ECW Denver, Round 3, Match 2: #5. Andre the Giant vs. #12. The Big Show

Andre vs. the Big Show

  • Andre

  • Big Show

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couldn't draw
WTF? Andre was one of the biggest drawers in the business. Andre sold out arenas all over the world. Andre was one of the hottest draws in the business. His match with Hogan at Wrestlemania 3 still holds the record for largest attendance of a WWE show (I know the figure was greatly exaggerated, but this is a kayfabe tournament so the stat stays.) To say that Andre couldn't draw is completely ignorant.

Also, Big Show beat gigantism, and from what I know Andre never did.
Medicine and technology is better today than it was in the past. This stat of yours means absolutely nothing.

Fact is I see this as an extremely close match that could go either way. I went ahead and voted for Andre though, because he's the original.
Andre has MMA experience, which is more legit than anything Big Show has done. Remember, he failed as a boxer,

Shit, I've got MMA experience. I did kickboxing for years and I invented Jakey Ju Jit Su. It doesn't mean a thing. Can't say I've ever even seen Andre do an MMA style move. But I have seen Big Show utilize boxing skills.

and did all of that during what could have been his prime.

When he was grossly overweight?

Big Show is not a wrestler, while Andre is.


Andre is also bigger,

Promoters everywhere preserve the legendary status of Andre by saying Big Show is smaller. It's not as impressive when you're monster legend is actually the same size as The Undertaker.

Big Show can't chokeslam him, and that takes away anything he can do on offense.

If Big Show can and has choke slammed bigger I don't know how you can really say he can't do the same again.

Andre was a legend in a time when there weren't 15 championships in three US promotions to win.

There was only one when he won his WCW and first WWF Championship.

Andre carried HUGE events at Madison Square Garden,

On the undercard of a Bruno Sammartino headlined event.

and helped sell out Shea Stadium.

Helped, I'm sure Santino helps to shift a few tickets.

Show has been little more than an undercard.

Like Vader, kinda.

Andre in the late 1970's in both the US and Japan was an amazing performer.

Seriously though, I'm yet to see the evidence. I don't do research, I hate watching You Tube videos. But I've made a point of looking up Andre and I've never seen anything to suggest this.

He pushed men like Hogan and Inoki to their absolute limits.

A big guy should, they shouldn't be easy to beat.

He toured the world and drew fans from all over.

As an undercard, freak show performer with only limited appeal in that area.

Maybe huge size is a relative novelty today, but few peoplecould wrestle like Andre at that size.

Then, but this surely this match is taking place now.

Wight is a good SHW, I do like him,

He's wank.

Vote Big Show.

Didn't see that one coming.
I think most people are just kind of ignoring the extreme rules aspect of this. I'm not gonna say any more than that, because I'm not interested in this match enough to get involved in it. I just reckon the extreme rules will favour Big Show. S'all I'm saying.
WTF? Andre was one of the biggest drawers in the business. Andre sold out arenas all over the world. Andre was one of the hottest draws in the business. His match with Hogan at Wrestlemania 3 still holds the record for largest attendance of a WWE show (I know the figure was greatly exaggerated, but this is a kayfabe tournament so the stat stays.) To say that Andre couldn't draw is completely ignorant.

Medicine and technology is better today than it was in the past. This stat of yours means absolutely nothing.

Fact is I see this as an extremely close match that could go either way. I went ahead and voted for Andre though, because he's the original.

The jury's still out on Andre's ability to draw IMO. Wrestlemania 3 was all about Hogan BEATING Andre, than Andre himself. Please show my ignorance by listing the arenas which Andre sold out, other than WM3. Andre is a big meh for me, he looked awkward in the ring, probably because he was pissed and he couldn't talk on the mic at all. I'm not a Big Show fan by any means but he is just better.

I'm fully aware the gigantism comment means nothing, it was a joke.
I'm fully aware the gigantism comment means nothing, it was a joke.

Joke or not THE Madcap actually interjects an interesting complication as it pertains to the very nature of both these men and their resulting match. Acromegaly/Giantism gave both men their unique strengths; namely their towering size and the benefits that come with it. However the condition when left unchecked will destroy the very body it granted you before ultimately taking your life prematurely.
Wight was able to undergo procedures that halted the condition after it had given him his awesome size and all the accompanying benefits but long before it began to ravage his body. He got all the positives whilst largely side stepping the negatives. Show has size, strength, power, relative agility -compared to Andre-, and overall good health. Andre on the other hand, as it has often been said, was constantly in pain, chronically suffering from numerous health issues that severely limited his abilities both in and out of the ring. In fact, most of the negatives that people are mentioning about Andre -at least in terms of his physicality- are directly related to this very condition; therefore it is a factor. For this reason -and a few others- I had to give my vote to the man The Big Boss Man once memorably called A Big Nasty Bastard (and his momma even said so).
I'm going to vote for The Giant.

No, I'm not voting for The Big Show.

