Enter The Matrix and Ask Me Things

I still think a Tony Batti feud would be cool after the 10th anniversary show and your title match and KFAD are taken care of.
Does Callie think Mark Keaton has a better body than Flex Mussell? He definitely has better biceps than Flex, in fact, I have a source that says Mark has the best biceps in WZCW.
Thoughts on Devers?

I think he's going to be a star for years to come, the only thing he needs to do is learn to field better which shouldn't be a problem. I'm glad they kept him over Moncada when they acquired Sale, because I think he has more potential than Moncada.

Does Callie think Mark Keaton has a better body than Flex Mussell? He definitely has better biceps than Flex, in fact, I have a source that says Mark has the best biceps in WZCW.

Callie doesn't pay enough attention to either of you losers to notice.
So uh, Callie. Do you have any comment on War Zone? I'm sure you've heard of him

Matrix, do you have any feuds you would like to see in WZCW regarding Callie?
So uh, Callie. Do you have any comment on War Zone? I'm sure you've heard of him

Matrix, do you have any feuds you would like to see in WZCW regarding Callie?

War Zone? Never heard of him, no famous.

I've said before that I'm terrible at thinking up good feuds for my character but probably the same people I mentioned for opponents that'd be fun to rp against. Stormrage (if/when Yaz brings him back), Keaton, Beard (if he's still around) and Eve. Can cross Batti off the list since that feud is already going.
If you're the champ at Unscripted would you rather have the voting be for your opponent or the match type?
Well now that I know, I think I'd probably prefer having a feud going and the match type be up for vote. But I wouldn't hate an opponent being voted in, it'd just be a lot harder to RP against an unknown over a known.

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