Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston - NEW WWE Tag Team Champions - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

I think it's funny how many people don't like the Kofi Bourne team because they're a "random pairing of singles wrestles"; Two of the best tag teams right now, KoW and Beer Money, started out as a "random pairing of singles wrestles"

I think Kofi & Bourne will continue to be a great team, and will jump start this Tag division. I think they work well together, they have the full support of the crowd, and their finishers; Trouble in Paradise and Air Bourne, go together nicely to finish off there opponent. I hope they stick with them as champs for a while, that way you can establish them as a legit team to really build a great Tag division.

I'm not saying that this is it, and we have a great division now. But I feel they they're heading in the right direction, and hope to see the tag division back in full swing soon. There is a lot of talent on that roster, and having a legit tag division can put some of those guys to good use.
I think it's funny how many people don't like the Kofi Bourne team because they're a "random pairing of singles wrestles"; Two of the best tag teams right now, KoW and Beer Money, started out as a "random pairing of singles wrestles"

I think Kofi & Bourne will continue to be a great team, and will jump start this Tag division. I think they work well together, they have the full support of the crowd, and their finishers; Trouble in Paradise and Air Bourne, go together nicely to finish off there opponent. I hope they stick with them as champs for a while, that way you can establish them as a legit team to really build a great Tag division.

I'm not saying that this is it, and we have a great division now. But I feel they they're heading in the right direction, and hope to see the tag division back in full swing soon. There is a lot of talent on that roster, and having a legit tag division can put some of those guys to good use.

I agree with pretty much everything here. Most tag teams start out as "random pairings". Sometimes the WWE will create some sort of little reason, like what apparently is happening with Miz and R-truth, but a lot of times it's more or less random. That said, I don't think you can call this completely random. These two guys are both your face, high energy, highflying (Bourne moreso, obviously) midcarders, with Kofi being more established, but currently stuck in the mid card. It makes perfect sense.

Also, in the case of McGuilicutty and Otunga, sure they might not be the most exciting pairing and they were "on top" of the tag division at a very weak point, but they do now have former tag champions on their resume and they're somewhat established. I don't look for them to be winning the titles back any time soon, but they're a decent team that has a bit of a track record. To have a good tag division, you need teams like these guys.

I'm optimistic about the tag division. Seems we might be heading towards a Truth/Miz vs. Kofi/Bourne at some point, which IMO could have the potential to be very good, especially if they build both of these teams up (as teams). Looking forward to seeing how this works.
I haven`t cared much for the tag division in about a year, much like most people out there, but I am very happy with this move. I don`t even like kofi, but I see it as a good move for him if only to get him out of the US&IC title pic(endless cycle). And we all know bourne has long since earned some recognition.

This with the new IC champ, and I am starting to think WWE has taken their heads out of the ground and trying to revive their fallen titles.
I think the new guy, CapnKabuki, summed it up nicely on the first page of the thread.

Like a lot of people, I've been skeptical when I've heard talk of the revival of the tag team scene in WWE. Over the past few months, we've seen some steps forward with The Usos looking like a young, dynamic team while Otunga & McGuillicutty actually started to look kind of serious as champs. With talk of the Kings of Wrestling coming to WWE as a tag team and the WWE, reportedly, reaching out to other great teams out there, it does look promising.

Kofi & Evan Bourne winning the titles is a good step in the right direction. Both of them are crowd favorites, especially Bourne despite the fact that he's lost more than he's won. The fans really have a team here that they're solidly behind and can route for, and that's probably the first time that's really happened in quite a while. I'm not going to get too excited as this could all implode at the drop of a hat, but things do seem to be moving forward in the WWE's tag team scene.

Evan Bourne hasn't lost more than he won, his win/loss record is 52 losses and 63 victories and why are you so suprised he's over? He's been a wrestler for 11 years dude, by 2005 he was very famous and most wanted by every single company,jeez get out of the WWE bubble. THIS ISN'T A RANDOM FUCKING PARRING, They tag teamed together on Evan Bourne's second match in WWE, many times on Raw in 2009 and 2010, do your research you ignorant idiots!

Overall this team is great, they are friends in real life, they are great babyfaces, they are over with the fans. Kofi will carry the team with his bombastic charisma and Evan will carry the team with his tenured wrestling skills. The feud with Miz and R Truth will be epic, Miz and Evan have had a rivalvry since 2008 and Miz feuding with Kofi during his US title days. See doesn't an opinion sound better when it's jacked up with facts, jeez do I sound pretentious or what?! Don't forget there are
the Usos, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, Trent Baretta, Yoshi Tatsu and the NXT rookies/roster, tons of talent.
Recently Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston has now named their reign with the titles the Altitude Era via Twitter. Do you guys think that this is a true sign that the Tag Team Division is going to be revamped? Your Thoughts?
Everyone, and I mean everybody on this entire forum if not every wrestling forum across the Internet is well aware that the Tag Team division is being replenished, we have known that for three weeks to a month now since the report came out and WWE started handing out try-outs to different teams before shows in-front of producers.

