Encounters You've Had With Wrestlers


Getting Noticed By Management
Me? I have had a few wrestler encounters over the many years I have been a fan, but for now I'll just talk about two memorable ones. First one I had was at the North Dakota Winter Show in early March. I was there in North Dakota to visit some relatives and we decided to go to that. Brock and Sable attended the event, were both really nice, and took photos with fans. Here is the photo I got with him. (I'm with the long hair)


Another time, I was in Dallas seeing some friends that were in college and one day I was there, we go to a health food/supplement/smoothie shop. TNA was in town at the time and The Dudleys came in. Funniest guys ever. Everyone there except me and two workers knew who they were. One of them was flipping out and even did the 3D gesture to which Bubba goes "Dude, careful, think of the irony of dying of a heart attack in a health store ya fat ass." Even the people in the store that didn't know them laughed their asses off. I got a picture on my cell phone that I had at the time with them and wish I could post it but don't have it. Incredibly nice guys. Devon is fucking massive in person, I knew he was a big guy but holy shit. Same thing with Brock.

Anyone else here have any wrestler encounters?
So me and my girlfriend were having a date in Alinea, a restaurant in Chicago.. we saw CM Punk and AJ Lee sitting a few tables away from us so we approached him. Introduced ourselves and asked for an autograph and picture, to which he replies, "can't you see that we're eating here?".. I replied to him, "excuse me?" and he rudely told us to leave him and AJ alone.. talk about a total lack of respect.. I can see where everybody is coming from now when they said the guy is a total dick in real life. That was just totally uncalled for.

I was a huge fan of him; I even told him that I loved his work back in the WWE. He mumbled a "thanks" and continued to look disinterested. Somebody better teach this whiny boy some manners.

If you didn't see this one coming guys, you haven't been paying much attention.
So me and my girlfriend were having a date in Alinea, a restaurant in Chicago.. we saw CM Punk and AJ Lee sitting a few tables away from us so we approached him. Introduced ourselves and asked for an autograph and picture, to which he replies, "can't you see that we're eating here?".. I replied to him, "excuse me?" and he rudely told us to leave him and AJ alone.. talk about a total lack of respect.. I can see where everybody is coming from now when they said the guy is a total dick in real life. That was just totally uncalled for.

I was a huge fan of him; I even told him that I loved his work back in the WWE. He mumbled a "thanks" and continued to look disinterested. Somebody better teach this whiny boy some manners.

If you didn't see this one coming guys, you haven't been paying much attention.

I'm a huge fan of that place, but I'm not sure whether I can blame Punk here. If I were famous and am trying to have a meal with my wife, I wouldn't want people trying to disrupt that. I'd appreciate people saying they enjoy my work but during a meal is not the time for that. But yeah, I've heard Punk stories just about anywhere else, and all I can say is that he's a grade A dick.
Yeah, but you really need to be careful. Sometimes a guy can be a nice guy, even if he doesn't have the best reputation. If you had told me Shawn Michaels, in the midst of his drug taking days, would be nice, I'd say you're crazy. But boy, do I have a story for you.

I met Shawn Michaels at a restaurant once - we’d accidentally been given his table. Apparently he was fond of the restaurant and had a specific table he liked, and the management had messed up and gotten their days wrong, (it was Tuesday and they thought he was coming on Thursday or something like that).

Anyway, the manager, completely embarrassed (this is a pretty nice restaurant) comes by and says “I’m so sorry, but we’d like to move you to another table if you could be troubled, and we’ll gladly compensate you for the cost of the meal and any other meal you’d like while you’re in town.” My sister and cousin were both like “Yeah that’s cool.” and I kind of played the asshole a bit.

"I’m sorry, I just don’t understand. We’ve been here for 15 minutes - we’ve just ordered. Can’t we finish our meal here?"

Then out of nowhere Shawn Michaels shows up next to the manager and says “Paul, these guys can finish. We’ll be at the bar. I got some time.”

And I (being a big HBK fan) said “Oh wow, uh… I had no idea. Please feel free to give them the table.”

Shawn was grateful, shook my hand and said thanks, then gave me a card with his number on it and told me to give him a call later. After working up the nerve, I gave him a call that night, and to make a long story short, we had a glorious 11 month love affair, man on man, that I shall never forget. Our bodies intertwined as one, and from the beauty of Morocco, to the French Riviera, to the snorkeling in the Galopagos, Shawn Michaels and I made glorious gay love to each other on six of the seven continents.
Yeah, but you really need to be careful. Sometimes a guy can be a nice guy, even if he doesn't have the best reputation. If you had told me Shawn Michaels, in the midst of his drug taking days, would be nice, I'd say you're crazy. But boy, do I have a story for you.

