ECW Denver, Round 1, Match 6: #28 Bobby Lashley vs. #37 Gregory Helms

Bobby Lashley vs. Sugar Shane

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the ECW Region under extreme rules from Denver, Co.

#28. Bobby Lashley


#37 Gregory Helms
He looks like he's potty training.

I'm not sure on this one. Real ECW fans would eat Lashley alive. They got inside Cena's head and he's 10x the performer Lashley was. I could easily see the fans getting behind someone like Helms, as he seems like their kind of wrestler. I'm going with Helms to win off a roll up or somethign fast here as Lashley is overwhelmed by fans.
In kayfabe terms Lashley is an ECW champion, yes not the real ECW, but he still held the belt, winning it in an extreme elimination chamber. He has taken down the Big Show and Umaga among others, Helms will have no answer for his power.
The fans wouldn't play that big a role. Just because the fans hate you doesn't mean you can't still beat the living hell out of your opponent. Lashley is just as fast as Helms, he has an amateur wrestling background, he's ten times stronger than him, and he can take much more punishment. Shots with chairs and trashcans wouldn't affect Lashley much at all. All it'll take is a spear to put Helms down for the count.
God this match is puss oozing from an open staph infected wound.

I've already demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt why Lashley is crap. Utter garbage. A paper champion who didn't even last 2 years and didn't get over with anybody. He sucks, god awful.

But even I see him being able to go over Helms - who isn't anything special - in a match where pure physicality means so much. Helms is a good worker (and a very nice guy, I met him at a Fozzy concert) but he does not have the tools to go over Lashley. Which is a shame, because Lashey is a pile of blahhhh.

I need an option for neither. I hope it's 29-28 with 5 seconds left so I can vote for whomever has 28, tie it up, and knock them both out. But it won't happen.
Lashley. Too powerful and has too much wrestling experience and accomplishments to be bounced by some twig who hasn't done shit in the business besides funny promos with The Rock. lol @ the fans statement, I guess I totally forgot fans decide what happens in the ring.

Lashley, easy. Squash likes this...

The fans wouldn't play that big a role. Just because the fans hate you doesn't mean you can't still beat the living hell out of your opponent. Lashley is just as fast as Helms, he has an amateur wrestling background, he's ten times stronger than him, and he can take much more punishment. Shots with chairs and trashcans wouldn't affect Lashley much at all. All it'll take is a spear to put Helms down for the count.

Proving yet again, that you have never seen true ECW wrestling. You ever hear of Hat Guy? Many top guys have been beaten because they're too busy leaning over the guardrail trying to slap him, than focusing on their opponent.

I'm still going to go for Lashley, as I don't think Helms is smart enough to take advantage of the crowd. This is the same crowd that got Spike over Taz, and Whipwreck over just about anyone.
Bobby Lashley isn't the type of guy to go after the fans. He'd remain calm and stay focused. Remember, he was an amatuer wrestler. He's had entire crowds against him and still been able to concentrate and win the match.

You have to remember, that it wasn't the crowd winning those matches for the superstars. The matches are scripted. The crowd getting loud and rowdy just adds another element to the match. Whipwreck would have won those matches if the crowd was silent.
Helms would have a chance if he was against another cruiserweight as he was booked as being dominant over them, but here he really doesn't stand a chance.

Lashley would just steamroller him and pick up the win easily. Kind of like in the video, where they were both pretty much in their primes.
I think Helms is all right, and, if he were facing someone that wasn't as strong and fast as Lashley, I might give him a chance (given my bias for Cruiserweights). But, alas, Lashley is too much of a beast for Helms to beat.

Pick: Lashley
Lashley i believe is famous for wrestling against Umaga in a high profile match at Wrestlemania 23 match and winning. He also became ECW champion and US champion in his tenure. "Hurricane" Helms is famous from saying the words "Scorpion King" and tying it with "Small ding a ling" and being out with a neck injury for a year.

This is Lashleys adopted environs, ECW, and like an orphan being rejected by foster parents and returning to his old haunt, the orphanage, Lashley will return to ECW stronger and ready to defeat Gregory Helms.
Lashley i believe is famous for wrestling against Umaga in a high profile match at Wrestlemania 23 match and winning. He also became ECW champion and US champion in his tenure. "Hurricane" Helms is famous from saying the words "Scorpion King" and tying it with "Small ding a ling" and being out with a neck injury for a year.

As well as pinning the Rock.

Really Lashleys Mania 23match was dire, everyone knew he'd win, there was no way trump would shave his hair.

helms is a great worker, and it's one of the choices I am making going down to being entertaining. Helms is a hundred times more entertaining than Lashley, so for that reason...Helms.
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