Edge or Christian

Who's Better?

  • Edge

  • Christian

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Nj Fan 04

Dark Match Winner
Following thier great success as a tag team, each have gone onto become world champions. Edge in the WWE (as the WWE and World Headvyweight Champion) and Christian (Cage) in TNA (as the NWA and TNA World Champion).

So I ask you, who is the better wrestler/performer?
Edge by a mile.

Better in-ring skills. Better as a heel. Not quite as good on the mic as Christian, but pretty close and getting better by the day. Better physique/bigger. More versatile.

And a better team player. If that wasn't the case, Christian would still be in WWE today, he wouldn't have left for the minor leagues, where he could reach instant success, rather than pay his dues in WWE like everyone else, and earn his spot.
This maybe one of the tougher choices you could make. Essentially, you're talking about the same guy. Even though they are two different guys, their career paths have followed the same road and achieved individual accomplishments almost at the same time.

To start, this is my big fuck you to Hardy Boy Fans. Edge and Christian are the best tag team of this decade, period. Look at all of their matches, look at their accomplishments, no one in the WWE comes or has come, or will come as close as Edge and Christian.

Both started off as gothic silent characters, grew out of that to be over faces. Won tag team gold, they became the smart alleck heels, "5 Second Pose". After all of that, they finally broke up during the invasion angle, and everyone of their matches didn't disapoint. Hell, their matches during the end of the Invasion angle, aside from RVD's and Jericho emerging into teh main event scene, was one of the few bright spots to come from that angle.

Edge would go on to feud with Booker at Wrestlemania, while Christian did his best to carry an aging DDP in the European title match. Edge would spend most of his time as a face, while Christian was possibly the best midcard heel the company had from 2002-2005.

Both have had to put up with being fed to John Cena. In 2005 Christian out popped Cena in their rap battle, but yet, he gets fed to Cena at Vengeance, and shipped off to Smackdown, (Another example of the WWE trying to control who the crowd chooses for). Edge out pops Cena everytime they wrestle, even in Cena's hometown of Boston, and still gets fed to Cena.

Edge and Christian both are the top heels in their company, and the best mic workers for their companies as well. Both steal the show every time they are on a pay per view match.

So to the question of who is better? I give the slight nod to Edge, simply because he has been very over as a face, and a heel, whereas Christian has been over as a face, but not to the extent of Edge. Christian is fantastic as heel. Both of these guys kick ass, because they are cocky, arrogant, and in your face, they will smack talk you, and they will back it up.

And the reason why I love these two guys, they actually did it the right way. They broke through all of the WWE bullshit, and moved to the main event level, despite not getting properly pushed and marketed by the WWE. They remain on top because they are good, not because they are being forced down your throat.

Edge and Christian:
World Wrestling Entertainment
WWF Tag Team Championship (7 times)
Wrestling Observer Newsletter
2000 Tag Team of the Year

WWE Championship (2 times)
WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (5 times)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (11 times) - with Christian (7), Chris Benoit (2), Hulk Hogan (1), and Randy Orton (1)
World Heavyweight Championship (1 time, current)
WCW United States Championship (1 time)1
WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Rey Mysterio
King of the Ring (2001)
Mr. Money in the Bank (2005)
Mr. Money in the Bank (2007)2

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
NWA World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
TNA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment
WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (3 times)
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)
WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (9 times) – with Edge (7), Lance Storm (1) and Chris Jericho (1)

Anyway, Either of these two guys could headline my wrestling promotion any day of the week. Two very underutilized and under appreciated wrestlers.
I like Christian but Edge is a close second. I like Christian alot becuase of his mic skills. He's easily the best on the mic today but Edge is great to and probably second. While Edge is a little better in the ring Christian can still hold his own. To me their alot alike though with one being better in the ring and one better on the mic and just with personal preference I pick Christian as being better.

As Shockmaster said they are the best tag team of the decade. When both wrestlers go on to become world champion you know how special they are. Their alot alike and that's why this is hard to decide. Their styles are just alike. I like Christian though because I've always been a fan of his mic work and has been my favorite for a while.
And a better team player. If that wasn't the case, Christian would still be in WWE today, he wouldn't have left for the minor leagues, where he could reach instant success, rather than pay his dues in WWE like everyone else, and earn his spot.

I have never read a quote that has been more wrong in my life.

