Edge Retires


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Edge has been my favorite wrestler since I started watching again in 2007. He's worked his ass off for years to bring us some really entertaining matches. He's excelled in the tag-division, on the mid-card, and the main event. He's worked all sorts of gimmicks, including a vampire, a "dude", a silly face, a psychotic heel, and currently just an awesome guy.

He's won every title one can in the WWE, and has had terrific feuds with Kurt Angle, Triple H, John Cena, The Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, and even Mick Foley. He's performed in matches that many wrestlers wouldn't dream of, and pulled off some of the most memorable spots in WWE history.

Edge is, without a doubt, one of the best things the WWE has produced within that last 10 years.

So here's to you Edge, thanks for giving us the best years of your life to make ours a little better.

The whole time I was waiting for someone elses music to play .. But it never happened.

Is this really true? Surprised we never heard much about it. I thought it was just a work but damn that was a great speech and they give him ALOT of time. Gunna be missed.

If he is retired due to an injury, he wont show up anywhere else because he cant wrestle anymore. Hed stay in the WWE
Cant believe it! Just goes to show us that wrestling is moving on into a different era. Kind of depressing.. lol
It's not true. It is kayfabe. Why would Edge retire when he has a match with Alberto Del Rio at Extreme Rules? He didn't even mention Alberto Del Rio.

This is just suspicious... very suspicious...
It saddens me to watch that...I have fond memories of being a kid watching him and Christan but at the end of the day he entertained us and gave us all he had, I respect him and I would rather see him go out on his terms, as a champ whose last match was a winning one at the biggest event of the year.

So Edge, thank you. Thank you for putting your body on the line. Thank you for entertaining us. Thank you for the memories. Thank you Edge.
PLEASE tell me this is an angle. For once I am actually hoping that this is just a stupid attempt to pull at our heart strings to create drama.

Edge is one of the greatest of all time. He is right up there with the best of the best. Like Michaels, Angle, HHH, Taker, Flair and Hogan, he can do it all. Incredible promos, wrestling ability, he can be the top face and heel within 6 months of each other.

I pray that this isn't true, but if it is, I hope Edge enjoys his retirement and at least announces.

Judging by the backstage shots after the commercial this looks pretty legit :(
Haven't been a fan of Edge recently, but he has done quite a bit in his time with the WWE. He has made some great memories for the fans, and I'm sure himself, with the fantastic ladder matches to 5 second poses to being the first Money in the Bank winner. He will be missed.

It's not true. It is kayfabe. Why would Edge retire when he has a match with Alberto Del Rio at Extreme Rules? He didn't even mention Alberto Del Rio.

This is just suspicious... very suspicious...

The title is vacated and will most likely be Del Rio vs Christian in the ladder match.
are we 100% this is not a work?. I mean dont get me wrong, i felt like it was real. But edge is so versatile with the mic that makes you wonder.

If its real, then its a big BIG loss, Edge has been one of the 5 top stars in the last several years and he carried title after title with credibility as a face or heel.

If this is a work (hope so) we have to wait and see how its move forward.

Then again, EDGE is a superstar in every aspect, always involved in great matches, and fueled every feud he has been in. Its one of those guys (like jericho) that are handed with a piece of crap and they turn it into a piece of gold.
I've been watching Edge since he debuted in the WWE, and I will miss him a lot, he is a great talent who will always be remebered for his dedication and excellent preformances.

I wish him the best of health and I'm happy hes getting out before his conditon gets any worse.
I'm really going to miss Edge. I remember seeing his first match in the WWF, where he, ironically enough, broke a wrestler's neck and retired him. He had such a good look and cool gimmick that I liked him right away. I've follow him his whole career, and he's always been one of my favorites. Charismatic, funny, and awesome in the ring. Selfishly, I'm wishing he wasn't retiring, but I'm glad that he's going to have a good life. He'll be able to walk, and he's made enough money to live comfortably for the rest of his life. So here's to you Adam, thanks for the memories. You'll be missed.
seriously can't believe this. i've heard about it for sometime but i didn't expect it to happen this soon after wrestlemania. he is one of the best things to come out of canada and as a canadian i'm proud of him. i'm kinda sad that wrestlemania 28 didn't come to toronto so he could get that last match he always wanted. truly one of the greatest competitors that ever walked through wwe.
As you can tell, I already changed my avatar to a picture of Edge.

Edge has been in some of the most extreme matches in WWE/F history.
He always knew how to entertain us, the WWE universe.

Edge sacrificed his body, his blood, and life for us.

I understand Edge, he has put his body on the line to give us some moments in our life.

Thank you Edge!
The whole time I was waiting for someone elses music to play .. But it never happened.

Me too. Kinda shocked to be honest, seemed pretty legit.

I used to really like Edge, the whole real life deal with him and Lita and Matt did leave kind of a bad taste in my mouth, and I lost some respect for him over it. Honestly though I could never question his dedication to the business, and he has been a part of some really memorable moments and will definitely be missed.