I met Shawn Michaels at a restaurant once - we’d accidentally been given his table. Apparently he was fond of the restaurant and had a specific table he liked, and the management had messed up and gotten their days wrong, (it was Tuesday and they thought he was coming on Thursday or something like that).

Anyway, the manager, completely embarrassed (this is a pretty nice restaurant) comes by and says “I’m so sorry, but we’d like to move you to another table if you could be troubled, and we’ll gladly compensate you for the cost of the meal and any other meal you’d like while you’re in town.” My sister and cousin were both like “Yeah that’s cool.” and I kind of played the asshole a bit.

"I’m sorry, I just don’t understand. We’ve been here for 15 minutes - we’ve just ordered. Can’t we finish our meal here?"

Then out of nowhere Shawn Michaels shows up next to the manager and says “Paul, these guys can finish. We’ll be at the bar. I got some time.”

And I (being a big HBK fan) said “Oh wow, uh… I had no idea. Please feel free to give them the table.”

Shawn was grateful, shook my hand and said thanks, then gave me a card with his number on it and told me to give him a call later. After working up the nerve, I gave him a call that night, and to make a long story short, we had a glorious 11 month love affair, man on man, that I shall never forget. Our bodies intertwined as one, and from the beauty of Morocco, to the French Riviera, to the snorkeling in the Galopagos, Shawn Michaels and I made glorious gay love to each other on six of the seven continents.

I can't believe I read this entire story for that freaking pay off, lol. Ridiculous, man.

Anyways, I met Tommy Dreamer, Jerry Lynn, and Francine at an ECW House Show back in 2000. All were super cool and polite. No real story behind it.
I met Rosa Mendes once. She came to the department store I used to work at and bought some luggage. Normally I'd be setting up signs/displays but one of our cashiers had called in ill that day and I just happened to get asked to fill in for him earlier that morning to work the register in the household goods department instead of what I normally did there, so I got to briefly speak with her when she made the actual purchase. What she was doing in a small town in Texas I'll never know, but she was nice.
Shared them before but here goes.

Some of the WWE wrestlers would stay at the hotel I worked at when they were in town.

Teddy Long was a nice guy. Only talked to him briefly. He had stopped by with tickets for the next night's show for one of the guys who worked there and his son. I told him I'd be at the show too and asked if it was going to be good and he said "You better believe that playa." exactly the way he said it on screen.

Chuck Palumbo was the most intimidating person I have ever met. He was totally nice but the dude is massive and just has the presence about him. Kept calling me brother.

Mark Henry was really soft spoken and and kind of sad that the show didn't sell out the time he was there. When he came back to the hotel after being out for a bit he had a pizza with him and kindly offered me some.

Big Daddy V came back and had some chick with him. I was in the lobby when he came in and as he was walking down the hall he turned back and gave me a thumbs up and a smile.

Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy and MVP were all in there together. I got to talk to Matt and MVP for a little bit before they went out. There were a few kids in the lobby and Rey walked through them and ignored them when they tried to talk to him. Matt and MVP saw it and went over and spent about 15 minutes with them taking pictures and talking to them.

In a funny moment that may or may not have been related there was a referee or ring announcer checking in. Can't exactly remember who and I got his name wrong. Well the next night at the show he was in the ring and one of the wrestlers got on the mic and said to him "People don't even know your name."

Autograph signings.

Stacy Keibler was really nice. The signing was at a minor league hockey game and where the table was located you could see the ice. A fight broke out in the game and she started pumping her fist up and down chanting "Fight, fight, fight." It was my turn in line to get my picture signed so when she was done with that she let out a little laugh and said "Sorry."

Steve Austin was friendly. He was also at a hockey game and after the game you could go downstairs to a bar area and hangout with players if you knew the area was down there. Steve actually was down there drinking with people. My sister almost hit him with a bathroom door because he was standing too close to the women's bathroom while his security guy was checking the men's bathroom to make sure no one was there. When he walked by my friends and I a friend of mine said hi to him and he said "How you doing honey?" And then as he was leaving, one of the players was coming in and looked at my friends and I and said "Did you lay the smackdown on ole Stone Cold?" Steve hadn't gone all the way through yet so he turned around and looked at the guy and then kept walking and the guy looked at us and shrugged and smiled.

Ric Flair didn't want to talk to anyone and didn't look up at anyone. Just kept signing whatever was put in front of him. Did a half hearted Wooo for someone who asked him to for a friend they had on the phone.

Disco Inferno was signing at a Walmart. I had no idea he was even going to be there and I just happened to be there walking by and saw a table set up with some kind of soda boxes around it. I think it was Surge maybe. Anyway I ended up being like the 3rd person in line. I was wearing a Bret Hart shirt and he said "Are you a fan of Bret Hart?" I said "No" because I'm dumb and say stupid things and he said "Why are you wearing a shirt of him then?" and I told him I had gotten it for Christmas, which was true, and he said "Ah."

