if the new ecw a work?

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nahbrah said:
I hope you're right. I would actually like it if that was the case, genius.

I went to a house show almost a week ago, and there was "We Want Hardcore!" chants and Dreamer responded "Oh, it's coming." Maybe further proof?

are you sure he wasn't talking about his match that night?
To those fans I say please be patient; the new ECW is a work in progress.

the new ecw is a work in progress

interesting words he used

and they should keep ecw in that arena each week instead of the smackdown tapings you could tell the difference last night the show just seem way better looking in that arena
1) Agree with taking ECW back to small faithful venues. The atmosphere makes even a mediocre show great.

Another thing I noticed that goes along with the "work" idea was the "kiss of death" Heyman planted on Dreamer before he served him up to Test. the commentators never referenced the "kiss of death" by name...they just acted surprised by it...I think this may symbolize that Heyman will take on the "out with the old,in with the new" heel owner charecter. If anyone is gonna kill ECW its going to be him to make way for his "new vision" of ECW. This would explain his treatment of Van Dam, Dreamer, and Sabu. Hopefully this whole thing ends up with ECW going back to all extreme rules matches, and minimizes the ogrefest main events.
realblackhart said:
are you sure he wasn't talking about his match that night?

Definatly wasn't talking about his match that night, because it wasn't hardcore at all. Who knows though, just a thought.

And I doubt anyone cares, but I actually like Big Show in ECW. He has been taking a beating, and handing them out as well. I would have loved to have seen him vs. Spyke.:twak:
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