No, I'm not voting for Andre. I am voting for The Giant. I am voting for a version of The Giant that, in WCW, was pushed as greater than Hulk Hogan.

I think there should be something said for how a wrestler is pushed kayfabe wise in two different promotions. The Giant has been in two of the big promotions, and was pushed different ways in both promotions. For those that argue what Paul Wight's all time high was in terms of kayfabe power, I'm here to explain that the height of his kayfabe power was in WCW during late 1995- Summer 1996.

The Giant was pushed in a similar manner as The Great Khali, as he was pushed immediately to the main event, and went against the biggest face of the show/promotion, Hulk Hogan. For months, The Giant was pushed as greater than Hulk Hogan. In the span of eight months, The Giant defeated the following names, in no particular order. Mind you, these wins, for the most part were clean.

-Hulk Hogan
-"Macho Man" Randy Savage
-Ric Flair
-Lex Luger
-Scott Steiner
-Arn Anderson
-Chris Benoit
-Jim Duggan
-Jeff Jarrettt
-John Tenta (Sorry, I had to include this one)

I can't think of many people that have a resume that could span that amount in any eight month period in their entire career. He basically decimated every single face that WCW had to offer to him. I can't think of a wrestler that beat these caliber of wrestlers, especially in the first eight months of their career. Not Sting. Not The Undertaker. Not Ric Flair. Not even Hulk Hogan. And certainly not Andre the Giant.

Literally, he destroyed everybody that was placed in front of him. He beat everyone that WCW had to offer, and then some. He was treated as the equal, if not better than, Hulk Hogan in the kayfabe world.

Now then, when I say that there should be something said for how a wrestler is portrayed kayfabe wise, I forgot there's an exception. That man is Terry Bollea. No matter where this man goes, he is always portrayed, kayfabe wise, as the best in the promotion. The Giant was built as the one man in WCW during that time that was his equal. Hulk Hogan beat every one cleanly. Except for the Giant. The only time he could beat him was with with interference from Scott Hall and Kevin Nash.

A while back I made a comparison between The Giant and The Great Khali, but there is one noticeable difference between Khali and The Giant. Namely, The Giant could wrestle. He was extremely agile for a man his size. He could perform a drop kick, and could even jump off of the top rope. At point, I distinctly remember watching him perform a moonsault in one of his matches. Would you ever expect that out of a man that was 7'4", and weighed over four hundred pounds.

Who was stronger? Well, there's a reason I put John Tenta's name on the list of people he's defeated. In one of his matches, The Giant distinctly picked this man up over his head, and chokeslammed him. This wasn't a chokeslam in which Tenta got two or three feet into the air; it was a legitimate chokeslam. John Tenta weighed five hundred pounds at the time. When was the last time you've ever heard of someone chokeslamming five hundred pounds? Not the Undertaker. Not Kane. And again, certainly not Andre the Giant.

And fot those of you that will talk about how the opponent jumps for the chokeslam... Well, how's about a deadlift chokeslam? I can recall one particular incident in which Stevie Ray, a man easily weighing three hundred pounds, became scared of The Giant's chokeslam, and decided to sandbag the move. Unfortunately, The Giant would have none of that....


In short, the man deadlifted three hundred pounds. With one hand, basically. Do we really need to discuss this man's strength any more?

Not to mention this simple fact; at the point of Andre The Giant's kayfabe height, his back was such an issue. Yes, Andre was strong, but he also suffered through crippling injuries at this point in career. Andre may have been able to lift a two hundred and fifty pound man, perhaps even three hundred pounds. But there's simply no way his back would allow him to even attempt to lift four hundred and fifty pounds. A kayfabe strong andre the Giant simply doesn't include a physically strong Andre the Giant. Certainly not stronger than The Giant.

Weapons? Well, this kayfabe strong Giant survived a fall off of Cobo Hall in Detroit. He showed up later that night, prepared to wrestle his match with Hulk Hogan. Do you really think weapons are going to have that big an effect on him?

You want to talk groups? Yes, Andre had Heenan's Family. But The Giant had the dreaded Dungeon of Doom!!!!


Ok, in all seriousness, Heenan's family was, with the exception of Ric Rude, a grop of glorified jobbers. The Dungeon of Doom happened to be a group of glorified jobbers... With terrible gimmicks. But the Dungeon's group of glorified jobbers were more relevant than Heenan's. John Tenta goes over the mighty Hercules one hundred and one out of one hundred times. Even the Meng that was a member of the Dungeon of Doom was better than as Haku, member of the Heenan family.

Look, it's simple folks... The Giant, at kayfabe height, has every single advantage that would normally go to a kayfabe powerful Andre. The Giant, at his kayfabe height in WCW, was one of the most destructive forces in the history of pro wrestling. A kayfabe high version of Andre? A seven footer with a terrible back and no speed to avoid The Giant's hits.

Vote the Giant.... Paul Wight.

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