Early memories of joining WZ

Bill Lesnar, Mozz sending Doc condoms and Doc vowing to pop his cherry. Seeing Doc's pic and believing him, Norman being the funniest motherfucker, Crock and Angel being dicks, then good dicks, The D-Man tutelage, IC Express, JGlass and Rattlesnake derailing IC Express.

What else?

Noah, good lord his parents and porn, Tenta's funny ass thread series, Big Nick Dudley winning the debate against jmt in the final, as nickb03 (ye bring that name back dude), jmt turning me to Freaks and Geeks and that Jason Segel Thread.

Me and Coco being friends, which he will vehemently deny now. Messing up facts when debating (big NO NO), making that thread that Coco used to infiltrate Psychoblack's polygamist intentions, Tasty's 'Are Soldiers Really Heroes?' thread, The Nexus attack hoopla on WZ, the D Bry firing, the Punk promo.

I'll get back,

Oh ye lwo being a very funny guy and Serious Jones Hey remember SERIOUS FUCKING JONES AND THE FUCKING KITTY GIFS!
Oh ye going through some of the old WZ Wrestler Tourney threads, gold fucking gold with this gem -

"Batista can't work and sell!"


Aaaaaaand despite all that he became a draw. He is the greatest wrestler ever."

I may have put in a few words.

Justin's crazy flatmate; what the fuck happened there?! X publicing Sid's homoerotic messages, Sid's obsession with Evan Bourne, watching Raw in his underpants, and fining Tenta hot, being scarred by all this after seeing Tenta's pic.

Tourney specials: Voting for Vader who evetually beat Austin after drinking IC's koolaid, Shawn beating Brock in a hardcore match, RVD beating Harley Race had some nice traffic for a while.

Oh and prolly the best, How Dagger won the election, iconic shit. That whole election was a hoot. I hope it's all archived together.
Ok, esoteric time. A small few will be able to decipher the ancient text im about to present.

I went looking for news on the new WWE game, and this site came up in the google search results.

I remember readily enjoying Jake's and Prax's posts. I understood the spam rules, and posted accordingly. I made a post in the spam section, the thread was then moved to a non spam section, and I was infracted by Jonny, the old admin. I PM'd him twice, explaining what had occured. He simply did not respond to me, so between that, and the fact I was traveling worldwide 3-5 days a week for work, while also dealing with my succubus ex gf, I didnt bother with the site for a long while(posting, anyway, I still read much of the time).

I slowly worked my way back in, doing a lot of banter with Will, a young IC25, Wes, and at times Jake and Sam. Probably my biggest "going over" moment was going into an argument with Shocky (whom at the time, was THE man, and one of the reasons we all show him so much respect even now, years after he was a regular poster) over Jeff Hardy getting a title shot. Also, Slyfox and myself were the two original defenders of the Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, and Andre The Giant against IWC fuckwits. Jake got into a tiff with Jonny, and told him he could easily pick a much better new mod team, my name beng one of the people he would select.

During this time, I suggested to the mod team we do LDs for other events, namely SD and sports. We only had them for RAW and WWE PPVs at the time. I shit you not. This was approved, and the LD section grew from there.

I shall call all of this, part one.
I keep hearing about this. What was the thread called?

It was a thread about that hot girl who was showing everyone her tits in PMs. Melichia.

Her room was a fucking mess in those pics, I remember that.

But, not only was she legitimately hot(depending on your taste, obviously), she...well, you know the kind of things everyone on here wishes a girl would do, but, is beyond out of the question? Well, it wasnt out of the question. She did them. I think she mentioned being a stripper in her real life. Sooo, uh....You can guess what her level of popularity was around here, and also directly contrasted to her contribution to the site n any other way ( I do not think she ever got over 100 non-spam posts)

Anywho, it was in her thread (she had one like the Jglass thread, the NorCal thread, etc)
She did not like ol' Sam. I think she thought I was making fun of her. The truth was, in fact, that I was a fan of breasts.
They really, really were. I would suggest all of you start from page 430, and then go forward. The creschendo of pathetic, desperation, smarmyness, and an admin fight.

Shit like this is why people say this forum isnt as fun anymore :lmao:
I'm not sure what it says about me that I don't remember any of that.


Other bloke said:
danielle promised topless pictures all round if sly is banned so they've planned a campaign to ban him.

pervs. lol

Me said:
She has!? Reckon anyone'll notice? I can get this done in roughly... ten seconds.

I'm guessing I was a mod.
Was that like the biggest meltdown or is there something else?

Oh, there are PLENTY others, it was every few months back in that age. Though that thread is pretty near the top of the list as far as vareity.

The pathetic desperation, white knighting, Slyfox's brilliance, an admin fight, people trying to be dramatic and make the thread about them, etc etc.
That thread got me out of the non-spam sections for the first time.

She sent one of those pics to Becca, who unfortunately deleted it.
honestly, this is about the most punk bitch thread ever. one of the admins should change the name to reflect it lol.

I guess "melichia tribute thread" is about enough though. She is a fucking human being. you dont need to pay "tribute" to her. for goodness sakes lol

My last post in the thread, about 5 posts before it got closed for real, and the admin fight started.
Jake got into a tiff with Jonny, and told him he could easily pick a much better new mod team, my name beng one of the people he would select.

Correction, Jonny got in a tiff with Jake.

What a great forum day that was. Not as good as the Benoit day, or that time Disco Inferno called me out, but still a lot of fun.
There was a thread which had Jake and Sam discussing the fact that someone (Melichia?) posted in red font. That was the first thread here that I read.
No, I posted in bold. You know, to stand out. Standard.

Jake suggested using red font to indicate sarcasm, which was just a terrific idea. Not sure if that's what Mr. Steacles is referring to though.
I think I said I'd added a new thing to the forum, like the YouTube/spoiler thingys where if you use sarcasm tags your posts turn to red. Something like that. It was a long time ago.
I think I said I'd added a new thing to the forum, like the YouTube/spoiler thingys where if you use sarcasm tags your posts turn to red. Something like that. It was a long time ago.

I remember that, but there's a good chance it was started before I showed up
I'm a little upset I wasn't mentioned in any of this. I've been here since 2007. I used to troll people. XFEAR being the best person to troll. Good ol' Eli Manning pass in the super bowl during the Pats undefeated season. :-)

I used to get into arguments with this guy Wes who I became cool with a little while later. Justin still hated my guts. Even though I think he secretly enjoyed it all.

I remember the E-Wedding ( sorry KB and Becca). That thing weirded me out.

Somewhere along the line I started interacting with Tdigle who basically helped me pass economics back in 2010. Forever thankful... started talking to Jeff or JMT who is a pretty cool dude and somewhere along the line Pete Rose's haircut came along. All good people. Spent many days and nights talking to them. All good people who not only helped me with forum crap, they helped me with real life stuff. I miss em all :'(.

Anyways somewhere along the lines I got into an altercation with this dude. Got banned. Put in Prison and was let out.

I remember the "rep gate" thing with TM who I honestly had no problem with. Don't know why it all happened like that. I remember accepting his friend request on Faceboo, forgot I had my phone number on there. When he got offered a mod spot he sent me a text, cost me about 12 bucks to send a few messages and read all of his.

I remember the SFAC...and basically I just ranted nonsense. Carry on.
I remember Game Rage and FromTheSouth having meltdowns at different points. Those were funny

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