there isn't much too him. It's not like he's oozing charisma either. Having said all that, combined with his wellness violations, I don't think he would be a huge loss and I would probably let him go.

If I was going to keep him I would either have him upset Cesaro for the US title and have the two of them feud over it for a while, or I would have him wrestle Kofi for the IC title. Having Cesaro lose the title to a somewhat well known returning guy in his first match back and then go on to feud with him over it might add something to the title. I would also love to see Bourne go for a shooting star press and eat an uppercut instead somehow, that would be rad. If I was going to have him wrestle Kofi I would have Bourne come back and congratulate Kofi on all the success he had when Bourne was away. Then have Bourne ask for a title shot which Kofi agrees to and in the match, Bourne cheats to get the win and the title. Then have Bourne say something like he was pissed Kofi replaced him with R-Truth the second he was out of action and as revenge he decided to take the IC title from him. I dunno, something like that.
Bourne is really enjoyable to watch, and he's a much better worker than he gets credit for. Not sure he will ever rise much above lower-midcard though. You can't present a decent case for him to pose any real threat to most guys on the roster. He's an underdog and he doesn't really have the charisma or mic skills to carry himself any further. But he is exciting and people will tune in to watch him, and I believe it's for that reason that they are keeping him.

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