ECW's Future In Jeopardy?

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First of all, it is common knowledge that RVD and Sabu like to smoke weed. THe "RVD 4:20" signs and T-shirts should have been Vince's first clue. Vince knew what he was dealing with when he chose to sign RVD and Sabu so I don't think it's fair to blame 2 of the biggest stars in ECW for it's failure. RVD and Sabu helped to carry that company on their shoulders not too many years ago. Secondly, is it not obvious that Test may overdose on steriods at any moment? How can RVD and Sabu be penalized for their drug use, yet Test continues to get pushed despite his drug use? So, blaming any of the wrestlers for the lack of success of the new "ECW" is idiotic and just doesn't make sense.
Here's what you and a lot of the RVD marks don't understand. RVD got caught red handled by the COPS. They weren't caught by WWE, they were caught by the police. It was their fault that they put themselves in that situation. Please don't try to accuse Test of steroids when you have no proof that he does or doesn't. The point is that RVD was caught and he this is one of the consequences for his actions. Stop trying to make excuses for the guy. RVD and Sabu broke the law simple as that.

Um....No. You don't understand!!! This was a crappy idea to begin with. This had no hope from the very start, LONG before RVD and Sabu got caught. Yes, they broke the law. Yeah, they got caught. Yeah, they put themselves and that brand in a bad situation. But Vince didn't have enough talent for a third brand. That's why there is only one stupid belt in that brand and even that is completely worthless. As for RVD, he already served his time. Triple H dealt for years that stupid night with him, HBK, Nash, Bigelow and Hall and the only reason he's still not having that over his head is because he married the boss' daughter. RVD and Sabu may have screwed up but there is no way that this is their fault. You wanna blame somebody, blame the Senial A-Hole that decided to make a third brand. 3rd brand, just as lame and boring as the other two. It'll be happy day for me when this fake ECW dies. And an even happier one when Vinny Mac himself kicks the bucket cause I'll be starting a conga line right on his grave.
You know, it's funny how some of you guys think this situation was so bad because the media got a hold of it. And RVD and Sabu deserve to be punished because it made the WWE look bad. Here's a question that one of you guys can answer for me: Did Steve Austin ever get punish for his runs in with the law when he beat up his wife? Now, in my opinion, beating up one's wife is a hell of alot worse than getting caught with a few joints (just my opinion). Did Steve Austin make the WWE look bad? Was he suspended and stripped of titles, etc.? It is obvious that we all are not going to agree on whether or not the punishment fits for RVD. I would be happy to keep going back and forth for days about this- and if you want to do that, just open a new thread.
The question here, is simply this: "Is ECW's future in jeopardy because of how much it sucks?". My point is that the new ECW sucks and the future is in jeopardy because of these 3 things: 1. the wrestlers McMahon chooses to put in his ECW are not a good fit for it, 2. the storylines are weak at best and never get played out, and 3. all the wrestlers are extremely limited to what moves they can use. And I can't find any connection between these 3 things and the fact that RVD and Sabu smoke pot.
Bingo. Steve-O beat up Debra's annoying ass and the WWE barely batted an eyelash at their golden boy because Vince feels he built that star from the ground up (even though it was actually Steve and Paul E.). It was quietly swept under the rug and a year or so later he was back at Wrestlemania fighting his last match against The Rock. I'd best ten dollars that it really, really pisses McMahon off that RVD has gotten and has stayed over with the fans since day one regardless of his interference at times, and even with the recent attempts to bury him. RVD is a prime representative of the old ECW and even though Rob gets busted for dope, he is still a fan favorite regardless. Vince can't understand (and never will) what made ECW special and what made it tick. He keeps trying to repair what isn't broken and the end result is a complete pile-of-$hit cluster#uck that stinks up the Sci-Fi Network. If Vince just grew a brain and let go of his ego for once, he could just work at elevating the talent that doesn't actually need a f**king marketing campaign to get over with the fans (Cena/Lashley/Batista anyone?). He keeps running uphill, when he should just be smart and coast down to the success at the bottom of it.
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