ECW Regional Finals: The Big Show vs. The Undertaker

The Big Show vs. the Undertaker

  • The Big Show

  • The Undertaker

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The Big Show vs. The Undertaker

The Following match is the Regional Finals for the ECW. This match takes place in Orlando, Florida, at the Citrus Bowl. This match is conducted under basic wrestling rules with a four sided ring.
Well, the stipulations have carried Show, but its all over at this point. Undertaker is FAR superior to show in every category you can think of, and is a legendary figure, who has absolutely made a carreer out of slaying monsters. This will be no different at all. Show ends up with his arms folded over his chest, RIP.
Big Show SHOULD be a harder task for Taker than he will ger credit for. But the simple fact is, EVERYONE will feel that Taker is just too overwhelmingly good for Show, and the voting will be lopsided. Yes, stips carried Show and an Undertaker vs Jericho match would have been more intreguing.

For a long time, Taker was sent to the ring in feud after feud with men much larger than he is. Kamala to Giant Gonzalez to Yokozuna all in a year and a half. Taker built a career defeating the larger (above) and the larger than life (Hogan) and is still standing as a World Title Contender. You have to give the nod to the dead man.
Undertaker is, as has been said on many occasions, the anti-giant, as well as not being tiny himself. The Big Show relies on his size and weight, it's pretty much all he has, and it doesn't nearly effect The Undertaker as it has Show's others opponents. He'd put in a good fight, but ultimately would not be able to put The Undertaker down, and the opposite being very much the case.

Most one sided poll? Most probably.
I think it'll be a closer match than people give credit for because show is good enough to make it interesting and big enough to do damage when he has the chance.

however, undertaker has always found a way to overcome power, take abuse and still get up again.

Taker over show, but it'll look close
Like weve all said i think taker will win. he has speed in ring ability and that fan backing to shows power. Taker beat the man how many times in ONE night when heyman was named gm of smack down a while back. I think its just a matter of time before the deadman reigns supreme on wz.
Not to beat a dead horse, (or is it dead man in this case) but Taker will win this in a walk. Big show is great but aside from the time he chokeslammed taker through the ring, which was a great spot btw, what else has he ever done to him? Nothing that I can remember. Taker can't chokeslam or tombstone him, but the triangle choke or that dragon sleeper he used for like 3 weeks move him on to the next round.
The undertaker would make him tap around the 9 minute mark.
This match would be boring as hell, with maybe a few good spots ie
Chokeslam on the announce table.
Has Big Show ever beaten Taker anyway?

Show can't do anything that Taker can't. In fact if you compare the two Taker is miles better in ever aspect. Big Show has the size. But like IC25 said. He's built his whole career on beating people bigger than him. Fatter in Yokozuna, taller in Khali. People say Lance Hoyt is the biggest underdog in wrestling. Not true, it's Taker.
As stated, The Undertaker is pretty much the Giant Anti-Giant. Any giant, immovable sloth that has existed in the last 17 years in the WWE, has been destroyed by the Deadman (sans Vader, interesting).

The Big Show certainly isnt' as bad as Bundy, Gonzalez, Khali, Kamala, Berserker, etc.. etc.. That being said however, the Undertaker shoudl take this fairly easily. Outside of the Chokeslam from Hell on Raw back in 99, and the beat down he gave a worn down Undertaker after Hell in the Cell 2002, Show has had little success against the Deadman. The Undertaker handled him pretty easily all throughout 2002.

I see the deadman winning, and with one of his new lovely chokes.
This is the end for The Big Show, Undertaker has proven time and time again that he can kill giants, and Big Show is no exception. This will be a hard fought match, but in the end, Taker ultimately comes out the winner. The Big Show will lay a pretty big beating on Taker throughout the match, but that isn't enough to stop the Deadman, he will Chokeslam Show and put him in a Triangle Choke for the victory since his Tombstone and Last Ride is out of the question.
No way would Show go over Undertaker here. Undertaker is better than Show at everything wrestling is about, and is more popular for many reasons. I don't think Big Show owuld ever be able to beat Undertaker, regardless of the type of match, or character being played.

Undertaker seems to work really well with people like Big Show, and I think it would be a really good match. But at the same time, I don't think Show should be written off too early; he would get a few big hits in. However Taker would get him with a chokeslam. Probably going to be the most one sided match in the tournament.
Big Show is better than most people give him credit for. He can move a bit, he's monster strong, and he has a real personality. But the Undertaker has taken on EVERYBODY during his career, and I'm not sure he ever really lost a feud. Show might be able to pull this one out, but I think it will take 3 choke slams for Show to put Taker down, and I don't think he can do it. Taker wins by submission with either the triangle choke or his new choke.

I hate the Big Show. I truly do. When has this guy ever had a good match? I can think of maybe five mildly entertaining gimmick matches he's been involved in, but thats about it. Atleast he has more ability then the Great Khali though.

The Undertaker takes this one easily. Big Show never should have even made it this far IMO. He seems to pass through each time so far because of gimmick matche's in his advantage.

The results on this one won't even be close.

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