So here we have a guy in Christian Cage that at the end of 2005 had been with the company for 7 years, been through nearly ten ladder or TLC matches. Helped innovate the Money in the Bank, and tag team ladder match, became a multiple time 2nd Tier Champion, getting huge pops in summer 05 as a heel for his mic skills, and you want to say he didn't pay his dues, that is complete horseshit.

The fact of the matter is Christian was out popping John Cena when Cena came to Raw, but in a matter of three weeks, he jobs to Cena at Vengeance, and is shipped to Smackdown for his trouble. On Smackdown he gets put into a meaningless feud for the U.S. Title, all the while Batista and JBL are sucking up the main events in pointless matches. Then Guerrero gets into a program with Batista.

Christian was the best star on Smackdown when he left, yet again, he was relegated to the midcard. Christian should be commended not condemed for jumping to TNA. Here is a guy that could have stayed around for the money, but instead, surprise surprise, he wants to be the top guy, damn that man. He jumps to TNA and rightfully gets put into the main event scene.

The Minor Leagues, what a bunch of bull. The guy took a career risk, and obviously he is happy with his decision, because he re-signed with them. Just because you think TNA maybe the minor leagues, that doesn't mean the rest of us do. Christian had balls to make that move, and I applaud him for that.

Let's not forget, there were reports at the end of 2005 that Edge was looking to jump ship, because again, another guy that is easily main event caliber, wasn't being utilized. So if Edge jumped ship to TNA, is that not paying dues, or leaving for the minors, hell no. If Edge jumped it was because he wanted to do something more and mean something more to a company, much like Christian. So mysteriously two months after these reports come out, Dusty Rhodes lobbies hard and Edge takes the Title off of Cena.

The only difference between Edge and Christian is Christian actually jumped, and the WWE stopped Edge from jumping by throwing the belt on him, regardless if it was for only three weeks. They knew they fucked up with Christiian leaving, and they didn't want to piss of Edge and lose him too.
Edge and Christian are both amazing athletes. Christian, in my opinion, is better on mic. Edge was always the better of the two (and currently the best in the industry) in the ring.

I always saw Christian as the follower. Edge seemed to lead more often. Because of this, I have to give the edge, to Edge.
I agree with Shock that WWE treated Christian like shit. He should have been the champ at the time when he left. He was getting huge pops but WWE didn't want him to be big. They always saw him as a mid carder and he knew that so he left. He had balls to jump to TNA because when you look at it, he was the biggest guy to jump to TNA at the time.

He could have easily sat in the WWE mid card range and waited for a title shot that probably wouldn't happen but he took a shot at TNA and its payed off. You may see TNA as the "minor leagues" but TNA really isn't. At the time it's smaller then WWE but to me it puts out a better product right now. And it's quickly growing and Christian played a major role in that.

If Christian hadn't gone to TNA do you think Angle would've jumped so quickly when he was released? Do you think Sting would've went there? They saw Christian's success and how happy he is and decided to go there to. Yes, they may have ended up there anyway but Christian probably helped them decide. I really think he can be responsible for a good amount of TNA's success.

This is one of the reasons Edge and Christian are the best tag team of the decade. Christian helped a small company grow quickly, and Edge is on Smackdownas the major heel there and to me is the biggest reason to turn on Smackdown. They are both just great wrestlers that are some of the best today.
I would have to say tht in-ring they are pretty equal, however they seem to be going in slightly opposite directions WWE keeps limiting Edge's moveset which is really annoying, he still is by far the best in-ring out of WWE's 'elite 6' (Lashley, Batisita, Cena, Edge, HHH, and HBK). The first 3 are really crap in the ring, except in the case of Lashley, and Edge has aged far less and is way more athletic than HHH or HBK. On mic-skills he beats all 5 of them, although HBK and HH are not far behind him obviously.
Christian on the other hand has improved massively since he joined TNA (except in KOTM) he didnt barely do a single movE! what was all that about?! he looked really good against Angle (but who doesnt) and the same against Joe. He is truely a main event guy now. So as Christian has improved i think Edge has gotten slightly less exciting in-ring since E+C.
The real differance maker tho is mic-skills, they are both great on the mic, but Christian is the shit on the mic. No-one in my memory (excluding Rock, Stone cold and Vince) can beat him on the mic. I mean he can make a crowd that is going nuts for him boo him out of the arena in a matter of minutes, but manages to still make it funny (same as the Rock in '03). They are though without a shadow of a doubt the best tag team since the Rockers/hart foundation/road warrior eras. Way better than the Hardy's and better than the dudley's, and anything the WCW could offer. Christian will surely go back to WWe one day, if he does they have to get E+C back together they would own the tag team division!!!
i really cant decide between these two. When two guys who went about it the right way, won all the minor titles, werent given the top title on a platter still make it, you know there something special. Really there both the exact same amazing wrestler , same amazing mike skills, all thats different is WWE pissed one away and managed to hold onto the other . Oh if only christian had beaten cena , can anybody else imagine how much better shape WWE would be in , had they kept christian and elevated him like he deserved?
I am dead even when It comes to the two.. I

