Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston - NEW WWE Tag Team Champions - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE


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Since this just happened a few minutes ago I'm assuming there is no thread about this. But if there is I apologize and hope this is moved into that thread. Anyways Otunga and Hennig are no longer the tag team champions, albeit I did love their run, it wasn't as bad as it seemed. Anyways the new champs are Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne, if Im not mistaken this is Bourne's first wwe title and Kofi's oh I dont know 7th random title? Its good to see a belt on Bourne but personally I think the Usos (an actual tag team) got screwed over. Regardless Im just wondering what you people think about this. Is this a good thing? I mean for the FIRST time in ages there was an interview about the new champs winning the titles. Maybe we'll see more of this and WWE will follow through with the tag team revamp? Who knows. What are your guys thoughts?
as we saw on raw, kofi kingston and evan bourne defeated david otunga and the other guy to become the new wwe tag team champions! i for one and very happy. the main reason, being that evan bourne needed it. this shows that bourne is not just some person to put in the ring just to get squashed. i think that kingston and bourne are going to add prestige to the titles IMO.

what do you guys think?
was this the right move?
I think that it's a good way to make Bourne and Kingston a little more relevant. It's part of the whole Tag Team Division being revamped. We can look forward to some good things from this.
I think WWE realized that both Kofi and Evan weren't going anywhere and that they're career midacarders. So they put them both in a tag team. I think it's a good move. Kofi and Bourne could be an amazing tag team if booked right. Just put them in ladder matches/TLC matches often and you'll get the greatest tag team in the past couple of years. I would name the team Born To Fly.

Now about the tag team division revival I'm all for it. I'm a big fan of tag team wrestling and I hope we get a good division in 6 months time.
When I first heard about the whole tag team division revamp, I was a bit skeptical of it to be honest. I've heard this before and each time I've been let down. I will say that it's pretty refreshing to see guys like Kofi and Evan being pushed with the belts, and after the segment with Miz and R-Truth, my guess is that those two are gonna form a team together and go for the belts.

I think that the WWE brass is testing the waters with established guys on the roster, The Usos included then, should the audience begin to get behind all these guys, they'll start bringing in guys like The Kings of Wrestling, which I personally can't wait to see.

I'm not gonna immediately jump on the bandwagon until I see some major signs that they're taking this revamp seriously, but that doesn't change the fact that tonight made me a little more hopeful for the future.
happy that they actually had the title match in the first place , but i dont really like the idea of them creating a stable 1 or 2 weeks ago whenever the debuted as a tag team to have them have a to become the champs there both great performers but i would rather see the Usos or another strong tag team gain the titles.

On another note i guess its sort of hyping up the tag team division so this is probably the best move for the WWE to give 2 popular icons the tag team titles to give it some more idenity, congrats to evan aswell for gaining his for WWE title
Whilst I'm still convinced that they slapped the belt on these 2 a bit too quickly I see a lot of hope from this move... not only have they given 2 guys who the fans are interested in seeing it makes perfect sense that these 2 go out and make a name for themselves in a new division, as opposed to constantly going for midcard titles and enhancement roles. Also, though I hate the way they did it by burrying Mcguilliguty and Otunga, they seemed determined to try and get the message out that they are resetting the Tag Team division and that it wont be the same bullshit we've been seeing over the last couple years... this belief was strengthened by the fact that R-Truth and The Miz appear to have formed a team.
theres not enough tag teams on raw for this to be good...theres like 9 people on the raw roster...i like evan bourne and i congrat him on getting the title, but Kofi kingston i dispise, i dont know why but i hate him, and typically change the channel when he comes out
Otunga and Mcguilicutty were putting everybody to sleep. The WWE audience dont give a shit about them. Kofi has a lot more credibility. Him and Bourne should be much more credible tag team champions. Hopefully, they get people caring more about the tag team division.
Hopefully by them winning, it will mark the beginning of the tag team division. Now that they're the champs, we will see a bigger spotlight on the titles and much better matches. Also, it looks like R-Truth & The Miz are a team now so maybe we'll see these 2 teams go at it.

Just for imput, I'd probably name Kofi & Bourne something like...Trouble In Air or Paradise Air ...lol jks
I was glad to see Kofi & Evan get the Tag Titles and hopefully this is the start of the revamp for Tag Teams in WWE. Its a good start and with Miz/R-Truth getting together along with the Usos & Otunga/Hennig plus another Team coming in (Kings of Wrestling) so we'll see how it plays out. I do like the name Trouble in Air Paradise.
This is quite definetly the best thing thats happened to the tag team division in a loooong time. They work well together & the pairing makes sense as they travel together, have teamed in the past (although rarely) & are both high-fliers to an extent that make a good tag team. And them being real life & storyline friends makes them credible & believable. But if nobody likes it, we could always throw Miz with Mark Henry, right? Lol.
Well, so far I dig the tandem of Kingston and Bourne. Frankly, these guys weren't going anywhere before they were put together. Kingston was in the mid-card doing the same stuff over and over again and Bourne was being used pretty much as a way to get the crowd hot with an 'Air Bourne' whenever he was on television if he didn't lose. Both of these guys are exciting (not a personal fan of Kingston but I'll give credit where credit is due), talented performers who have the crowd behind them but, at least for now, don't appear to be main event guys. Which is okay, because not everyone can be in the main event. That's not to say, however, that talents like Bourne and Kingston can't be utilized properly to enhance the product. Enter the tag team division.

