Encounters You've Had With Wrestlers

I met Bret Hart once at the airport waiting for my dads flight to land. I approached him but as a little kid I was pretty nervous, Bret was cool about it, said a few nice words and even gave me some Hitman sunglasses.

I met Tyson Kidd, Natalya, Harry Smith and Ted DiBiase Jr. While I was managing a bowling alley, they all came down one Saturday night to bowl. Luckily one of the employees knew them and was talking to them, started talking how amazing of a bowler he was and about his 267 game. Since I've bowled with this guy before and knew how pissed poor of a player he was I just blurted out "you are so full of shit" and all of a sudden Tyson Kidd hits the floor laughing. After that talked about wrestling for a bit as the employee that knew them just had to say "I think he knows more about wrestling than you do" which I immediately backed off from (seriously how in the hell am I going to know more about a sport than a guy who has trained for 10 years?). After that we shot the shit for a few and then told the employee to hang out with them for the rest of the night while I did closing.

Lastly, I saw Bad News Allen every week for almost a year when he worked as head security at the mall I worked at. Our boss knew I was a big wrestling fan and unbeknownst to me he used to wrestle and was trained a little by Bad News so one night when I had to clean the deep fryer my boss introduced us. The interesting thing about it though is we never talked about wrestling outside that first night we met. After maybe 2 minutes after I met him it was apparent he just wasn't into wrestling so we just never talked about it although he did once tell me a story of how shitty the Hart's are as human beings. He loved Stu and Helen but hated every kid except Owen and I guess he hated him for the longest time too but earned Bad News respect later on. He was a nice dude and easily one of the highlights working there which was a feat considering all the crazy shit that went on at that bar.
After typing this up I realized they all involve drinking. Anyway here we go....

- I was catching a flight from Indianapolis to Denver. Had some time to kill before boarding so I enjoyed a few tasty beverages in the airport lounge. A half dozen or so shots of tequila later and it is safe to say I was it quite the chatty mood. I approached a gentleman at the bar who I was sure was former Cincinnati Reds pitcher Tom Browning. The other individuals in my group were completely embarrassed as I harassed this guy over the issue. To this day I still believe it was him. Anyway, eventually we go to board the plane. I get ahead and onto the plane before anyone else. Soon everyone can hear me Wooooing at the top of my lungs. The others in my party are wondering who I am harassing now. There is first class sat the “Nature Boy” Ric Flair. Unlike Tom Browning this was undoubtedly Flair. He was on a phone call but quickly hung up before acknowledging me. I explained what a major fan I was and that I actually dropped the K from my name as a young child in honor of him. We talked about the business for a bit before he blessed me with the greatest moment I’ve had as a fan. Upon my request he pulled back and landed a massive chop across my chest. He hit me so hard I thought my ribs and lungs had given. I fell into the seat of the other side of the row and gasped for air. It was freaking awesome. During the flight Flair sent a round of drinks back to our group.

- Following an Indy Show in Lima, Ohio I attended the after party with a number of friends. On a dare I approached a very lovely young lady sitting alone at the bar. At the time she was known as Ashley Lane but is now better known to the world as Madison Rayne. For all of twenty minutes I spit my absolute best game at her. I was quite confident in myself and sure I was going to make it happen with this absolute beauty. In the end she got me for two mixed drinks and a shot before completely blowing me off. She worked me over as if I was a ‘80s enhancement talent.

- I regularly partied at Miami Ohio while Miz was enrolled there. He was a regular at the Stadium Bar & Grill. He portrayed a rough edition of the Miz character even way back then. Last interaction I had with him was eliminating his team from the quarterfinals in a beer pong tournament.

- For a short period of time I hung around Shark Boy. He was teaching me about the business and I came very close to purchasing his Buckeye Pro Wrestling promotion. He told some hilarious and shocking stories from the road. Many of which I had to promise to never repeat. He was an extremely cool guy.

- Others I’ve had drinks with include Ambrose (all kinds of cocky but cool), Chris Harris (total dick) and Abyss (very nice guy).
When people made trouble at the mall, did he call them 'beer-bellied sharecroppers?' :)

Lol, that would've been pretty rad and I really want to tell you that's what happened but I never saw Bad News lose his cool, he was usually calm and smiling. The few times someone acted out of line all he would do is approach them with a look of death and it would usually be enough to make the rebel rouser calm back right off. The only time I did see him get physical was this one time where someone took a swing at him, he dodged the punch, chicken winged the guy, slammed him into the wall and let the bouncers take care of the guy from there, 2 minutes later he was back to his normal, calm demeanor.

For a guy who never drank or did drugs he looked so calm that you would swear he was constantly baked given how he acted.
Another time, I was in Dallas seeing some friends that were in college and one day I was there, we go to a health food/supplement/smoothie shop. TNA was in town at the time and The Dudleys came in. Funniest guys ever. Nobody there except me and two workers knew who they were. One of them was flipping out and even did the 3D gesture to which Bubba goes "Dude, careful, think of the irony of dying of a heart attack in a health store ya fat ass." Even the people in the store that didn't know them laughed their asses off. I got a picture on my cell phone that I had at the time with them and wish I could post it but don't have it. Incredibly nice guys. Devon is fucking massive in person, I knew he was a big guy but holy shit. Same thing with Brock.

Anyone else here have any wrestler encounters?

FCW used to come to my hometown every couple of months and one night after watching one of the shows I went out and got some food. The table they put me right next to was Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Damien Sandow. All of the guys were really cool and signed autographs and everything.

I met Xavier Woods outside of an FCW show once and he was a really cool guy. We spent about twenty minutes just talking about nerd things since his tights had the whole "Over 9000" on them.
I met Ron Simmons at a house show years ago. I went to one of Mick Foley's comedy shows, he signed autographs and took pictures after. I didn't talk to him, but when I was leaving Wrestlemania 29, The Rock walked through the hallway after his match with Cena. He seemed in a rush, but a few days later, we all found out that he got injured.
I personally know Billy Kay and Peyton Royce from NXT, Kay used to train me at the promotion that she started and became a mainstay in here in Sydney. Very cool person.

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