Edge's Spear


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What are people's thoughts on his spear? The commentators and others make it out to be this devastating maneuver, yet it looks so weak compared to the likes of Goldberg's or Rhyno's. I've only seen him pull off a convincing spear only once or twice.

Am I the only one that feels this way?
While I will admit that the spear that Edge does is not equivalent to the spear that Goldberg did in terms of devasting; you forget, it's not about how devastating the move is kayfabe; but rather, how the move is hyped up to be and how good the selling towards it is.

Think about the tombstone. Much to everyone's belief, the tombstone isn't really all that painful. In fact, the wrestler's head doesn't even hit the mat - it's caught in between the legs of the Undertaker. Upon close examining, you can see that it's not as deadly as people make it out to be. Yet, how much hype does it get? How much do people fear it? How much do the announcers hype it up? Same goes for the cobra, but that one is self-explanatory, really.

Truth is, a good portion of the finishers used by wrestlers aren't as painful as the hype they get. But it doesn't matter. So long as the hype continues, and it's sold to be this devastating move, then the reality that the move is painful willl be created.
I love Edge using the Spear. Many people think it is ******ed how he pulls his hair before-hand but I think it sets his character perfect. I don't thinkt there is anything wrong with the Spear as his finisher or a spear in general. Did you see the Spear from off the ladder to Jeff Hardy in mid-air? I mark the fuck out every time I see that. The Spear has always worked and has helped get Edge over so what is wrong with it?
I have no problems with the Spear being his finisher, and I know that obviously a lot of suspension of belief is needed with pro wrestling, but I guess it just niggles me a bit that for a move that's made up to be so devastating, it looks so weak in comparison to other spears.

And I get your point, Mr. Awesome, and that is actually a good way of looking at it.
Mister Awesome: All finishers are IMPLIED to hurt. Obviously none of the finishers really hurt but theyre supposed to look like they do. BTW throw one of your buddies in a tombstone and really ram his head into the ground, like it's IMPLIED that Undertaker does to his opponents. See how he feels about it.

No. Edges spear sucks! At least when rhyno and goldberg did it they would missile into their opponent and it looked awesome. Edge pretty much tackles guys and falls to his knees. I have no problem with him doing it but why not go balls out with it and make it look convincing? Even though I think he's kinda small to be spearing people as a finisher, he could pull it off if he tried a little harder.
At one time Edge did a pretty good spear. I don't think he ever did it as well as Rhyno or Goldberg, but back in the day he did a much better spear then he does now. I think what it is now is due to the injuries he's had he has problems with his legs and can't go balls out and do the spear as effectively, with as much momentum or force as he once could. So, by that reasoning it makes sense that his spear isn't on par and looks much weaker.

But, with that said, if that is the case I think he should've and he definitely should now change his finisher to something else. He can still do the spear as a signature move of his, but it might be a smart idea to come up with something different. Evolution is good! Just like John Morrison should use his Starship pain as a signature move of his, but it looks far too weak and ineffective most of the time to be used as a finisher. He should come up with something different for that, too.
Mister Awesome: All finishers are IMPLIED to hurt. Obviously none of the finishers really hurt but theyre supposed to look like they do. BTW throw one of your buddies in a tombstone and really ram his head into the ground, like it's IMPLIED that Undertaker does to his opponents. See how he feels about it.

No. Edges spear sucks! At least when rhyno and goldberg did it they would missile into their opponent and it looked awesome. Edge pretty much tackles guys and falls to his knees. I have no problem with him doing it but why not go balls out with it and make it look convincing? Even though I think he's kinda small to be spearing people as a finisher, he could pull it off if he tried a little harder.

Well said. That's also how I'd describe it. Compared to Goldberg's spear, Edge's spear looks like a tackle from an 8 year old. Watch the video where Goldberg enters the Royal Rumble and spears everyone. That was beyond awesome. And in a way, Goldberg's spear wasn't even his primary finisher, as in many occasions it was just a build-up for the Jackhammer. The way he leaped and then rammed them to the ground was terrific ("Missile" was the right word to use). Edge just sort of does a strong push with his shoulder.
Just saw MisterRob's post, and I agree. Having it as a signature would be better (as Goldberg did), but now it's too late. The only way he could have a new finisher would be a submission one - or he goes back to using the Edgecator.
Just saw MisterRob's post, and I agree. Having it as a signature would be better (as Goldberg did), but now it's too late. The only way he could have a new finisher would be a submission one - or he goes back to using the Edgecator.