Before I get to the upside of these two young men teaming up and being champions, I'll get the uglier items out of the way quick. Otunga and the guy whose fake name takes to long to spell, Joe Hennig, were completely buried in this transition of sorts. Honestly, I haven't really ever been incredibly impressed with either men overall but I think they were kind of screwed in all of this, going back to the Nexus's quite break up. These guys have virtually no gimmick but before they were at least apart of a notorious stable. So, CM Punk goes on to become a mega star (Punk is my favorite wrestler, and I've loved every bit of what's been going on with him post-Nexus) but Otunga and Hennig get left with the tag straps and no team name, explanation of why Nexus broke up or even an opportunity with the stick to put themselves over. In my opinion, burying the champs, not just when they lost but on their way to losing, is not a good way to add prestige to the title, but...

The A-lister and the Perfect Son are by no means a legit team to carry the tag team division into the future. Whilst throwing Kingston and Bourne together to defeat the champions within a few short weeks is nothing new, I do have confidence that WWE is serious about reviving the tag team scene and Kofi and Evan have the potential to lead that revival. At least their teaming makes sense; they have similar personas (exciting, smiling baby faces) and comparable in-ring styles (high-flyers). That, coupled with the fact that they have worn matching ring gear (same colors anyway; it says something about the state of the division over the last few years when the slightest bit of effort being put into a team to make them a real tandem gets a tag team wrestling fan excited) and may be getting a team name if there was anything to what Jerry Lawler mentioned on commentary, could make them a legitimate and over tag team.

Since the commentators put over the rebirth of the tag division so much tonight, it appears that WWE really is going to be putting much more effort into the WWE Tag Team Championship picture. However, one good team isn't enough, and now it is up to the higher ups to utilize existing teams, put together new ones (that don't suck of course) and bring in or bring back existing teams such as the Kings of Wrestling. My confidence in WWE has been greatly restored over the past few months, so for now I'm going to sit back and enjoy the ride and hope that this revival is a success.
i LOVED this move of giving kofi and bourne the tag titles tonight i thought it was gonna end up happening at night of champions but happening on raw wasnt bad it was a pretty good move as both are career mid carders and i think everybody was sick of kofi going for the us or ic title and it shows bourne isnt just a jobber as tonight he finally won his first title in wwe congrats to the new champs i hope they get a long run and i hope this is the start of the revival of the tag team division!
I really like this pairing.
Both guys bring excitement when they make the fresh tag after their partner has been beaten for most of the match. They can bring a lot of fun and entertainment back to the tag titles. I hope they come up with a cool tag team finishing move but that's unlikely. AirBourne will likely be their main finish.

I don't think this will be a long term tag team but it gives these 2 something to do. Most fans know they're underused on the show. This will give them a nice push and a reason to be on the show (aside from jobbing).
After watching the Tag Match the two teams last week with Bourne & Kingston, I said that they would have a Title Match, but lost it to McTungaCutty. I was wrong. However, I'm very pleased that we have NEW Tag Team Champions. However, I'm disappointed that Kofi Kingston is one of them. Evan Bourne has never won Tag Team Gold before, let alone any. However, Kingston has. He's won multiple Titles & I just think that someone who had not won anything before should've been in the Team with Bourne instead.

I completely see "The Awesome Truth" taking these Titles from them, possibly at NOC. I couldn't see these two guys (B&K), holding the Tag Titles for too long, so I'm guessing it'll be out of their hands sooner rather than later.
congrats to bourne and kingston, this is going to re-vamp the tag team division. guys like the usos and other tag teams will be more used, we will have more tag teams made, new guys brought in, i think this is the spark the tag team division needed.
A sign of things to come? I think so.

What a great move by the WWE. I don't remember paying more attention during a tag match then I did Monday Night on RAW. Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne weren't exactly doing anything even remotely relevant so this was a good decision. Will the WWE keep this up? I don't know. There aren't many (if any) heel tag teams who can compete with these two in a somewhat interesting feud. Hopefully we see more tag teams like this (or even new ones) emerge and face this exciting team down the road as I'm done with no charisma McGillicutty and less then mediocre Otunga. Hopefully these two can survive and show us a little character before being pushed completely under the rug. Love the new champs though. And in my opinion, this tag title win is far more interesting then either of these men winning a pointless midcard title.
I'm very happy with this title switch, as it seems like the WWE are finally making the tag titles mean something. They need to book Kingston and Bourne's run right and let the tag champions actually appear on TV more often, which the New Nexus or whatever they are called didn't get. The WWE has to keep on making new tag teams, as of right now I think there is only Bourne/Kingston, Nexus, The Usos and truth/miz.

