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ECW style dropped.

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Credit: The Wrestling Observer

Notes: I might be double posting this cause it seems it's all over the net yet i didn't see this anywhere on the first 2 pages of the ECW section. ;)

Dave Sherer reports that a meeting was held before last night's Smackdown/ECW taping with Vince McMahon, Kevin Dunn, and Paul Heyman. The decision has been made to pretty much break away from all the old ECW characters, ideas, and style of booking. The new plan is to make the show a full fledged third C brand of the WWE.

Vince McMahon was really let down by the reaction of the crowd at the ECW Arena house show, last week's 15% ratings drop, and the so far low ticket sales for the Smackdown/ECW tapings especially for the July 4th taping at the Wachovia Center. Those things were said to be huge factors in this decision.

Paul Heyman now has even less control over the product while Tommy Dreamer has none. Heyman did script last night's show but alot of it was re-written by the
WWE writers. Also for the first two weeks Heyman was in charge of running the shows backstage but that all changed last night as the show was ran pretty much like the usual for Raw and Smackdown.

Mike Johnson reports that a decision has been made starting with last night's taping to only fly in the ECW wrestlers that are scripted to work on the show. Only for the house show events will the entire roster be flown in. In addition to that for some odd reason the WWE Tag Team champions Paul London & Brian Kendrick weren't even flown in for last night's tapings.

Johnson reports as well that the old ECW referees are expected to get the axe very soon much like former ECW ring announcer Stephen D'angelous did last week.


That's it, I am not watching anymore WWE, Vince is a looser, he has always been a loser, he has to ruin the great tradition of ECW and Heyman's skills, he thinks he is all powerful, but really, he doen't even know how to run a good federation pushing guys with no talent to be title holders.. What are your thoughts on this?, will this help or be bad for the ECW?, Angle is leaving for personal issues because he doesn't like the style, maybe this will help bring him back?
I hate Vinnie Mac. I've reached that point where I can honestly say that he's singlehandedly ruined what was great about the business in the last 10 years. He did it just because he has the capabilities and the resources, and it's gotten to the point where I tape all WWE Programming because I know that it's going to have lots of filler and lots of crap that is just a complete waste of time (Diva Search, Umaga, Great Khali, Kelly, squash matches, dumb characters, etc.).

In fact, I may give up on WWECW altogether with this news, and I urge everyone else to do the same. Maybe if this product is dragged through the mud and run into the ground to the point where all the original fans are gone, the name ECW will lose its value and maybe Vinnie Mac will reach the point where the only way to make money is to sell the name. Or maybe Heyman and Dreamer can leave the company and launch a new promotion that picks up where the original ECW left off. Ah, one can only hope...
The only reason ECW is back is because of Vince you should be thankful about that,he also made your favorite ECW person the champ RVD so I don't know what the complaining is about, another reason they brought it back I think was to compete with TNA, and if their going to compete with TNA ECW is going to need more than extreme and hardcore to compete with them.
Vince only brang ECW back is to make more money cause he knows that everybody would of wanted to watch ECW. Vince should STOP STICKING HIS S#!T IN ECW, Leave it alone, and just let Paul Heyman and the rest of his crew make the magic. If Vince wants to make money thaty is how he should do it!

Vince doesn't care about ECW fans. He cares about the fact that there was still an ECW following and that other wrestling fans were curious. That's why all the "extreme rules" and beating people over the head with stuff that should be known. This show was not for us from the beginning. He took the ECW name which has come to mean something, and tried to use it to make more money. This is why I don't understand ECW fans complaining on wrestlezone. You know Vince, right? What would make you think he would do anything differently? Because you want it? I'm gonna enjoy seeing the old boys until this thing goes under or whatever. Even though I don't like the circumstances, it's still good to see guys that I haven't seen in a minute...like Roadkill and Balls.
apparantly wwe is phasing out "extreme rules" on ECW WZ reported it todaym, how crap is that? extreme is what ECW stands 4!!
Old news...read it other places on the net. We'll see what happens this Tuesday but I think the results from the house show last night speaks volumes on the change too.
I think the people who thought that vince was going to pay for everything and then let heyman do whatever he wanted were terribly naive. Vince owns the compny and at the end of that day that leaves him calling the shots, he's going to do whatever he thinks he needs to do to make a few bucks. ECW was brought out because the name had some currency, and his goal was basically to cash in on the fact that it was considered trendy among wrestling fans and to seek to establish a third brand which could pull in viewers from Raw and Smackdown.