Actually, the whole Vickie Guerrero angle where she banned the Spear would have been the PERFECT opportunity for Edge to stop using the spear and implement a new finisher, and for the WWE to explain him doing so in a great way. He could've then started using this new finisher and it would've made complete sense and the whole angle would've helped to get the new move over with Edge. Another missed opportunity by the WWE, sadly.
MisterRob, true, the Vickie banning the spear would be a good thing for him to refresh his finishers. However, the one caveat is, if you want to be a bit technical, she only said he couldn't use the spear at Royal Rumble or he'd be DQ'ed and lose the belt.

There never was really anything said about using the spear thereafter. If Edge wanted to continue with it, he could. But, given the possible loophole he may find, this would be the perfect way for him to antagonize his enemy. Nothing would please the crowd more than to see him continue taking people out with it. On the upside, you do see him using the downward spiral facebuster which he used to use quite a bit back in the glory days when he was still teaming with Christian, or on the heels of the break up with Christian. I do agree, his spears within the last year or so are not as impactful as they were say, back in 2005. Let's look at the amount of injuries he's battled. He's suffered a torn pectoral, torn achillies heel. Then you add in numerous weapons matches, and age as well. Anyone at his age will tell you they are not as magical in the ring as they were 5-6 years ago. I'm sure even John Cena would say that he is not as light on his feet as he was 5-6 years ago when you add in those same factors.

The finisher is based on gimmick, and ability to sell, and the behaviour behind it. What makes it so impactful is when you see him in the corner with those 'crazy eyes.' I think the lead up to it is what drives it home more than anything. Just like with Randy Orton's punt kick, its all about the theatrics leading up to it. You know he's really not going to kick someone with the same force as a soccer ball. Its about selling the act before/during/after it that sells the impact of it.
Mister Awesome: All finishers are IMPLIED to hurt. Obviously none of the finishers really hurt but theyre supposed to look like they do.

Yup. Pretty sure I clarified this in my original post. Selling is what makes the moves look like they hurt. The hype is the cream on top.

BTW throw one of your buddies in a tombstone and really ram his head into the ground, like it's IMPLIED that Undertaker does to his opponents. See how he feels about it.

You're making an illogically relevant allusion of inexperienced fanboys playing wrestling to professional wrestlers who actually KNOW how to wrestle. If I were to do that to my friend, there's a very small chance I'd execute the move good enough as to avoid any real damage done to my friend. But unlike me, the Undertaker WOULD know - and does know, mind you - how to do the move correctly - or in the very least, in a way that the move isn't as painful as it would be originally.

No. Edges spear sucks! At least when rhyno and goldberg did it they would missile into their opponent and it looked awesome. Edge pretty much tackles guys and falls to his knees. I have no problem with him doing it but why not go balls out with it and make it look convincing? Even though I think he's kinda small to be spearing people as a finisher, he could pull it off if he tried a little harder.

To be honest, I rather like the way Edge executes his spear. Sure, it may not be as great as Goldberg did it. But at the end of the day, it gets the job done and is sold/hyped quite nicely. So really, there's no reason to complain. Just because he doesn't do it as good as you want it to be doesn't mean that it's not an effective finisher in his arsenal [that gets the job done].
The spear is generally thought of as a big man's move. Now while Edge might not have the body structure to make the move look really believable and devastating, he covers up these deficiencies in a number of ways.

Firstly he has been using the move as his finisher for a number of years. That alone lends credibility to the move. Secondly its the manner in which he sets it up. All that part about stalking his opponent and pulling out his hair is a great build up for the move and it tells the fans that something really devastating is going to happen.

