Okay, I feel like I am living in some alternate universe here. I can't even believe that anyone who knows anything about the history of ECW and the WWE could honestly say that RVD and Sabu's drug use is responsible for the ECW brand's problems. What really blows my mind is that someone really believes that Test is not on steroids. I suppose his boiling acne is simply a result of a late on-set of puberty....please!!! Vince McMahon and his corporate machine are responsible for everything that you see wrong with ECW every Tuesday night. Vince's brands sucked long before RVD and Sabu got arrested, so try a different excuse. If Vince is so concerned about his wrestlers and the image that they portray to "his" audience, then he should have known about their drug use long before they ever got arrested. This would have been discovered during a "wellness check". And if Vince says he tests every single one of his wrestlers for drug usage, then we know it must be true. He would never lie! And, I have a problem with any wrestler being repremanded for months for receiving a what amounts to a fine, when Vince puts a man on national television every week who is the poster child for steroid use. Vince's morality is a little unclear to me....he doesn't condone drug use, but steroids are okay. The "old ECW" was too violent and offensive for a broad audience, but everyone loves to see a ******ed guy named Eugene make an ass of himself on RAW. I mean, who doesn't like to see a ****** get beat up? That is great fun for kids and adults alike, and who really cares about handicapped people anyway? At least Eugene never smoked pot! Way to go Vince...you moral son of a bitch.