Edge is a little better in the ring and is bigger than Christian. Which means something because they are HEAVYWEIGHT champions/contenders. Edge can carry a match with a sucky worker and make them look good. With Christian, he can carry someone,, but not very far. If their styles don't mesh, it can look pretty ugly out there.

On the other Hand Christian is WAAAAAAAAAY better than Edge when it comes to the Mic. I actually can't wait for him to do a promo when I watch TNA. Edge is good on the mic as well but I seen someone say that he is the best in the WWE right now.. WRONG... did someone forget John Cena? Cena is the best in the WWE on the Mic, Hands down.

So like I said they are even to me with

Mic Skills - 9
In Ring Skills - 10

Mic Skills - 10
In Ring Skills -9

Edge by a mile.

Better in-ring skills. Better as a heel. Not quite as good on the mic as Christian, but pretty close and getting better by the day. Better physique/bigger. More versatile.

And a better team player. If that wasn't the case, Christian would still be in WWE today, he wouldn't have left for the minor leagues, where he could reach instant success, rather than pay his dues in WWE like everyone else, and earn his spot.

Wow, ignorance makes me smile. Thanks to the Shockmaster for setting this guy straight. If you were 2nd string for an NFL team and wanted to be 1st string regardless of the money you would ask for a trade, which is essentially what Christian did. IMO he made a great decision to jump ship, and ironically got lots of respect in the WWE and TNA locker rooms for what he did. He stood up to the over-bearing, ignorant Vince K. McMahon and left. And also who gives a flying fuck about Edge's physique being better? Since when is that a requirement for a good wrestler? If so look at Batista....he is massive but also looks like shit in the ring...so remove your head from your ass before writing again.
Well now, it appears I have hit a nerve here with a couple of my fellow posters. So let me explain myself a little further.

First of all, I thought the whole point of these forums was to express our opinions. Just because we don't agree doesn't mean I have my head up my ass.

Speaking of which, TCSTYLES, I'm truly glad I made you smile. Unfortunately your football analogy is flawed. If a NFL second stringer is not allowed to be starting quarterback, so he leaves the NFL and joins the CFL, that would be a better analogy. And for the record, I think that would be wrong too.

Call me unrealistic, but I tend to believe that you don't sit back in the mid card and wait for your opportunity, you step up and you take it. Rocky Maivia was destined to be a permanent mid carder, so he stepped up to the plate and established the Rock. He didn't take his ball and go home, he dug deeper and made it happen. I think Christian could and should have done the same. But he didn't. He chose to leave, just like Angle did. And more power to them, it's their decision to do so. If they would rather be a big fish in a little pond, more power to them.

I did not suggest, SHOCKMASTER, that Christian did not pay his dues. We all know his history, it was probably unnecessary to list it. I'm just saying he should have continued to do so. It is unrealisitic to think that as soon as he starts getting pops from the crowd he should instantly be fast tracked to the top.

With respect to Edge jumping ship, I see this as nothing more than typical internet B.S. I doubt Edge had any intention of jumping ship. Just because such stories appear on the internet doesn't necessarily mean they're true.

If you guys don't think TNA is the minor leagues, maybe it's you who should get your heads out of your asses. Look at the facts. Look at the numbers. Look at the results of any poll that happens on Wrestlezone.com. TNA is light years behind the WWE. This is not intended to be a TNA bash, it's simply stating facts. I think it is unrealistic to think that TNA will ever mount a true challenge to WWE. Did Sting, or Angle, or Cage, improve TNA's numbers. Not in the slightest. Will RVD if he jumps ship? No. I'm not even necessarily suggesting that the calibre of wrestling is worse on TNA (although personally I think it is). That's not the issue. I refer to TNA as the minors simply because comparing TNA to WWE is like comparing CFL to NFL. No contest.

