Edge and Christian Feud....When?

His transitional championship will be remembered better than Triple H, Cena, and Batista long title runs, because they were different. Edge is better chasing the title than holding it.

As far as his move set goes, his spear is fine, the purpose of the spear is to knock the wind/stagger your opponent, and he does it just fine.

The Edgecution/Impaler DDT is done correctly, much like everyone else on the roster its impossible to hit your finisher perfect 100% of time time.

When Edge started his mega push and won his first world title by beating John Cena (correct me if I'm wrong here)

His move set doesn't mean shit, because he's been able to go with some of the best in the business, you keep saying Christian deserves a push, wrestlers don't deserve pushes, they have to fucking earn them. Its just like everything else in life, you work hard and you get rewarded, and he hasn't done shit to deserve anything more than what he currently has.
Uhhh....Edge, Christian? Like, feuding? Well, this will depend on a few factors.

A) If ECW can get on it's feet with Regal/Goldust/Benjamin (ugh..I just half-complimented Benjamin. /twitch) leading the charge and afford the loss of Christian as their main headline. If Regal and the old guard can carry ECW, then Christian can move on. However, if they're proven unable, then Christian has to stay. And we know that Edge is not being relegated to ECW just for a feud with Christian.

B) The fact that their alignments will conflict. Edge and Christian are okay, but they couldn't pull of a face/face or heel/heel feud. No way in hell. If Edge comes back face, then Christian needs to go heel. If Edge comes back as his dastardly heel persona, then this feud can proceed.

C) How badly they build Legacy from this so far rather sufficient feud with DX. If Legacy come out the better tag team, then they can legitimately challenge for and win the belts from Jericho and Show. If Legacy can't make that jump, then someone else has to lead the charge. MVP and Henry might be able to do it, but I'd put my money on a Edge/Christian reunion. I would have argued for Hardy/Hardy, but Jeff is away and Matt is doing something. I'm sure of it.

If the planets align and you're holding your jaw just right, then Edge can return around whenever and feud with Christian just fine. However, from the way I'm thinking, their feud won't start up until after Wrestlemania. Edge has a feud with Jericho to seal up, and that would require a face turn for Edge. There is no way a face/face feud is happening between Edge and Christian. No way in hell.
"tlight" Facts speak for themselves. Trust me, edge little 5 second title reigns will not be remembered over john cena's long title reign of a few yrs back, sorry! Secondly, i know what the purpose of a spear is. i said, "edge's version is gay & weak, and it shouldnt beat anybody". Next, if your gonna copy somebody else move at least do it right. Gangrel's ddt is done badly by edge. Next, how did edge earn a push, what did he do that warranted it. U say people get pushes because they earn them not deserve them. Wouldnt earn and deserve be the same thing? Fact is Christian is alot better than edge, he just isnt getting the recognition of course because he's not getting his big break like edge did. I guarantee once christian finally gets to the top, then he'll gets his props then.

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