Like Mister Awesome mentioned the credibility of a finisher depend on how it is built up. Goldberg and Rhyno did it by their size while Edge does it by his antics and the sheer longlevity of that move. In kayfabe Edge's spear probably does more damage than Rhyno's spear because Edge is the bigger legend.
First, I don't think the OP has any problems with the Spear being Edge's finisher. It's been mentioned many times over in the thread that it has perfect build up, fits the gimmick, gets the crowd reaction. It's a good finisher for Edge.

I think the OP was commenting more on the EXECUTION of the move, in comparison to other Spears. Think of it this way. Take the Sharpshooter. The sharpshooter is an effective finisher. However, there's a glaring difference in the way Natalya uses it and the way Bret Hart does it. Same thing with all the chokeslams used by Kane, Big Show, and undertaker. Among all three, Big Show's looks the most devastating.

If that's the case, then yeah, Edge's spear is inferior to the more devastating and balls out spears of Goldberg and Rhyno.

I think though that Edge performs his spear the way he does because of injuries. He doesn't want to injure himself first and foremost. Second, it's to prevent injuring the opponent. I remember Goldberg in WCW tearing La Parka's ACL off a spear attempt. I'm guessing its a bit toned down to prevent injuries for both wrestlers involved.
At one time Edge did a pretty good spear.

A couple of years ago, Edge's spear was equal to anything Goldberg or Rhyno ever threw. The first few times I saw it, I remember thinking that it looked like a really dangerous move; the way the opponent's head would snap back and hit the canvas.

And that may be the reason Edge has had to soften it up. Moves that used to be prevalent, like pile-drivers and head shots with chairs aren't allowed anymore. I wonder if WWE told Edge to ease up on his spear.

At any rate, I still enjoy the way Edge sets it up and delivers it.
One thing working against Edge when you compare his spear to Goldberg's or Rhyno's is his size. While Edge is definitely a big dude he's not nearly as ripped as Goldberg or Rhyno.

I think the real power in Edge's spear comes from the fact that's it's supposed to be a surprise for the opponent, much like how the RKO is so devastating because it comes out of nowhere and leaves the opponent little time to prepare themselves. The AA, the GTS, the Chokeslam, all devastating moves, but the victim has time to mentally and physically prepare for it. Edge's spear, on the other hand, is set up when his opponent has his back turned, and hits right when his opponent turns back into position. This would, at the very least, knock the wind out of his opponent, and it's hard to kick out of a pin when you can barely breath.
I think, with someone Edge's size, the size of the opponent really makes a difference. In my opinion, when people talk about Edge's spear looking week they are having flashbacks to when he spears Big Show or someone similarly big. Look at the spears he has been giving to Ziggler lately. Those looked pretty strong to me. Also helps to have someone that can sell it well. I did like how he used the unprettier/killswitch on Ziggler though during the Rumble :)
The only Edge spear that I liked was the one he gave Jeff Hardy at Wrestlemania 17. You look at the other wrestlers who utilize it and the similarity among them is that they're power guys. Edge doesn't fit that mold so it just comes off weird looking to me. I liked when he used the Edgecution and I would love to see him use the Edgecator as a submission finisher.
I think some of the problem comes from how they sell the move as well, when edge collides with them, their body is almost rigidly upright, I think if they bent over with the impact and then flew backwards with edge falling on top of them as opposed to a slightly awkward mid air clash that gives edge as much recoil as the opponent, it would work that much more in increasing the intensity the move carries.
While I know The Spear is obviously over, my opinion is that it is one of the most mismatched finishers there are. I mean, I think its almost comical how ineffective the move looks to me(Edge's version of course, Goldberg looked like he was killing people with his Spear), I don't think I've ever been satisfied by an Edge Spear. Then again, I've never much cared for Edge's wrestling style as a whole either, I never even thought he'd become champ.
I guess it would be fair to say that Edge's spear looks less impactful than a spear being executed by someone of the size and build of a Batista or Goldberg. This may be down to a number of things including the well documented injuries to his neck and ankle, subsequently two areas of the body that would be affected in conducting this particular move. Despite how it may look to some, it is still sold as an effective move within his arsenal and relies heavily on the person on the receiving end to sell it as such. To that end it must be pretty effective as Vickie Guerrero had it banned, and she should know as I'm sure she's been on the end of his spear on more than one occasion :p

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