To suggest that physique doesn't matter in WWE is ludicrous. How else can you explain Chris Masters, Batista, or Lashley excelling? I'm not saying it's right, but don't hate the player, hate the game. The fact of the matter is that Christian Cage is physically too small to be viewed seriously as a heavyweight champ in the WWE. Of course he's more skilled than Batista or Lashley, but that matters not in the WWE. We all know that.

And finally, let's not kid ourselves. I realize Christian just renewed his contract with TNA. But hypothetically let's say that just before he did so, Vince contacted Cage and tries to bring him back to WWE, promising him that he would immediately challenge Cena for the WWE title and in turn win it, do you really think he wouldn't return to WWE in a heartbeat and take all the fame and fortune with it? Of course he would. Ask Billy Gunn and Road Dogg. Ask the Bashams. Ask the Dudleys. These guy aren't in TNA due to their morals, they are there because WWE didn't really want them enough. Cage is in TNA because he wants to be champ right away; if he could be so in WWE, he'd be back tomorrow.
Call me unrealistic, but I tend to believe that you don't sit back in the mid card and wait for your opportunity, you step up and you take it. Rocky Maivia was destined to be a permanent mid carder, so he stepped up to the plate and established the Rock. He didn't take his ball and go home, he dug deeper and made it happen. I think Christian could and should have done the same.

What are you saying here? It's not like people hated Christian or he had a bad gimmick or something. He was just held back. People wanted to see him in the main event and if he changed gimmick that would have turned people off because his gimmick is great as the cool, cocky, heel.

To suggest that physique doesn't matter in WWE is ludicrous. How else can you explain Chris Masters, Batista, or Lashley excelling? I'm not saying it's right, but don't hate the player, hate the game. The fact of the matter is that Christian Cage is physically too small to be viewed seriously as a heavyweight champ in the WWE. Of course he's more skilled than Batista or Lashley, but that matters not in the WWE. We all know that.

Mysterio was smaller but they put the belt on him. And you can't say that being big is all that matters. Then any guy could take a ton of steroids and be WWE champ. And look at TNA, they don't have a ton of huge guys as champ but their not doing bad at all. It's not like there are weight limits or something it's just WWE held Christian back. Yeah WWE has alot of big champs but they've had exceptions so why not Christian?

If you guys don't think TNA is the minor leagues, maybe it's you who should get your heads out of your asses. Look at the facts. Look at the numbers. Look at the results of any poll that happens on Wrestlezone.com. TNA is light years behind the WWE. This is not intended to be a TNA bash, it's simply stating facts. I think it is unrealistic to think that TNA will ever mount a true challenge to WWE. Did Sting, or Angle, or Cage, improve TNA's numbers. Not in the slightest. Will RVD if he jumps ship? No. I'm not even necessarily suggesting that the calibre of wrestling is worse on TNA (although personally I think it is). That's not the issue. I refer to TNA as the minors simply because comparing TNA to WWE is like comparing CFL to NFL. No contest.

One guy doesn't make a company. A company isn't huge after 5 years. It's growing and will challenge WWE eventually. It won't happen overnight but it's getting there. They got a 1.2 rating, their highest ever the other day. They'll probably get 2 hours soon to showcase all their talent more. You can't just say that something will never succeed because it's young.

But hypothetically let's say that just before he did so, Vince contacted Cage and tries to bring him back to WWE, promising him that he would immediately challenge Cena for the WWE title and in turn win it, do you really think he wouldn't return to WWE in a heartbeat and take all the fame and fortune with it?

WWE would never take the belt off Cena to Christian because their in love with Cena and his mediocrity.
Well now, it appears I have hit a nerve here with a couple of my fellow posters. So let me explain myself a little further.

First of all, I thought the whole point of these forums was to express our opinions. Just because we don't agree doesn't mean I have my head up my ass.

Speaking of which, TCSTYLES, I'm truly glad I made you smile. Unfortunately your football analogy is flawed. If a NFL second stringer is not allowed to be starting quarterback, so he leaves the NFL and joins the CFL, that would be a better analogy. And for the record, I think that would be wrong too.

Not hit a nerve, I would say a much needed other side of the debate, which is all good. I certainly would say you having your head up your ass is probably a tad excessive.

