Eminem, The most controversial music artist ever!

Numbers, what exactly does the way Eminem's voice sounds like have to do with controversy? You're really grasping at some things that aren't really all that relevant to the topic at hand. I'd also like a response to my last rebuttal in the debate we were having in here earlier. Don't just run away from it.
I would if it was worth responding to. I'm not going to respond to every little point if it is going to do anything for my argument.

The point I'm trying to make with his voice is that it was part of the Slim Shady character. I feel I've been pretty clear with this, but here I go again.

Eminem is pretty widely regarded as the most talented rapper anywhere. With regards to his vocals, in his early work in particular, he would change rythym, tone and speed. He would also bend words into the rhyme and the melody. This is one of the characteristics that made him from every other rapper out there.

If you are still with me, what I am trying to say is that if he wasn't so talented and unique with his vocals, there is a damn good chance he would not have been noticed.

So I would his voice is very important because even if you do not pay close attention to his lyrics (especially from the first two albums), his style drags you in because he is working so hard to make it all stand out.
I would if it was worth responding to. I'm not going to respond to every little point if it is going to do anything for my argument.

Lol so because you are wrong and too much of a bitch to respond it's not worth responding too. I get it.

If you are still with me, what I am trying to say is that if he wasn't so talented and unique with his vocals, there is a damn good chance he would not have been noticed.

So I would his voice is very important because even if you do not pay close attention to his lyrics (especially from the first two albums), his style drags you in because he is working so hard to make it all stand out.

Lyrics and voice are two completely different things. The sound of his voice really has jack shit to do with anything. Maybe the tone of his voice and how he says shit is somewhat relevant to his sound but if his voice sounded different it wouldn't change shit. He'd still be Eminem and he'd still have dope lyrics. Also I'm still struggling to find the relevance between this and controversy. Nice try though with your bullshit smoke and mirrors argument.
Closing Argument:

A lot of Eminem’s anger comes from the fact that his childhood sucked and grew up in poverty. He lost an uncle to suicide who he was very close to and he had an awful relationship with his mother and then his ex-wife. He would end up abusing drugs for many years and many of his tracks would be autobiographical. (He would also star in 8 Mile which many would say is autobiographical but the man himself would say is more about growing up in Detroit)

His early work is an absolute reflection of this trauma. I’ve stated many time that 97 Bonnie & Clyde is damn right for how messed up it is. A great song but the intent behind the lyrics is damn scary.


I believe this was written before he made it big with Dre at Aftermath.

Maybe his most controversial record is his most successful. Stan takes a track by Dido and around it, crafts a tale of murderous obsession. This was a worldwide smash and truly put him over the top. MTV cut many of the video’s scenes.


Stan is a true modern classic and a absolute perfect example of how to meld great music and controversy.

His lyrics were antagonizing and he knew it.


This videos, in particularly for Without Me point out how much heat he was getting, but he always had just-don’t-give-a-fuck mindset. By sticking to his guns, he would get heat from everyone.

And while Becker stated that Eminem got heat until his third album. That is partly true but I would say that he is never afraid to put his opinions out there. He got a bucket load of heat for poking fun at Michael Jackson in Just Lose it – his fourth album.


And if there was one song which showed how determined and focussed he was and how it could result in great music, , then this is it.


Lose Yourself and 8 Mile showed he could act and how Eminem could be separate from Slim Shady. This is an absolute anthem of a track.

Eminem has been through many up and downs in his career. He is firmly established in the mainstream as one of the best rappers ever. But controversy has always followed him.

While it is certainly died down a lot from his early days, when it was there, it was very serious. He would receive flak from all sides but it would never stop him and Slim Shady would power to three multi-platinum albums within a few years, despite everything that was said about him.

  • He was more controversial within his music than Michael Jackson.
  • He was more successful with it than Marilyn Manson
  • And he did everything NWA did but took it that much further.
Lol so because you are wrong and too much of a bitch to respond it's not worth responding too. I get it.
Because you are reading into it and getting it wrong? Fine

I'm going to take the one point that you make that is of relevance to this thread.

Lyrics and voice are two completely different things. The sound of his voice really has jack shit to do with anything. Maybe the tone of his voice and how he says shit is somewhat relevant to his sound but if his voice sounded different it wouldn't change shit. He'd still be Eminem and he'd still have dope lyrics.

I would say for any musical artist, that lyrics and voice have everything to do with each other. For the most part, how many unique sounding rappers are there really?

Snoop? Yes
Dre? At a stretch.

Lyrically his material is controversial. But how he gets it across, including his vocal style all lends to his act, especially in the Slim Shady years.

I've already pointed out that when he works with other artists, his voice makes the track different.

Case in point:


Also I'm still struggling to find the relevance between this and controversy. Nice try though with your bullshit smoke and mirrors argument.

Nice try at derailing the thread.
Because you are reading into it and getting it wrong? Fine

LOL this is fucking fantastic. STILL not responding to very relevant points that prove you wrong. This is amazing.

I would say for any musical artist, that lyrics and voice have everything to do with each other. For the most part, how many unique sounding rappers are there really?

Snoop? Yes
Dre? At a stretch.

Lyrically his material is controversial. But how he gets it across, including his vocal style all lends to his act, especially in the Slim Shady years.

I've already pointed out that when he works with other artists, his voice makes the track different.

Case in point:

If Eminem had a slightly different sound to his voice but the lyrics were the same, not shit would change. The sound of a persons voice (in rap) really isn't relevant unless their voice is extremely annoying for one reason or another. Em has a great delivery but he doesn't have "vocal stylings" the motherfucker isn't a singer. His voice in Guilty Conscience is the same voice in basically all of his songs as long as he isn't using those annoying accents. This argument is just completely useless.

Nice try at derailing the thread.

:lmao: I'm honestly laughing my ass off right now. I call you out to respond to my post against you and you refuse. Then I call one of your points completely irrelevant (because it is) and you accuse me of derailing the thread. The only one derailing the thread is you with your inability to respond to relevant arguments and the fact that you make arguments that are completely irrelevant to the topic at hand.

I'm going to bed now. I have half a fifth of whiskey in me and your arguments are just atrocious at this point. I did my best to refrain from just ripping you apart with insults.

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