Edge and Christian

Teddy Irving

Pre-Show Stalwart
So this week on RAW we had E&C come out to the ring as the special guest hosts of this weeks RAW. However when they came out it wasn't to there tag music but to Edge's theme song? Does anybody else feel that this was a little unfair to Christian?

Yes I know in the grand scheme of things Edge ended up being the bigger star (whether Christian got treated badly there is another argument), but I mean would it have been that big a deal to play their tag music instead of Edges song? Christian didn't seem pissed off but I know that if I was him I'd be a little pissed that the whole thing was made about Edge and that I was just being made and after thought.

What do you guys think? Am I just reading too much into it?
Well E n C's original music was Edge's initial singles music anyway so either way it would've had a greater focus on Edge. Plus I'm sure given the age of the crowd a lot of them wouldn't have recognised the music and therefore wouldn't have popped as loud if it had of been their old music as it hasn't been used since 2001. I do agree though that it would have been nicer to use the old music with the tag team titantron to at least get Christians face on the tron even though it wouldn't have been his music.

In regards to him being pissed, I'm sure deep down he was a little peeved that it was predominantly about Edge but then again, Edge has only made a handful of appearances in the last 3 years since retiring whereas Christian has been wrestling semi-regularly in that time. I'm sure he's used to being outshined by Edge over the years anyway. Was good to see them get equal mic time in their segments though and I thought his lines were funnier and sharper.
I highly doubt it bothers him but if Christian hasn't gotten over being second fiddle to Edge by this point he has serious issues. They are live long friends, practically family. I am sure Christian is one of the biggest Edge-Heads ever and is happy for his friends success.

Plus Edge's theme is bad ass. They sure as hell better play it when he is there.
Christians theme song is pretty good as well, so why not play that for one of the times they came down to the ring?

I don't think Christian would hold it against Edge but the fact is WWE acted as if Christian was kind of a nobody while Edge was the big deal. Christian has done a lot in WWE and didn't really seem to be given much credit with it.
Agreed. They either should've used the tag music....or used both of their entrance songs during the night, given that they made two different trips to the ring.

And to go along with Christian being made to look lesser.....how was he down so long from one shot to the stomach from the briefcase? One shot and he's down for like 5+ minutes? Like he's a referee or something? Come on.
I still think Christian was underrated and deserved more of a push in the WWE, I haven't had a chance to see them both on RAW this week yet but will be great to see them back again one more time.
I thought Christian was the "it factor" in their return. He was pure gold. The Briefcase of Doom was pretty pathetic thou.
It's a fair point, but I think it was done primarily because Edge was a much bigger star. But man, Christian cracked me up last night.

The "Rusev vs Ziggler...naked" line and the "That's kind of what I was going for" lines were hilarious and Edge's reactions made them even funnier.
I still think Christian was underrated and deserved more of a push in the WWE, I haven't had a chance to see them both on RAW this week yet but will be great to see them back again one more time.

I am not sure you are aware of this, but taking from that amazing source Wikipedia, this....

ECW Championship (2 times)
World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (4 times)
WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)
World Tag Team Championship (9 times) – with Edge (7), Lance Storm (1) and Chris Jericho (1)
Twenty Third Triple Crown Champion
Eleventh Grand Slam Champion

Pushed, storied career and champion 22 times.
Marty Janetty the 2nd should never make Edge come out to his music.

They should have came out to the old E&C theme.

Shawn came out to the Rockers music during the Rockers reunion against La Resistance for christs sake.
Well E n C's original music was Edge's initial singles music anyway so either way it would've had a greater focus on Edge. Plus I'm sure given the age of the crowd a lot of them wouldn't have recognised the music and therefore wouldn't have popped as loud if it had of been their old music as it hasn't been used since 2001. I do agree though that it would have been nicer to use the old music with the tag team titantron to at least get Christians face on the tron even though it wouldn't have been his music.

