Early memories of joining WZ

Psychoblack and the attempts to tell his real-life girlfriend about his claimed misadventures.
Got an infraction or warning or something my first day here for spamming. I had a yellow thing in my control panel and it eventually went away.

Found Slyfox to be incredibly annoying with his "I'm never wrong" attitude. But then I started respecting him because he actually used facts to back up his arguments where most people that debated or argued with him clearly didn't.

Had an argument about Nirvana that I believe was with Sly and other people. Someone has a quote from that thread in their sig as far as I know. I don't remember who though. I believe it was a quote from Sly and had something to do with being a Nazi atheist that believes in abortions for the young and old. Something along those lines anyway.

I also signed up for this site and then only made a few posts and got away from it for a while and then ended up coming back and posting nearly every day from that point on.
Followed the red links at the bottom of several wrestling news sites. I was actually looking for SmackDown vs Raw cheats or something. I then started hating Cena because everybody did.

That was seven and a half years ago, I've finished my GCSEs, A levels and BSc since then. Weird.
I can't remember you. Luthor Hall on the other hand, what a bloke!
I remember making a sig over the size limit and getting a warning on two separate occasions by Lee and KB, we had nice and reasoned discussions about it.

I also remember Lee asking me to join WZCW and that turned into an interesting experience to say the least.
I posted allot about women's wrestling, but most of my logic was pretty bad. Stopped caring about that crap in 2010ish. Although if I ever get the chance to redo the WZ Women's Tournament I'd do it allot differently.
I was on here as a guest for years before I joined. I think I tried to join in 2010 under a different name by my email fucked up and I didn't join. My first post was in some random thread and I said that I would talk shit about Cena & Miz and didn't care what anybody thought. Good times.
Infracted by Sam. Flame war with Wes and pre-mellow Justin because I thought Mr Kennedy was shit.

Around the time I was promoted to G-Mod, I decided I needed to do something big. With Wrestlemania 25 coming up, I figured I'd review every show in Wrestlemania history. The thread received rave reviews and won Thread of the Year. I decided to do it for all of the Big Four plus In Your House. I said why not do every PPV ever and Justin said there's no way I'd do it. This is the worst thing you can tell me, as I became obsessed with the idea and spent four years accomplishing it.

While I don't doubt either of these things happened, I don't remember either.
I actually read the full Rule Book and F.A.Q. before making my first post. So that's really something rare, I guess.
I remember laughing a lot at JKO. He poofed. I also laughed a lot at Sid's meltdown. The only thing I ever contributed to the forums really was getting wrestling themes for NorCal way back in the day, and contributing phat asses in my sigs, (which I got repped a lot for, and when I made one my sig recently, got infracted for because I didn't know that was frowned upon... <\3) I had an account on here, before. I just forgot the login shit.
Lurked around here since the 2007 Australian election because I needed somewhere to go that wasn't talking about Australian politics, got addicted to the funny conversations and never left.
Made an account in early 2009 because the ten posts per page thing was pissing me off and I figured it would be worth changing it to thirty per page instead. Thank fuck I never posted back then, being 14 at the time of joining I had my fair share of stupid still in me and I probably would've ended up in the prison out of pure stupidity. Fun fact: I used to think KB was a girl..

I (kinda) grew up a bit later and started posting properly in an AFL '12 thread which got me into Pippen's (I think that's the original name for him, his current title is Khalifa though I think.. Hasn't been on in ages though) fantasy league, but the guy decided to quit fantasy footy and the forums on me so I went back to lurking with an occasional post or two here and there... I haven't really done much here (yet.. Mwahahaha..) except for my WZCW All Stars character but I can recall a lot of the old hilarious threads and moments, they're blurry as hell but they're there :)
Lurked from January of 2008 up until that fall when I finally signed up. Got spamming infractions from both KB and NorCal which made me not want to post anymore, I ended up doing almost nothing beyond PPV predictions my first year here.

Then I remember asking Sidious (of all people) about what was considered spam or not. He then challenged me to become the John Cena of this forum. Sidious was very strange. I also recall getting to 1,000 posts from 90-ish in a month back in December of 2009. That was a bigger deal back then as only a couple dozen members had that many posts at the time.

Exchanged a lot of thread ideas with Mitch, back when he was HHHKing13. Befriended LSN and his Cigar Lounge Society group, I debated a lot and went on several non-spam posting sprees. That's about it up until the election.
I remember making a sig over the size limit and getting a warning on two separate occasions by Lee and KB, we had nice and reasoned discussions about it.

I also remember Lee asking me to join WZCW and that turned into an interesting experience to say the least.

If I remember I actually resized your sig for you.
I was completely confuckulated with WZCW. This is what I saw when I joined the fed:

There was this guy, who I came to know as Mrs. Dagger Dias's Baby Boy (who was not this mod who gave me a warning :p) who was RP'ing about this Ty Burna guy. Ty Burna was not this person's fed character. There was a poster in the fed called Ty Burna, except he was Krayzie Jackson or something. His character was not Ty Burna either.

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