Edge's Book Trivia

Darn. I hate it when wrestlers write books or have DVD's made about them before they finish for good. You are probably missing out on a lot of better, newer things to happen to them, and you don't get the benefit of hindsight.

I'd even be pissed as a fan of Jericho having bought his book and then missed out on his new heel run and world title reigns. Imagine how much better this book would be if written during his injury time this year, or better yet, AT THE END OF HIS CAREER.

ah but if you write a book about your early career, and then at the end of your career write another book about the middle to end of your career you've got two books and can make even more money. smart, eh?
For some reason I'm either thinking that:

A. He got the same answer as Jericho did when he first joined the Hart training camp, he just got ignored or told him he was an idiot

B. He said "Try not to be Hulk Hogan"

C. "There are some things in life you should not know"

D. "You'll find out"

Darn. I hate it when wrestlers write books or have DVD's made about them before they finish for good. You are probably missing out on a lot of better, newer things to happen to them, and you don't get the benefit of hindsight.

I'd even be pissed as a fan of Jericho having bought his book and then missed out on his new heel run and world title reigns. Imagine how much better this book would be if written during his injury time this year, or better yet, AT THE END OF HIS CAREER.


To be fair, Jericho wrote his book during his hiatus from wrestling, so he had technically wrote it when he "finished" his first run. Though the book doesn't go as far.
Some... amazing answers there but none are correct.

What Bret actually told him was quite simply "get experience". How funny it is that a number of years later Bret Hart would actually be given Edge that experience.

Anyway, I have another question for you guys and this one is slightly easier.A little know fact about Edge is that he did a TV taping for WCW. During this taping he had to take a Chokeslam form The Giant, or the Big Show as we call him now. During this experience, Edge knew that WCW wasn't the place for him. Why?
No. It is more about a general notion of what WCW was like. the term I am looking for has been been said multiple times before to describe the place.
Inmates running the asylum?

We have a winner, folks.

OK, next question:

Bradshaw is a cunt! We all know that and cannot esacpe it. However, can any one tell me what two "tests" Bradshaw set up to make sure that Edge was "One of the boys"? I will be very impressed if any one with the exception of Luther gets this one.
Was it similiar to what Pat Patterson did to Hogan? Saying he had to give him a BJ?

Or was it that he had do something embarressing in front of the fans?
Was it similiar to what Pat Patterson did to Hogan? Saying he had to give him a BJ?

Or was it that he had do something embarressing in front of the fans?

Yes, it is quite similar to the Pat Patterson episode.

The other trial was something that Bradshaw did to ensure that the farewell match to Vader would be special for Edge.
Everyone worked really stiff?

What's Edge's book called? Worth a purchase?
The answers are:

The first thing that Bradshaw set up was for Edge to thank Vader for putting him over. After he did that, Bradshaw pulled Vader aside and told him that Edge was just a little punk basically and that he never meant it. Both of the competitors went out and Vader just attacked him, like really going for it.

The second thing he did was after a match, when Edge was showering. Bradshaw entered the showers with nothing but a pair of chaps and a cowboy hat on before rubbing lotion into his ass.

Right, another question it is:

When Edge was invited to train with Bret Hart, another soon to be superstar was there. That man has now died. Can you name him?

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