ECW is basically "extreme Smackdown" when you come right down to it. Its like Lime diet Coke, a variation on a theme. Be that as it may we're stilling getting to see more of RVD, Sabu and some of the other talents that made ECW great. I've also enjoyed Angle's return to a more technical style of wrestling. A third program offers the opporunity to turn the spot light on some different guys. Hopefully even if at the end of the day its not "old ECW" its still not a bad wrestling show to watch.
I don't believe this is true, I think it is a lie. It's just one of those fake rumors to try to get everybody mad. But if it is true, Vince McMahon is the dumbest billonaire in the planet. He is lucky he's even rich. I miss the WWF Attitude Era with the WWF/WCW fued and the violence, swearing, and more edgy angles in its attempt to compete with WCW in those days. But know Vince is trying to stick sports entertainment down our throat but forgets how to put on a great show every week not only in SmackDown! or ECW but in Raw to. I just can't wait for the day when TNA or another company runs the WWE out of buisness just because they ALWAYS make the WRONG decision
BretHartfan82 said:
The only reason ECW is back is because of Vince you should be thankful about that

Thankful? For what.....ruining the name ECW? No, I'd rather it never made a comback at all than have the BS I've been watching.
ECW isn't going to last much longer...as soon as the contract to SciFi is done, you can say bye to ECW altogether...what other TV station is going to take ECW and air the show? maybe USA, but i don't really think so...so ECW's time is just about up.
i'm not really sure but you got to think that they didn't sign a contract to last to long b/c of not knowing what type of ratings they would get or how many people would watch ECW
ECW style dropped??? I don't think it was ever used. Maybe at that terrific One Night Stand PPV. that's about it. Man, I just wonder what RVD, Dreamer, and Heyman all think of this. What a mistake. Vince thinks everything is an angle and can be corrected.
I too think this is only a rumour, but then again, it could be true and if it is, then Vince is officially the worst to ever have been involved with this great SPORT that is wrestling.
well sabu and RVD might of screwd themeselves and this was never ECW this was WWECW and it RASSLIN not wrestling Burger king was a RASSLER RVD jerry lynn, taz, chris benoit, masto tanaka yoshihiro tajri, even mike awesome they were WRESTLERS and to VINCE ecw is another RASSLIN show

RASSLIN a soap opera styleof wrestling normaly geared toward kid in a cartoonish manner

Wrestling, a Sport in which Two people face off attempting to get a pin or submission

WWECW: worst thing vince could of done to ECW fans
JasT said:
apparantly wwe is phasing out "extreme rules" on ECW WZ reported it todaym, how crap is that? extreme is what ECW stands 4!!

Yeah, Extreme is what they stand for, that doesn't mean it has to be in every match, the fans got bored and I ain't gonna accuse Vinnie of making a bad desision, he did what most other fed owners would've done. On the other hand it could've been that he screwed the ECW ratings in the first place with his changing heyman's bookings constantly, then I accuse him of being a lousy owner. We got alot of time to discuss so I am keeping my mouth shut until the show this week.
They're not going to use the no rules (I'm not using the WWE-coined term "Extreme Rules") style because most of the wrestlers that are getting pushes suck in the ring (Show, Knox, Fertig) and because they tape in front of an SD! audience - wouldn't wanna upset the soccer moms and their little kiddies, you know.

Let's just give up on ECW. Maybe Vinnie will think he can't make money on it and sell it back to Heyman. He's singlehandedly turning Extreme Championship Wrestling into Extreme Cupcake Wrestling.
Vince doesn't want ECW, he just wants a place to put some of his other wrestlers. He don't want Extreme. At least tonight it is going to be a just ECW crowd, in Philly no less BUT Vince is going to have a lot to do with it because of the whole RVD thing. Sabu will definately job tonight if he wrestles at all. Maybe make him job to Big Guido
gamehead said:
By C show does it mean it will be like Velicoty and Heat?

unfortunately yeah, i hope it isn't

for that put it on the internet, don't tease the fans by putting it on tv

Funny that Sci-fi is getting ratings at this hour, compared to how they were doing before
The ratings are still decent and apparantly they're going to get some tv coverage and Canada and likely in other countries now. The Scifi ratings have been good so I don't see why the show would be cancelled. This strikes me as nothing more than a rumor put forward by some people who are dissapointed in the content.
I still watch, its not going to be the same or even close. I want an alternative to RAW and Smackdown. I hope the product just gets better
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