Elimination Chamber: Are We Moving to a #1 Contender Chamber Match?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So the Daniel Bryan swerve last night got me thinking. Daniel Bryan is winning the Royal Rumble. WWE powers that be are aware they just gave away a huge swerve two weeks early. They obviously have a plan that is moving towards finishing the Wyatt/Bryan feud at the Rumble. Batista is back next week. Lesnar has established himself as number one contender. Cena is taking on Orton at the Rumble.

I think it's very clear that we are moving towards a Chamber match with a winner takes all situation. The Chamber would have Bryan, Punk, Cena, Batista, Lesnar and probably Wyatt. There is probably the option for someone like Show, Henry or even Sheamus (Who we all basically know is returning at the Rumble) to get a spot and start something going into Mania.

Bryan wins and truly becomes number one contender and goes on to Orton. Punk will be screwed and move to HHH. Batista and Lesnar feud begins and the Cena/Wyatt feud begins as well. Even if those last two feuds don't happen, there are options to move them onto other things afterward. If people are worried about Lesnar in the Chamber, there is always the option of putting a Sheamus or Big Show in Lesnar's spot and screwing Lesnar out of his match with Orton by Taker to set up their feud. Or Lesnar stays in the match, starts his thing with the Beast vs. The Animal and Taker goes onto fight all three guys of The Shield and the Reigns turn occurs at Mania.

All the stories move along, or there are ways to settle into something else. Thoughts?
I was thinking about how they're going to work this now we only have one champion as well, although I won't be convinced Orton is a unified champion until they get rid of both belts and give us a new one.

It's a tough one, because the Rumble needs to keep its stipulation that the winner goes on to Wrestlemania and that means the Champion needs to defend the belt in the Chamber in my honest opinion. But I'm also struggling to see Cena lose to Orton twice in a row on PPV and my wrestling predictions motto is basically, 'when in doubt back Cena'.

I see Daniel Bryan winning the Royal Rumble with Brock somehow being the cause of Batista getting eliminated. Whether that means a double elimination over the top rope (if Brock enters), Brock being thrown out by Batista to return and F5 him or Brock & Batista having a stare down in a backstage/Raw segment to set it up I don't know. But Bryan has been taken out of the Wyatt Family for a good reason and that's to have a big match at Mania. He can also be occupied at Elimination Chamber in a singles match with Bray Wyatt to end that feud before moving on to Wrestlemania too. It just makes too much sense not to do that.

That would leave the Elimination Chamber match. I see Cena winning the belt at the Rumble only to lose back to Orton in the Chamber. You could stack that match with Batista, Del Rio, Lesnar, Orton, Cena and CM Punk and it would have the potential to be the greatest Chamber match ever. That also allows you to blow off Del Rio vs Batista and further a Batista vs Lesnar match at Wrestlemania. CM Punk looks like he's off to fight Triple H and that leaves John Cena free to perhaps challenge the Streak
I think if Orton gets by Cena at the Rumble then the Chamber match will be about his escalating paranoia. He's been complaining that he's not being protected enough and being forced to defend the title inside the Chamber against 5 of the best would send him over the edge.

I think either Bryan or Batista wins the Rumble, if it's Bryan then he'll face Bray and Batista will be in the Chamber match. If Batista wins then he'll face Bertie at the PPV.

So my guess is Orton, Cena, Brock and Big Show will be 4 of the Chamber participants with either Bryan & Bray or Batista and Bertie taking up the other 2 spots.
enough of the ridiculous talk about Orton vs Bryan and Cena vs Bray at WrestleMania 30; those matches are NOT happening...those would be TERRIBLE choices for what is considered the BIGGEST WrestleMania in history...just give Lesnar the title, Batista wins Rumble and we get Batista vs Lesnar for the title...

then the rest of WM 30 can be...

Cena vs Taker
Bryan vs HBK
Punk vs HHH
For this year? Possibly. But from here out, they need to eliminate this as a PPV. Having one major title (if they keep it that way) makes it really hard to justify naming the PPV after one single match. It's a terrible concept. It works for the Rumble but nothing else.

It still wouldn't make sense though because whoever wins the Rumble, goes to WM. So there's your one main event participant already. The other is obviously the champion. So what would the Chamber match for the #1 Contendership even be contending for?

The PPV just needs eliminated and the Chamber can be brought back when it makes sense to bring it back. Same with Hell in a Cell.
I think it has to be for the title. The Royal Rumble winner shouldn't be involved unless it's Bryan and he wins. That would really add to the notion they are keeping him down.

Whoever wins the Rumble can have a throwaway match at Elimination Chamber. Bryan with Wyatt. Batista with Del Rio. Then have the champion defend inside the Elimination Chamber. Think how epic that could be. We have Cena, Punk, Orton, Lesnar, Batista, Bryan, Sheamus. One wins the Rumble and we have our 6. That is an incredible field and a match that I would love to see.