Kane was really friendly. It was during his days when he had the red suit and mask. It was at a baseball game and he came on the field and kind of hassled the umpire. I went to get the baseball I had him sign and he looked up at me to where I thought I did something wrong and then stuck his hand out to shake my hand. Everyone went through the line pretty quick and he hung around and talked to anyone who wanted to hang around and talk. I didn't know he was doing that until a minute or two before he left so I missed out on that.

I think those are all of them.
Stop posting Wreddit stories, Panda - next you'll have the one about Edge pooping.

I met Mason Ryan after a show. Tastycles talked to him in Welsh. We also spoke to some of the talent at the same show, the names of whom even I wouldn't recognise. That's about it for wrestling encounters.
Met some of the local wrestlers, met Bushwhacker Luke, Sandman and I have met Bad Luck Fale a couple of times. No real story, though Fale is a real nice dude
I met Bret Hart at his signing session for his autobiography. I was quite far back in the queue, and you could tell he was pretty tired by the time I got to the front, he looked a bit fed up. He was polite though and told me that Nash's Jackknife Powerbomb was the most painful finishing move to take.

At a UK independent show in 2007 I met Chris Hero, Rhyno and El Generico (Sami Zayn). Generico was totally in character, pretending to be unable to speak English and had a translator with him. At his merch table, I decided against buying a signed photo but he spoke to his translator who told me he'd drop the price of the photo for me, so I bought it. He posed for a pic too which was cool.

I've spoken with New Jack, Steve Corino, Justin Credible, Missy Hyatt and The Blossom Twins on Facebook/Twitter.
I sold Umaga pot in Vince's guest house way back when. He gave me a stack of signed pictures of Mr. Kennedy and Booker T. The place has a shower so big you can close your eyes, stretch out your arms, and spin around, and you won't touch the walls. For some reason the towels there are completely non-absorbent though.

Met a bunch of other performers too. I saw CM Punk eating once, but figured saying hi to him would be kind of a dick move.
So me and my girlfriend were having a date in Alinea, a restaurant in Chicago.. we saw CM Punk and AJ Lee sitting a few tables away from us so we approached him. Introduced ourselves and asked for an autograph and picture, to which he replies, "can't you see that we're eating here?".. I replied to him, "excuse me?" and he rudely told us to leave him and AJ alone.. talk about a total lack of respect.. I can see where everybody is coming from now when they said the guy is a total dick in real life. That was just totally uncalled for.

I was a huge fan of him; I even told him that I loved his work back in the WWE. He mumbled a "thanks" and continued to look disinterested. Somebody better teach this whiny boy some manners.

If you didn't see this one coming guys, you haven't been paying much attention.

What made you think it was acceptable to interrupt him during dinner with his girlfriend?
I went to school with Neville and was pretty good friends with him back then.

I met the Big Show in Harrods. Dave todld him he had big hands, he said he'd look stupid with small hands.

I met Cody Rhodes when he was first with Bob Holly in Grainger games. Talked to him about Zelda.
I met RVD at a signing in Leeds. Guy was cool but even I (not one of the most observant people ever) could tell he was stoned out of his face. Still, I got a photo with him and he signed my RVD DVD.
Met Bret Hart at a book signing. He was pretty cool. Talked about Owen for a couple of minutes.

When I was younger I remember seeing Ric Flair, Mr. Perfect, and who I assume was David Flair eating at a restaurant somewhere in Florida I believe. This was before I realized it was scripted so it was confusing to me that Flair and Hennig were hanging out when they hated each other on screen. Never had the nerve to say anything.

Briefly met Mick Foley at an autograph signing way back when. He was hilarious. I was wearing a replica of his mask and he goes, "Oh man, people actually wear that thing!"

That's about it for me.
Stop posting Wreddit stories, Panda - next you'll have the one about Edge pooping.

I met Mason Ryan after a show. Tastycles talked to him in Welsh. We also spoke to some of the talent at the same show, the names of whom even I wouldn't recognise. That's about it for wrestling encounters.

You should have approached Zack Sabre Jr. on the train. Would have made for your best story.
Arnold Skaaland was a old-time wrestler and former manager of Bob Backlund and Bruno Sammartino. At a private club in White Plains NY, I accidentally splashed him while jumping into the swimming pool......and he told me to get my 'bony ass' away from him.
I met Africa Wrestling Alliance's "Mr Pain" when I was in Namibia, five or six years ago. I had no idea who he was, so it was a little awkward. Also, he was delivering cement, so...

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