Hope we see him back in some capactiy sooner than later. I also hope that this gives Christian the chance he so deserves. Lastly, I'm really glad they didn't take the current angle in the all too predictable Edge v Christian fued.
I really don't think this is a work. Would be break kayfabe and mention all his gimmicks etc..

usually in the WWE previous gimmicks are forgotten.
edge will be missed, thanks for all the great matches, he was the total package great on the mic, great in the ring, he was able to go versus anyone high flyer, big men, and was able to adjust his style for every match. thanks edge.

i do think it is legit nobody's music hit while he was talking.
Congratulations Edge, your body has went through hell over the years and you've done just about everything possible. I'm glad I got to see this man live before. But, he is getting old, his body is wearing, and there is really not much more he can do in the business. I am glad he is deciding to call it quits while it's not too late. Congratulations on a great career.

On other terms, a new World Champion must come of this, but that is a different story for a different thread.
I am hoping this is just a work. I don't think this is fair for either Edge, or the fans for Edge to retire so soon and so unexpectedly. I truly respected Edge through thick and through. But if it is real, and Edge needed to retire for his health, that just further earns my respect that he choice to pick the smart path for himself. Props to Edge, he earned it.
I'm shocked. After the "Moments Ago" segment after the commercial break, that's when I was convinced that it was real. WWE rarely breaks Kayfabe, and they shattered it there.
damn.... total shocker that Edge retired... only real suspicion is how he passed tests to go out at Mania but then failed them after. I believe he can't go anymore just not sure he should have then either... sucks either way. Edge was an amazing talent, one of the best, who deserved to go on his own terms. Thank you for the memories Edge, wish we coulda got one more 5 second pose
Yeah, like others I was hoping we would hear Del Rio's music hit just before he mentioned retiring.

But, it looks like it is real. I don't think in this age of protecting the wrestlers Vince would push an angle where Edge comes out and says he has been told by doctors he can't wrestle or he could end up breaking his neck again and then have him battle Del Rio in a ladder match. Don't forget, Smackdown would have been recorded before he had a chance to get to the doctor so they wouldn't have known.

If this is true this is pretty sad. I have always enjoyed Edge and his passion for this business was always evident. He will be missed.
I am shocked! During the whole segment I was waiting for Del Rio's music to play and it never did. I really just can't believe thats it. If it does hold true I like that he was able to go out a Champion and didn't drop the belt.

I can't imagine Edge completely leaving WWE. I can see him taking some time off, maybe being revealed as the GM. While it wouldn't make sense, it would allow him to be an on-air personality.

I remember not being able to stand Edge for the longest time. I loved his tag team work. I never thought he would make it as a singles competitor, and he proved me. He became one of my favorites. I remember my dream match being Triple H vs. Edge for the World Title, and they had the one encounter at The Bash a few years back, but I never got a real major program between the two.

Edge will be missed!
I always thought Edge was pushed to the top, like I always felt he was just a mid card wrestler. With that said I remember from the days of Edge & Christian how silly and entertaining they/he were/was. Edge was one of the few wrestlers that perfected TLC matches. He was one of the few wrestlers that had you in total shock as to how day in and day out they put their body on the line all to just entertain the people and give an amazing show. Edge is truly one of the better wrestlers we've seen in a long time and it's a shame his career has to be cut short because of an injury. Much respect.
PLEASE tell me this is an angle. For once I am actually hoping that this is just a stupid attempt to pull at our heart strings to create drama.

Edge is one of the greatest of all time. He is right up there with the best of the best. Like Michaels, Angle, HHH, Taker, Flair and Hogan, he can do it all. Incredible promos, wrestling ability, he can be the top face and heel within 6 months of each other.

I pray that this isn't true, but if it is, I hope Edge enjoys his retirement and at least announces.

Judging by the backstage shots after the commercial this looks pretty legit :(

Less than a week after his successful title defense against Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania XXVII, World Heavyweight Champion Edge has been forced to retire from in-ring competition due to injury. The unexpected news brings to an end a storied WWE career spanning 13 years and consisting of 11 World Title reigns.

The Rated-R Superstar had been suffering numbness and uncontrollable trembling in his arms and hands. This is not the first time Edge has experienced these symptoms of nueropraxia. An MRI in Atlanta last Monday was sent to Dr. Joseph Maroon, a renowned neurosurgeon and professor of neurosurgery at The Pittsburgh School of Medicine. After careful examination of the MRI, it was determined that Edge would never be cleared to compete again, and thus, he is forced to retire.

In 2003, Edge underwent a two level spinal fusion of the discs between his C5, C6 and C7 vertebrae. After being cleared to compete, The Rated-R Superstar returned to the ring, resulting in stenosis of the spine, or a narrowing of the spinal column, above and below the fused discs. This narrowing resulted in less and less of the vital fluid needed to protect the spinal cord. Medical professionals cannot clear Edge to compete ever again in WWE since doing so could result in paralysis or even death.

It's not an angle. It's very unfortunate. It's not fake.

I wish the very best for Adam Copeland and his family.
I seriously doubt that was scripted. Neck injuries is serious stuff and ya can't risk wrestling another match and getting injured if the doctors tell you that one mistake could put you in a wheelchair. If it were scripted he probably would have made the announcment on S.D. and not Raw. Edge had trouble talking the entire time, did ramble on but that was fine and he got teared up so I don't see this being a work. No need to mention Del Rio but he mentioned Christian since they are close friends IRL. Anyways, i'm a fan of Edge and I hope everything works out for him and he stays healthy.

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