Orton overcoming that challenge would make a lot of sense. He feels that The Authority aren't helping him and to win, by himself, would be the logical step. The other way is Batista helping him win and a mini-reunion.

They are probably only going to have one chamber match (like last year) which is a shame because these matches can be awesome. The first few Chambers were simply incredible and maybe if they have one a year, for the belt, it will increase the quality.
For this year? Possibly. But from here out, they need to eliminate this as a PPV. Having one major title (if they keep it that way) makes it really hard to justify naming the PPV after one single match. It's a terrible concept. It works for the Rumble but nothing else.

It still wouldn't make sense though because whoever wins the Rumble, goes to WM. So there's your one main event participant already. The other is obviously the champion. So what would the Chamber match for the #1 Contendership even be contending for?

I don't understand the argument at all. Why does it work for The Rumble but nothing else? If the WWE stays with one title - AND THEY WILL - then the Elimination Chamber match is for the WWE Title, and the winner goes on to WrestleMania to face the winner of The Rumble. I think it's pretty obvious there'd be no chamber match to determine a #1 contender, and I'm not exactly sure why you're even bringing it up...

If they wanted a second EC match, then it could be for the mid-card title. This year would make perfect sense since they're rumored to be unifying the IC and US Titles at the EC pay-per view.

As for the 'Mania picture, here's what I'd do.

Royal Rumble
Daniel Bryan wins and is named the #1 contender.
Randy Orton defeats John Cena to remain champion

Elimination Chamber
Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt

EC Match: Orton vs. Cena vs. Lesnar vs. Batista vs. Big Show vs C.M. Punk
There are a number of possibilities with this match. You keep Lesnar strong by having the whole group team up to take him out ... You have Triple H cost Punk, setting up a match ... You can have Kane cost Big Show, giving both those guys something to do heading into 'Mania ... You can have Cena and Orton continue their feud into WrestleMania ... and you can have The Authority side with Batista, adding an additional layer to a Batista/Bryan WWE Title match at 'Mania.

Batista vs Bryan - WWE Title Match
Cena/Hogan vs Orton/Piper
Lesnar vs Undertaker
CM Punk vs Triple H
Big Show vs Kane

...additionally, you could add a second EC match, as I alluded to earlier in the post, that would unify the midcard titles:
Big E. Langston vs Dean Ambrose vs Kofi Kingston vs Dolph Ziggler vs Ryback vs Damien Sandow
also everyone assumes lesnar goes one on one with orton at EC. I don't think it will be that. Remember Lesnar made himself #1 contender and that may not sit to well with The Authority. I think HHH on Raw says Lesnar will get his shot but inside the EC
John Cena will head into Wrestlemania XXX as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion and be in the main event, that is the only guarantee at this stage.
Just because Lesnar syas he is the No 1 contender, does not make it right.
The Rumble winner will go onto Mania 30 to face Cena for the title.
I am not so sure about Cena winning the Title. It would have made much more sense for him to win at TLC rather than putting Orton over clean. What does Orton gain from holding the belt like 5 weeks?

I have a feeling that Brock Lesnar is going to interfear in the Rumble Main Event and send a message to both superstars resulting in a DQ. Lesnar is the self proclaimed number one contender but I see him winning the belt at E/C and probably facing off against Batista. Orton (c) vs Cena vs Brock vs Big Show vs Del Rio vs Mark Henry

Lets not forget, the planned Main Event was Brock vs Rock. While Batista is nowhere near the level of Rock, he still has a bit of mainstream appeal and this is a match fans have wanted for over 10 years.
Yeah I can see that, Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar vs John Cena at Elimination Chamber for the WWE Title. If the WWE title is on the line at EC, Bryan winning the Rumble and go onto Mania, so he doesnt need to compete at EC, and his real life concussion has weeks off in ring time to get himself right for Wrestlemania.
So here is what we know. Lesner has said he will take on the winner of Orton/Cena at Elimation Chamber.....This leave the actual chamber match without a stipulation. The only thing that will get PPV buys (since it is the last true PPV) is to put the rumble winner's #1 contender's spot on the line. Dosen't doing that render Sunday's PPV pointless to purchase? There are several posibilities of who could win the rumble now assuming that will change at the chamber. Daniel Bryan is possible, CM Punk winning only to have The Authority make him put up the #1 contender in the chamber against 5 other men sounds feesable.
Maybe make one of the Elimination Chamber matches for the right to face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania? After the Rumble, have a guy come down to the ring and proclaim that he couldn't win the Rumble but wants to end the streak. Then have another guy come down and say the same thing, then another, etc. Then have Trips and Stephanie say that they have a way to settle it. The winner of the Elimination Chamber will face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

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