Scorpio Sky and Joey Ryan got a try-out, Kings of Wrestling were handed a try-out and have signed, Young Bucks got a try-out and Jimmy Jacobs got a try-out. Also taking into consideration how much WWE have been featuring the Tag Team Championships on television with Otunga and McGillicutty(McTungacutty) eleven times in a month across three shows in RAW, Superstars and Smackdown.

You could have gone down in any of the WWE sections and seen another two threads tops discussing this same topic. Also, the Altitude Era?? Really?? God what an awful name.
Everyone, and I mean everybody on this entire forum if not every wrestling forum across the Internet is well aware that the Tag Team division is being replenished, we have known that for three weeks to a month now since the report came out and WWE started handing out try-outs to different teams before shows in-front of producers.

Scorpio Sky and Joey Ryan got a try-out, Kings of Wrestling were handed a try-out and have signed, Young Bucks got a try-out and Jimmy Jacobs got a try-out. Also taking into consideration how much WWE have been featuring the Tag Team Championships on television with Otunga and McGillicutty(McTungacutty) eleven times in a month across three shows in RAW, Superstars and Smackdown.

You could have gone down in any of the WWE sections and seen another two threads tops discussing this same topic. Also, the Altitude Era?? Really?? God what an awful name.


I'm sure they won't actually be called "The Altitude Era" on TV; it was probably just a silly pun on Twitter. But even so, I don't hate it. I don't really care for Kofi or Bourne at all, but I don't mind them winning. At least they aren't TOTAL nobodies. So yes, I take that as a sign that they are serious with the Tag Team division revival, especially with how much the commentators have played it up (Lawler saying how stale the division has been, JR saying on RAW that he's excited to see where the division goes now that Kofi/Bourne won, etc).
I thought that the WWE was meant to be revamping its TT division but Bourne and Kingston, the 2 biggest jokes in the WWE? nah I dont think so, give the belts to the Uso's and then I'll take it seriously.
The Usos are the only true tag team in the company, why not give them a push. They would be the perfect tag team to take on the revamped tag team division.

All in all I love the idea and cant wait for the division to take off
I thought that the WWE was meant to be revamping its TT division but Bourne and Kingston, the 2 biggest jokes in the WWE? nah I dont think so, give the belts to the Uso's and then I'll take it seriously.

are you serious? Kingston and Bourne are GREAT. the only reason why you think bourne is a joke is because the wwe made him that way. but as you can see, they are actually having him win...GOLD! as for the Usos, Kingston and Bourne are so much better and more entertaining than the Usos.
Yeah, I agree this was a great decision, making them tag team champs. I was happy to see Kofi and Evan win. I'll admit I rewinded the end of the match and their celebration a couple of times! I'm a huge Evan Bourne fan, so I loved to see him finally get a title. I'm not a fan of Kofi, but I after seeing him with Evan, he's starting to grow on me. They're going to revive the tag team division.
I have wanted to see these two team for over a year or so now. I did come up with an idea for Kofi to lead a group of under utilised talents with Bourne, Swagger and possibly JTG (or someone like him filling out the fourth role), but with Truth & Miz taking up the role of 'talent that doesn't get their due' (even though they have a fair amount of screen time each week), the role of Kofi & Evan in a normal face tag team will do! Just happy to have them doing SOMETHING!

But seriously, I'm not a big fan of Kofi's persona, but his ring work is always solid and he can put on some really fun matches. Evan really has only ever had the odd chance to show what he can really do, he rarely gets put in long tv matches and its been VERY rare to see him on Pay Per View, so hopefully this might give them both some extra TV time, longer matches and maybe even a few PPV appearances under their belt, AND please let them show a bit of personality! Lord knows Kofi does have it, and if Evan was allowed some mic time he might too! The Tag division is sorely needed and missed in wrestling, its probably more important to me than the singles divisions and whether the WWE want to invest in it or not, or even think its important, people WANT to see it happen!
I'm not so sure about Kofi and Bourne at all....To me they just seem like another couple of singles wrestlers that the WWE have just thrown together randomly to create a tag team and on their first appearance they win the tag titles. It just shows how weak the tag division still is at the moment.

For the life of me I can't understand why the WWE don't give the Uso's a shot at the big time. I know they are still very young, but they are pretty much one of the very few genuine tag teams about....and they are BRILLIANT!

I personally don't see the tag division recovering for some time yet and this talk about kofi and bourne being the saviours of the tag division is just a lot of crap to be honest.

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