Onto the NFL/CFL analogy. If a guy has the talent to be a 2nd string quarterback in the NFL, he's still a damn good football player, and will be teh guy the team calls on when the big guy goes down. If the 2nd String QB wants to throw away a multi-million dollar contract to win a championship in the CFL, how can you fault a guy for choosing competitive pride over a pay check. In this world of 25 Million Dollar a year salaries and ridiculous incentives, no one has any personel pride. Cage took a huge pay cut to help build a small company, what is the fault in that?

Call me unrealistic, but I tend to believe that you don't sit back in the mid card and wait for your opportunity, you step up and you take it. Rocky Maivia was destined to be a permanent mid carder, so he stepped up to the plate and established the Rock. He didn't take his ball and go home, he dug deeper and made it happen. I think Christian could and should have done the same. But he didn't. He chose to leave, just like Angle did. And more power to them, it's their decision to do so. If they would rather be a big fish in a little pond, more power to them.

Rocky Maivia was the sole survivor of his Survivor Series team, Had the MSG Crowd chanting his name on his first night. He quickly was thrown the IC title. To say the Rock was destined for midcard status is, i wouldn't say ridiculous, but inaccurate. Rocky wasn't going to be their next star, but the fans didn't want a straight laced guy, they turned on him because the character was boring. Much like Christian being the Goth Guy, or the "5 Second Pose." Rocky Morphed into Rocky with the millions and millions of Fans, Christian transformed himself into Captain Charisma with his Peeps, they are the same guy, Christian just didn't have the "look".

I did not suggest, SHOCKMASTER, that Christian did not pay his dues. We all know his history, it was probably unnecessary to list it. I'm just saying he should have continued to do so. It is unrealisitic to think that as soon as he starts getting pops from the crowd he should instantly be fast tracked to the top.

Fair enough. I'm not suggesting you are a Cena fan, but look at that situation. Cena was put over to the top, had little independent experience. He was brought into the OVW, essentialy gaining himself a spot from day one on the WWE Roster. He gets a few mild pops, and because he has a certain look, he gets propelled to the top. If I'm a guy that has busted my ass on the main roster for 7 years, and haven't gotten my shot, I'm furious. Christian was never given one chance to main event a pay per view, not one. Despite the WWE not pushing him, he still managed to stay over. This is another Rock situation. The Rock was over in the mid-card and the WWF uppers decided to push him, the same thing happened with Cage, and they turned a deaf ear to it.

With respect to Edge jumping ship, I see this as nothing more than typical internet B.S. I doubt Edge had any intention of jumping ship. Just because such stories appear on the internet doesn't necessarily mean they're true.

Fair enough again, but just because it's on the internet, doesn't mean it wasn't true either.

If you guys don't think TNA is the minor leagues, maybe it's you who should get your heads out of your asses. Look at the facts. Look at the numbers. Look at the results of any poll that happens on Wrestlezone.com. TNA is light years behind the WWE. This is not intended to be a TNA bash, it's simply stating facts. I think it is unrealistic to think that TNA will ever mount a true challenge to WWE. Did Sting, or Angle, or Cage, improve TNA's numbers. Not in the slightest. Will RVD if he jumps ship? No. I'm not even necessarily suggesting that the calibre of wrestling is worse on TNA (although personally I think it is). That's not the issue. I refer to TNA as the minors simply because comparing TNA to WWE is like comparing CFL to NFL. No contest.

If you look at numbers on Wrestlezone website, especially, who is the better champion, Christian always out draws John Cena. It usually goes Edge, Cage, Lashley, Cena, well the last one did anyway.

They are light years behind WWE in name power only. As far as in ring matches, story telling, and talented wrestlers, WWE is the one chasing the dust cloud. TNA right now has just as many talented guys in the main event as the WWE. The big difference is name value and production value. While TNA's booking has certainly lacked, it's nowhere near as dreadful as half the shit that comes out of Titan Towers anymore, (Death Angle anyone?).

TNA got a 1.2, sure it's not 3.5 or whatever the WWE has averaged. But in Five years TNA has established a fanbase of 1.2, while the WWE hasn't grown at all. They averaged 3.5 in 2002, they average 3.6 maybe in 2007. So in terms of the last five years, TNA has grown more then the WWE. TNA has doneso with little help from Spike TV as well. TNA may also get a network deal as well, so that's saying something and turning heads. If Fox gets behind the product, and they ahve the backign of Rupert Murdoch, Vince McMahon is in for another war.

