Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Righteously Sinful
So, how do you all deal with utter and complete heartbreak?

For me, it's like a never ending dagger, being further shoved into my being.. further and further, each and everyday of my life. My situation is such that me and my ex remain close, we rely on each other for strength and to get through all the shit that life tosses our way. We still love each other, she just felt like I wasn't what she wanted, that it wasn't going to work between us for multiple reasons that I won't get into.

The whole staying friends thing, I think thats what kills the most, y'know? Because as badly as I want to be there for her, to care for her, and make sure that she's happy.. it's hard to stop loving someone when you remain so in touch and so connected to that person.

I told her that I wasn't going to talk to her anymore, this was about a year ago when she cheated and left me for the other guy. Well, she kept texting and saying that she missed me and needed my friendship, eventually I caved in and said I was ready to give her that.

But, i'm really not. It's tough, when I wasn't talking to her I was as fine as you can be after losing such a large portion of your life. Y'know, i'd see that she had a new boyfriend, and it wouldn't bother me that much. But now that it's like we are all close again, I can't stand hearing about her being with another guy.

You can rip me if you want, I don't care, I just needed to vent. I turn to alcohol mostly, but that just gets me in trouble, and makes me turn into something that I hate. For me, I just feel like when you find that one person, that "it" girl, then theres no other option. That everything else is secondary and can't be as good or feel as real. So when you lose that true love, that "one and only", it's hard to pick yourself up off the ground and tell yourself that theres other options out there because no matter how hard you try to convince yourself of that you know deep down that nothing will ever compare to what you already found.. and what you already lost.

As for the thread title, I just kind of think life would be easier if you could forget about the heartbreaks you had, i'd definitly opt for that procedure.
Dude you have to tell her that then. If you aren't ready, don't force yourself to act like you are, just for her benefit. She cheated on you, she should feel like shit, I apologize as I don't know her, but hopefully you know that I am not trying to be offensive. You have to buck up and tell her "Listen, I'm not as ready as I thought I was to be just friends with you. I need more time to myself." And if she is talking to you about the guy being a douche or whatever, then seriously say, "You chose him over me. I have been here for you, yet you don't care about how I still feel about you." You have to lay into her a little bit and maybe be harsh. But the truth is harsh. But that is just what I think. I hope it helps in some way.

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