In regards to him being pissed, I'm sure deep down he was a little peeved that it was predominantly about Edge but then again, Edge has only made a handful of appearances in the last 3 years since retiring whereas Christian has been wrestling semi-regularly in that time. I'm sure he's used to being outshined by Edge over the years anyway. Was good to see them get equal mic time in their segments though and I thought his lines were funnier and sharper.

Yeah that's true. Today's fans in live audiences probably could recognize Edge and Christian better with Edge's theme song since he recently wrestled back in 2011. Smart move by the WWE.
This was not unfair to Christian. The WWE was clearly trying to appeal more to the fans who have been watching in more recent years. There are four different routes they could have taken. Edge's music for both, Christian's music for both, Edge & Christian theme for both, or have both enter seperately to their own individual songs. Not everyone who currently watches has been watching long enough to remember their tag team theme music. I personally would have preferred to see them use the tag team theme or for them to enter seperately to their own themes, but the way it happened was fine. Why was this fine? Edge was the bigger star of the two. Look at their accomplishments.

11 time World Heavyweight Champion (4 WWE, 7 World)
1 time US Champion
5 time Intercontinental Champion
14 time Tag Team Champion (7 with Christian, 1 with Hulk Hogan, 2 with Chris Benoit, 1 with Randy Orton, 2 with Chris Jericho, 1 with Rey Mysterio)
King of the Ring 2001
2 time Money In the Bank (2005 match winner, and 2007 via cash-in)
WWE Hall of Fame (2012)

4 time World Heavyweight Champion (2 time WWE World, 2 time TNA NWA)
2 time WWE ECW Champion
4 time Intercontinental Champion
1 time WWF Light Heavyweight Champion
1 time WWF European Champion
1 time WWF Hardcore Champion
9 time Tag Team Championship (7 with Edge, 1 with Lance Storm, 1 with Chris Jericho)

I'm a huge fan of Christian, don't get me wrong, but even a Christian mark like me can see how much bigger of a star Edge became. Both saw singles success after their tag team, however one saw more success than the other. Christian didn't win as many tag team titles as Edge. Christian also only had 2 World Championship wins in WWE, both right after Edge retired, coincidence or not. Edge had nearly three times as many World Championships. Then there's other accomplishments like Money In the Bank and Royal Rumble wins. Today's fans are going to be more with familiar with their solo work, and with Edge being the bigger star, it honestly made sense. Still a massive fan of both of them though, so I can see why some would want to have gotten to hear the old tag team theme.

It's not the end of the world. It was still cool to see them hosting Raw together, tag team theme or not.
I am not sure you are aware of this, but taking from that amazing source Wikipedia, this....

ECW Championship (2 times)
World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
WWF/E Intercontinental Championship (4 times)
WWF Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
WWF European Championship (1 time)
WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)
World Tag Team Championship (9 times) – with Edge (7), Lance Storm (1) and Chris Jericho (1)
Twenty Third Triple Crown Champion
Eleventh Grand Slam Champion

Pushed, storied career and champion 22 times.

Seeing your post he did win a lot of titles its difficult to call so many titles underrated but he never seemed to achieve the same main event level in the WWE which Edge had which I think he was capable of especially after his return from TNA it felt like he was kept irrelevant and never really was given any memorable moments or feuds which didn't also involve Edge, I don't think he was the greatest of all time or anything just think it would of been nice to see him get more of a chance at the main event level in WWE.
I am not saying that Edge wasn't the bigger star in the run of things because it's obvious that he was. Christian in my opinion was as good and was a bit of a missed opportunity especially his stuff with Cena when Cena first came to RAW.

But as The Warlord said HBK came out to The Rockers theme song when they came out together and I see no reason why E&C couldn't do that. If it was a thing that people might not know that music then bring them out to their own theme songs or have Edges play the first time they came to the ring and Christians play the second time they came to the ring.

Christian was sharp that night and as always did the whole comedy thing well, but again it just kind of felt like they were using him as an afterthought.

OMG EVERYONE HERE'S EDGE!!!! oh and christian is also with him. Seemed kind of unfair to Christian I think

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