To suggest that physique doesn't matter in WWE is ludicrous. How else can you explain Chris Masters, Batista, or Lashley excelling? I'm not saying it's right, but don't hate the player, hate the game. The fact of the matter is that Christian Cage is physically too small to be viewed seriously as a heavyweight champ in the WWE. Of course he's more skilled than Batista or Lashley, but that matters not in the WWE. We all know that.

And finally, let's not kid ourselves. I realize Christian just renewed his contract with TNA. But hypothetically let's say that just before he did so, Vince contacted Cage and tries to bring him back to WWE, promising him that he would immediately challenge Cena for the WWE title and in turn win it, do you really think he wouldn't return to WWE in a heartbeat and take all the fame and fortune with it? Of course he would. Ask Billy Gunn and Road Dogg. Ask the Bashams. Ask the Dudleys. These guy aren't in TNA due to their morals, they are there because WWE didn't really want them enough. Cage is in TNA because he wants to be champ right away; if he could be so in WWE, he'd be back tomorrow.

Unfortunately the first part is true on physiques. We have regressed into 1980's style of McMahon Cartoon Wrestling. A Bunch of guys with zero in ring ability, less skill on the mic, but they sure do look good. What a bunch of horseshit. Cage is a victim of genes, and Vinces insatiable hard on for muscles.

If Cage was offered a main event spot, and a legit run with the belt, I'm sure he would jump at the chance. I'm not going to suggest that Cages heart isn't in the WWE. I think he would love to comeback. The fact is, Cage is a competitor, rejected a contract from WWE in 2005 to stay in the midcard, turned down more money, and became the face of a growing company. A guy that turns down money to be the top spot is a ok in my book.
DONNIE, I think you have a tendence to either miss my point or to put words in my mouth.

I am not suggesting that people hated Christian, or that he had a bad gimmick. Quite the opposite, I think he had a great gimmick. I was a big fan of Christian until he decided to go to the minors.

It is silly to suggest that he was just being held back for no reason. The WWE brass have to decide who to push and who not to push. Sometimes they're right and sometimes they're wrong. Obviously the powers that be felt that Christian was not ready for a top tier push. I'm not suggesting that Christian needed to re-invent himself, I'm simply suggesting he needed to force the brass to sit up and take notice, and he never managed to do it, and he left before he could do it.

You make reference to Rey Mysterio. Let's face it. Rey Mysterio is an excellent wrestler and would make an excellent IC champ, or US champ, or cruiserweight champ. But he's way too small to be a plausible heavyweight champ. That's why his reign would never have been a lengthy one. We all now wrestling is scripted, but it has to appear to be believable. How could a guy of Mysterio's stature (or lack thereof) be expected to plausibly defeat guys who are twice his size? I'm not saying size is all that matters, or that guys should be on steroids. But there are plenty of guys with size who are great wrestlers. I'm no fan of the huge guys who can't wrestle (Batista, Lashley, Masters, to name a few) holding top tier belts either. But it can't be little guys like Mysterio or Cage either. Let's face it, I'm no fan of the Great Khali, he's probably the worst wrestler I've ever seen, but how believable would it be for Mysterio to beat him. Christ, I doubt he can even gets his arms around him.

You say TNA is not doing bad at all. I disagree. They've made little progress over the last several years despite an influx of talent. If you're impressed by 1.2, you're more easily impressed than me. WWE triples this on a bad week. You say one guy doesn't make a company, apparently multiple guys don't either, as Cage, Angle, Sting, Samoa Joe, Rhino, Jarrett, Steiner, and others are all there, and TNA is still floundering.

And I won't even bother to respond to your Cena dig, it's pointless.
SHOCKMASTER, excellent debate, I'm really enjoying the discussion.

First of all let me emphatically state I'm no John Cena fan. I'm not really a Cena basher either, but I'm no fan. I did say that the WWE brass has to decide who to push or not push and sometimes they're right and sometimes they're wrong. IMO, the Cena push was wrong, especially to the extent it has occurred, but that's a separate debate for another day.