By the way, congrats to one of my favorite wrestlers Evan Bourne on winning his first championship in the WWE!
I'm not ridiculously happy because Kingston and Bourne won the Tag Titles, i'm happy because we no longer have to go through every day knowing that our champions are Otunga and little Joey Hennig :lmao:

Seriously though, the look on Evan Bourne's face after he pinned Otunga for the win was the look of a man who's dreams had just come true. I'm not even that big of a fan, but just seeing him finally win a championship after so much hard work made me really happy for him and i'm glad they won. However I do not see them holding the titles long, I think that the newly formed alliance of R-Truth and The Miz will be taking them away sometime soon. For now though, they will give us some entertaining matches and i'm just glad to have new champions.
I was absolutely excited for the title change, both for Kofi Kingston winning his 7th title and Evan Bourne winning his 1st. Bourne has deserved to be a champion for a year now, and Kofi is a bright spot on whichever show he wrestles for. Notice how Kofi every couple of months finds his way back to becoming a champion, the same way The Miz and Jericho always found a way to. Now, two excellent high-flyers with strong wrestling ability can not only carry the tag team titles with a pride, prestige and new-found excitement, but it can help set-up the crusierweight division again.

As for David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty (sp?), it's time for them to be single stars and find their own way. Otunga no longer has the Nexus to hide behind gimmick wise, and McGillicutty can attempt to become the singles star he's supposed to be, although lately legends' sons have not been doing too well, unless they wear a plastic mask...
I think the new guy, CapnKabuki, summed it up nicely on the first page of the thread.

Like a lot of people, I've been skeptical when I've heard talk of the revival of the tag team scene in WWE. Over the past few months, we've seen some steps forward with The Usos looking like a young, dynamic team while Otunga & McGuillicutty actually started to look kind of serious as champs. With talk of the Kings of Wrestling coming to WWE as a tag team and the WWE, reportedly, reaching out to other great teams out there, it does look promising.

Kofi & Evan Bourne winning the titles is a good step in the right direction. Both of them are crowd favorites, especially Bourne despite the fact that he's lost more than he's won. The fans really have a team here that they're solidly behind and can route for, and that's probably the first time that's really happened in quite a while. I'm not going to get too excited as this could all implode at the drop of a hat, but things do seem to be moving forward in the WWE's tag team scene.
My issue with this; It's been hotshotted.
Giving the titles to a pair of mid=card lightweights does NOT mean a turn around for the division especially when these guys have had ONE match together! It looks now more like a random pairing and that's NOT good for the tag division.

I don't get why they don't give the titles RELEVANCE. Give the guys proper storylines. They could easily have had Hennig/Otunga cheat to retain the titles and have Kofi/Evan irate over it. So they go to cut a promo on it the following week, only to be beaten on by the Nexus, before then Kofi/Evan go to HHH.Demand from the GM that they get a shot rematch because of the blatant cheating...therefore the titles get enveloped into a storyline and become more relevant than just throwing the titles around. It also would have given more credibility to the new team of Kofi and Evan.
This is exactly what the majority of posters on here complain about. Two random guys thrown together and winning the titles but since its Evan Bourne and Kofi its ok because they are IWC favorites. While I don't dislike either guy I think they get way to much hype in these forums.That being said I have no problem with them becoming a team they should of giving it more time and an acutal backstory of why the team was formed. They have potential to be a good and exciting team just don't think they will hold titles for long with the emergence of the Miz and R-Truth who will most likely be champs real soon. Which is a totally diffrent topic all together. Just don't get the point of taking two main event players and forming a team kinda defeats purpose of building up prestige for the title it makes the main. Eventers look weak.
This is exactly what the majority of posters on here complain about. Two random guys thrown together and winning the titles but since its Evan Bourne and Kofi its ok because they are IWC favorites. While I don't dislike either guy I think they get way to much hype in these forums.

I agree with you, but personally I hate Kingston.

As for me yesterday I was expecting more, I know they are mostly not signed (but in that case wait some weeks to do the change), but you needed the KoW or The Buck to lay them down after the title win or maybe it could have work with the Usos, saying that the real tag team are sick of seeing none etablished tag team and or single star getting the title and making a joke of tag team wrestling. They are a real team and are leaving with the title whether you like it or not. And once you get real champions, real challengers would come.

Then you make the feud for a month or two before they win the strap and defend them for a long while until another real tag team come or that a thwon up tag team get the chance to work together for a while to become a real tag team.

I don't hate that they won the title, but I wanted a new/real team to strike them down.

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