I do agree with a lot of your counter-arguments. I guess where I disagree with you the most is how you make Cage's (or Angle's) decision to leave WWE for TNA for such a smaller salary to build an up and coming company seem so noble. I don't so much see it as an honorable move to leave the WWE for less money because of their natural competitive drive, their love of the sport, or their desire to build TNA up. I see it more as sour grapes. If I can't be the champion, then I'm taking my ball and I'm going home. That's how I see it, rightly or wrongly. Especially when I think either guy would come back to WWE in a heartbeat if they were a top tier belt holder, which makes your argument of nobility seem a little hypocritical.

I also disagree with your assertion that WWE is ahead in name power only and lags behind in terms of in-ring matches, story-telling, and talented wrestlers. The name power discrepancy is beyond debate. But I see little story telling in TNA. How many stories can you tell in a one hour pre-taped show? I don't think TNA emphasizes storytelling enough and that's one of their biggest weaknesses. Sure TNA has lots of talented wrestlers who put off excellent matches, that's beyond debate too. But I think WWE has lots of great wrestlers too, they're just spread too thinly over three brands. Condense WWE down to its core wrestlers, and when everyone's healthy, they have more star power and more talent than the TNA roster.

Finally, I would love nothing more than to see some rich dude buy TNA, sink a shit load of money into and resurrect the Monday Night Wars. Both organizations would benefit greatly from it. However I believe that if this were to happen, VKM would get serious again and bury the competition, just like he did to WCW before it essentially folded. A lot of bullshit goes on in WWE because Vince has a monopoly and so he can do whatever he wants. Change this and the WWE would get back to basics, annihilate its competition, and guys like Cage, Angle, and others would be back again with their tails between their legs.

Back on topic to the original question about Edge versus Christian. Just let me state that I think both guys are great. I just think Edge stayed the course a little better, and that gives him the nod IMO over Christian. That's no disrespect to Christian's abilities in ring or on the mic. I just feel Edge is better, and will be able to showcase it more on the bigger stage.
"takehis ball and go home"
wtf are talking about you complete idoit, if your comparing to the Rock (even tho i love him) he was the one who left the WWE and wrestling so he could make a better carrer for himself. You cant hold it against christian for wanting to further his- in wrestling none the less. In my humble opinion WWE would take christian back in a flash- the guy is an awsome heel but could easily be a face in the wwe and i think in my opinion if WWE pushed him right a bigger draw than John 'I suck in-ring/mic' Cena.
Finally whoever said Cena has better mic-skills than Edge is an absolout moron, Edge completely owns Cena on the mic. Edge like Christian can get heat in a matter of seconds, he just doesnt add the humour that Christian can. Cena tries the humour and fucks up massively- im going to put it up about why Cena sucks on the mic in the Cena thread because i have a lot to say about that.
I used to like Christian a lot more, but lately he just doesn't do it for Me.
The whole thing with him in TNA isn't very exciting, plus he should've never cut his hair.

Edge has acomplished so much in his career,
plus he is just amazing at what he does.
I'm only going to ask once... but can you guys try and keep this away from the whole TNA vs. WWE thing... its about the wrestlers not the promotions and there is a Thread for this kind of debate. I don't want to close this Thread because the debate is a good one. Also can we keep the childish "head up your ass" comments to yourselves respect your fellow posters.
For starters, lets all at least agree that, as blonde Canadians, Edge and Christian are a cut above the rest. :)

Anyway, I will take Christian in this debate, which I think is a good look at the career progressions of two guys who came up together. Think about it - when "The Brood" came up from the floor, led by Gangrel, mind you, nobody ever thought that the two HENCHMEN of the group would simultaneously hold the two biggest promotions World Heavyweight Championships!!!

Christian is a little better because he plays any role very succinctly. Edge going heel was a GODSEND because he is so much more adept at that than being a face. Christian's size, though a hindrance in the muscle-laden WWE, enabled him to play a) the perfect underdog as a face, or b) the perfect weasel as a heel. Anytime you need to take the belt off of him, it would make sense, but keep the belt on him and the fans get frustrated, wondering why.

For a long time, people I recall discussing Edge and Christian and the Hardy'z asked the great pain in my ass question - so which one's gonna be the Shawn Michaels and which is gonna be the Marty Jannetty. Well, I am thrilled to say that neither Edge nor Christian will go the Jannetty route, and eventually when Christian returns to WWE, we will see another classic feud between the two.
I don't know,
Christian in general lately.
He doesn't seem as lively and charismatic as he used to be.

With Edge he took on the Rated-R persona,
Christian needs something new to re-vamp him just a bit.

He could also grow his hair back out.

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